04-20-2008, 07:13 AM
So, coincidentally, over the past few months, I've hung out with a bunch of faggots. A month ago two poofs from England came in town who were friends of friends, and I showed them around New York. they wanted to go to a cocksucker bar, and I was all "whatever, I don't care, I'll go". So I went. Long story short. It wasn't much of a deal. There was no public fornicating. No one tried to rape me. Boring, basically. But I hung out with the hellbound sodomizers the whole weekend.
Tonight, I went to birthday party to meet a girl a friend is trying to bang, and it happened that the girl was the only girl there. And she was with 12 homos. They were nice. Someone even came over and let me know that everyone was gay (and let all the flamers know that I was a normal guy who liked vagina) in case I was uncomfortable with their AIDS. We chatted and shot the shit.
But I'm a guy who is inordinately exicted to talk about things that everyone else shys away from in public: sex, religion, and politics.
For the benders, all I wanted to know was about gaydom. Now, I knew about "tops" and bottoms". But, the biggest bit of knowledge that I learned was that there are people who are "only" tops and "only" bottoms. Which to me is baffling. How can someone ONLY be a top? That's just not fair. If you are going to GIVE, you should also receive. It's kind of like oral between a guy and a girl, but even more close. At least guys can talk about how much a pussy stinks. Gays can't even use that excuse, since it's THE EXACT SAME THING.
Apparently, in match.com, or gaymatch.com or whatever they use, "top" or "bottom" is actually a standard question that is used, like "race" and "religion".
And if you are a fruit and you're at a bar, and you meet some other hot fruit, one of the first questions is "are you a top or a bottom", and if you happen to be a top, and the hot guy is another top, you just walk away since you can never be together.
Is this new news? I am completely baffled by this. How can you possible fuck someone else in the ass, and not say "fine, you can now fuck me in the ass." I don't think this subject was ever covered in Queer as Folk. I am enthralled by this whole situation.
Tonight, I went to birthday party to meet a girl a friend is trying to bang, and it happened that the girl was the only girl there. And she was with 12 homos. They were nice. Someone even came over and let me know that everyone was gay (and let all the flamers know that I was a normal guy who liked vagina) in case I was uncomfortable with their AIDS. We chatted and shot the shit.
But I'm a guy who is inordinately exicted to talk about things that everyone else shys away from in public: sex, religion, and politics.
For the benders, all I wanted to know was about gaydom. Now, I knew about "tops" and bottoms". But, the biggest bit of knowledge that I learned was that there are people who are "only" tops and "only" bottoms. Which to me is baffling. How can someone ONLY be a top? That's just not fair. If you are going to GIVE, you should also receive. It's kind of like oral between a guy and a girl, but even more close. At least guys can talk about how much a pussy stinks. Gays can't even use that excuse, since it's THE EXACT SAME THING.
Apparently, in match.com, or gaymatch.com or whatever they use, "top" or "bottom" is actually a standard question that is used, like "race" and "religion".
And if you are a fruit and you're at a bar, and you meet some other hot fruit, one of the first questions is "are you a top or a bottom", and if you happen to be a top, and the hot guy is another top, you just walk away since you can never be together.
Is this new news? I am completely baffled by this. How can you possible fuck someone else in the ass, and not say "fine, you can now fuck me in the ass." I don't think this subject was ever covered in Queer as Folk. I am enthralled by this whole situation.