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what the hello is kaboobie - Printable Version

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what the hello is kaboobie - mancow - 06-18-2008

and how do we get people to stop saying it?

what the hello is kaboobie - gorf - 06-18-2008

Ewww, nice name...

Seriously though, they have gone over what Kaboobie means like a dozen times. It's just a greeting or salutation.

what the hello is kaboobie - toddlerfundler - 06-18-2008

It was a gag from the poorboy show where the PD would say Kaboobie if he felt the current conversation was getting dull.

what the hello is kaboobie - 82airborne - 06-19-2008

mancow you idiot! You remind me of some juvenile delinquint! Kaboobie is German for Whales Vagina