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People interrupting during the show - Printable Version

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People interrupting during the show - brytn - 08-07-2008

I work with just a few people and usually just for a little while during the day. I find myself partially ignoring people when they are talking to me when the guys are doing a segment I want to hear. I know it is wrong and selfish but, I wish they'd just wait until the commercials to talk to me. Anyone feel the same way?

Also, it never fails that the phone should ring when they finally get to a story that Freebeer has been teasing all morning. When answering the phone I either have to: A)Compose myself to keep from laughing or, B)Compose myself to answer the phone pleasantly because I am pissed to be missing the segment.

People interrupting during the show - Howie Feltersnatch - 08-07-2008


Eff people!

People interrupting during the show - plungerhand - 08-07-2008

no talking (or working) when the show is on. Catch me on commercial or be ignored 'till 10:00

People interrupting during the show - potthole - 08-07-2008

I find that I ignore people talking to me, but not really by choice, it just sort of happens.

Occasionally somebody else in the office will call me to ask about something we're both working on, they listen to FBHW at their desk too, and there's this really strange echo-like effect over the phone, thanks to the two radios going at once.

People interrupting during the show - born2bone - 08-07-2008

this is the exact reason i got the podcast

People interrupting during the show - joesschwantz - 08-07-2008

The worst thing is when you are bothered while you are trying to call in to the show. I was on hold today (the 7th) during CWTTA and wanted to talk about Favre's situation. I talked to Joe and gave my name and hometown, but I had to hang up after a few minute because my jackass boss was headed my way. He's an a-hole and would have flipped. I was pissed since I have never gotten through before and the first time I do I have to hang up.