Boooooooooo - ...kelly clarkson was good - Printable Version

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- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-05-2005

ashlee simpson really is the worst ever.

- GonzoStyle - 01-05-2005

I cant download stuff at work, what is it!!!

- TheGMANN - 01-05-2005

The end of Ashlees song....and the crowd booing the shit outta her.

- Mad - 01-05-2005

What a stupid no talent twat.

- Goatweed - 01-05-2005

you'd think she'd get the hint by now.

- Galt - 01-05-2005

I think the million albums sold, the popular TV show, and being asked to perform in front of millions on various TV shows might also give her some hints.

Edited By Galt on 1104943797

- Goatweed - 01-05-2005

I can't wait for the Ashlee/Jessica porno

- GonzoStyle - 01-05-2005

Galt Wrote:I think the million albums sold, the popular TV show, and being asked to perform in front of millions on various TV shows might also give her some hints.
Doesn't mean she's talented, a bunch of nitwits who watch MTV all day and get sucked into the reality shows and the makeover shows and the real life: I am a fuckin loser who watch real life all day, show. Fuckin William Hung or whatever his name is, he gets famous for being horrible atleast he'll admit he's horrible... I hope. Naturally you can't fault her if people buy into her shit, why not make the buck but don't pass yourself off as a talent.

- Goatweed - 01-05-2005

I know i've said it before, but it really is pathetic to see just how low the music industry has gotten. She's considered a "pop-star" - a fucking STAR! The fact that kids actually buy that & embrace it is even more pathetic.

- Keyser Soze - 01-05-2005

i think i actually fault her father. he seems like a real svengali and is trying to get another gravy train out of a daughter. it was obvious she had no business singing early on. nice enough girl, but no pipes.

- Galt - 01-05-2005

Well, whoever wrote/produced/arrainged her music has some talent, because I'd rather listen to an Ashlee Simpson CD over a Jessica Simpson one any day.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-05-2005

i think most people hate her because she was handed a career and has a minimal amount of talent.

and once she was proven to have this lack of talent, she has gone on a "i want to prove i can sing live on tv" tour, and has been horrific.

- The Jays - 01-06-2005

I remember one day, I was fliipping through the channels, and as I passed MTV, I stopped for a second and saw "The Ashlee Simpson Show" at the bottom of the screen, and as I watched, some big nosed girl was talking all about some dude named Ryan Cabrera, and how she loves him, and blah blah blah. Then they mentioned she was Jessica's sister. They shove this horsehit down young, pliable minds while real singers like Keyser Soze get fucked over!

- sblueman - 01-06-2005

The game totally sucked ass and this was by far the highlight of the night. Listening to the fans booing her after her horrible act was great!

Quote:<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Ashlee Simpson’s vocal malfunction</span>
Making viewers long for the days of Janet Jackson's breast

By Michael Ventre
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 5:53 p.m. ET Jan. 5, 2005

In this case, if Ashlee Simpson had flashed a breast, the FCC probably would have let it go.

After all, agencies of the federal government are there to protect the citizenry from any sort of injury or harm. Ashlee’s performance at halftime of Tuesday night’s Orange Bowl in Miami was about as close as a singer gets to committing aggravated assault. If she had only taken a lesson from Janet Jackson, the world would be talking today about the exposure of a boob rather than a fraud.

Much of the blame for this fiasco falls upon ABC, which hired this female Gilbert Gottfried to headline the halftime show for college football’s ultimate game, matching No. 1 USC against No. 2 Oklahoma. If the Sooners are despondent today after absorbing a 55-19 bludgeoning from the Trojans, they can take solace that each and every one of them could have taken the halftime stage dressed in drag and mooed like a cow and still induce fewer boos than Ashlee did Tuesday night.

First NBC invited Ashlee on “Saturday Night Live,” where she tried to fool the audience by lip-synching her way through a song, but failed. Now ABC. Don’t these networks have a Standards and Practices office anymore? Don’t they care about the welfare of our children? Don’t these network executives realize that a performance like Ashlee’s could produce imitators? Are they unconcerned about copycat Ashlees?

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Slack-jawed awe</span>
I watched the Orange Bowl Tuesday night, like millions of other Americans. The first half was all USC. When halftime arrived, I sat at the kitchen table, watching the TV from a room away. Because of the distance, the sound seemed lower than it was if I was right there in front of the screen. I started to enjoy a fine meal. I felt safe and secure.

When Ashlee came on and began to perform, though, I literally dropped my fork. Then I cupped my hands over my ears, but it didn’t help. Ashlee’s singing sounded like a cross between a political prisoner being tortured and a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

I desperately searched for the remote so I could hit the mute button, but I must have misplaced it. But I also couldn’t believe that someone didn’t rush the stage and stop her. The local police. The FBI. Homeland security. Even an angry mob of vigilantes. Instead, they just let her keep going. I’ve never felt so helpless or vulnerable in my life.

I happened to look out the window and noticed that some of my neighbors were running down the street, their hands over their ears, screaming for help. I wanted to help them, I really did. Yet I was gripped by horror and disbelief. I was practically catatonic. For their sake — and for mine — all I could hope for was a swift end to the halftime show.

Shrieking like a hyena giving birth, she closed her “song” with something that approximates the phrase, “you make we wanna SCREAM!” And then she waited for applause.

Instead, she got boos, the kind of irate and vindictive boos that usually occur after a pro wrestler taunts a crowd. Through the cacophony, the gentle strains of “You suck!” could be heard. Ashlee was escorted off the stage and through a tunnel, and let’s just say the Indiana Pacers were received more warmly by Detroit fans when they walked toward the locker room after the brawl.

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Just go away now</span>
I consider myself a tolerant person. I accept the talented and talentless equally. I realize not everyone can sing like Sinatra or Streisand. Usually, I applaud the effort, even if the result is unsatisfactory. On the handful of occasions when I have been at a karaoke bar, I clap my hands supportively for each and every participant, regardless of how pitiful their attempts. That’s just the kind of guy I am.

But I believe there are limits, and Ashlee has crossed mine, and I believe, the world’s. She is using her status as the sister of Jessica Simpson in order to carve out a career for herself. How anyone can listen to Jessica, let alone Ashlee, borders on the stupefying. But I see stories on the news all the time about con artists who separate people from their life savings. I know there were scads of gullible viewers who tuned in to watch Geraldo Rivera open Al Capone’s vault. I realize that humans are flawed, and sometimes those flaws can have disastrous consequences.

What I hope and pray for now is that Ashlee will go away and leave the public alone. On behalf of the world community, I implore her to pursue another career. There are many avenues for a young woman of her abilities. Pig farmers need wranglers. The U.S. Forest Service has many outposts in remote areas of our nation’s parks, where one can make all the noise one wants and not be heard by another soul for miles. And if she’s determined to remain in the entertainment field, the horror genre in Hollywood could always use a good screamer.

But Ashlee must cease and desist her professional singing career immediately. The lip-synching angered many. The Orange Bowl debacle undoubtedly caused thousands to seek counseling. What does she want next? Is she setting up some sort of blackmail scheme: “Give me $10 million or I’ll keep singing”?

If that’s the case, I’m prepared to donate generously. I don’t think I’m alone.

© 2005 MSNBC Interactive

Edited By sblueman on 1104984543

- GonzoStyle - 01-06-2005

Quote:“Give me $10 million or I’ll keep singing”?

If that’s the case, I’m prepared to donate generously. I don’t think I’m alone.


- fbd - 01-06-2005

i liked this line better...
Quote:If the Sooners are despondent today after absorbing a 55-19 bludgeoning from the Trojans, they can take solace that each and every one of them could have taken the halftime stage dressed in drag and mooed like a cow and still induce fewer boos than Ashlee did Tuesday night.

- Hawt Baux - 01-06-2005

Quote:But I see stories on the news all the time about con artists who separate people from their life savings.

e.g. Joe Simpson

- Sir O - 01-07-2005

This is why Ashlee Simpson and other teeny boopers never die

Quote:Sometimes people get so depressed they kill themselves, and if Ashlee ever did that I would just DIE!!!

[Image: ashangel4kc4eo.gif]

- Mad - 01-07-2005

OMG, that's like so cool.

- Black Lazerus - 01-07-2005

Sir O Wrote:This is why Ashlee Simpson and other teeny boopers never die

Quote:Sometimes people get so depressed they kill themselves, and if Ashlee ever did that I would just DIE!!!

[Image: ashangel4kc4eo.gif]
if dig can take that board down and make ashley or one of those teen girls to kill themselves i will pledge him the greatest of all time.