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$700 billion bailout - Printable Version

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$700 billion bailout - daredevil1 - 09-26-2008

Find your congressman's email at http://www.house.gov (enter your zip in the top left corner)

$700 billion bailout - potthole - 09-26-2008

I'm sort of torn about the bailout. Not sure if I agree with it or not. The one thing I do know, however, is that if it does happen, the CEO's of the companies that benefit sure as hell better not wind up getting some huge paycheck.

$700 billion bailout - providencecrow - 09-26-2008

I disagree with the bail out, like we need to borrow more money from China. That's an effing wonderful plan. This bailout puts us on the fast track to governmental bankruptcy

$700 billion bailout - daredevil1 - 09-26-2008

potthole Wrote:I'm sort of torn about the bailout. Not sure if I agree with it or not. The one thing I do know, however, is that if it does happen, the CEO's of the companies that benefit sure as hell better not wind up getting some huge paycheck.


$700 billion bailout - providencecrow - 09-27-2008

daredevil1 Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I'm sort of torn about the bailout. Not sure if I agree with it or not. The one thing I do know, however, is that if it does happen, the CEO's of the companies that benefit sure as hell better not wind up getting some huge paycheck.


There is that crazy Ron Paul again with his impeccable superior logic getting in the way of the government's not-well-thought-out plans.

$700 billion bailout - mikesmalltalk - 09-27-2008

Almost a year ago my family business almost went bankrupt b/c we had no money, Now the goverment is paying them 700 billion dollars to stay open. Wheres the justice?

$700 billion bailout - Queenie - 09-29-2008

The latest news:

Oil prices plunged over $10 a barrel Monday as a U.S. financial bailout plan failed to win legislative approval, increasing fears tat a prolonged economic downturn that could sharply curtail energy demand.

Story at 11 (because I'm too damn busy to play much today)

$700 billion bailout - burnking - 09-29-2008

Coverage of the story and how The Dow is bombing from different sources:


Fox News


CBS News

ABC News

$700 billion bailout - visigoth56 - 09-30-2008

Good thing they all voted no, huh? We only lost a trillion or so on the stockmarket..

$700 billion bailout - airhornahole - 09-30-2008

They are planning on a bounce back today.

I say let capitalism work it's magic. The American people are getting bent over either way, we are already taking it in the shorts in the market. Now the government wants our tax money to support banks that make crappy decisions. I say let them go out of business like every other crappy company. Someone else will buy their assets are a bargain bottom price and move forward. Why should we have to get effed twice for banks making bad decisions with our money. I know it's not that easy, but it should be.

$700 billion bailout - Biff - 09-30-2008

This is America where you have the right to the pursuit of happiness.......until someone stops paying their bills and the government forces money with a gun from those who pay their bills.

Ain't that America.......for you and me.

$700 billion bailout - Howie Feltersnatch - 09-30-2008

Admin Wrote:Ain't that America.......for you and me.

Somethin' to see....baby

$700 billion bailout - airhornahole - 09-30-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Ain't that America.......for you and me.

Somethin' to see....baby

You of anyone should have the little pink house taken care of.

$700 billion bailout - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-03-2008

You know....other GRD listeners may have caught this....I couldn't help but find irony in the guys talking about the bailout and then going to break...only to run a commercial of a company that allows you to get loans 'possibly for more than your house is worth' when banks turn you down.

$700 billion bailout - landmammaldolphin - 10-03-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:You know....other GRD listeners may have caught this....I couldn't help but find irony in the guys talking about the bailout and then going to break...only to run a commercial of a company that allows you to get loans 'possibly for more than your house is worth' when banks turn you down.

Yep, pretty ironic.

I personally feel that the market has been riding high on the backs of the corrupt companies like the one referenced by Howie and the banks that we are seeing go under. If we truly want a "free market" economy we have to let those companies fail as it's the only way that the market will cleanse itself of the poison so to speak. These companies and banks deserve to fail and should be allowed to IMO.

This is not only showing that the market and housing is over-inflated, we are already seeing the effects at the pump. Gas is down almost 50 cents in West Michigan and I am starting to hear about vehicle and other goods dropping in price due to the economic downturn.

This is simply the market correction that needs to take place to make sure our economy remains stable in the long run. It may sting right now but I feel it is necessary to let the markets correct themselves.

$700 billion bailout - Howie Feltersnatch - 10-03-2008

If car prices keep dropping I may be buying a new-used truck.

$700 billion bailout - providencecrow - 10-03-2008

landmammaldolphin Wrote:This is simply the market correction that needs to take place to make sure our economy remains stable in the long run. It may sting right now but I feel it is necessary to let the markets correct themselves.

Except for the fact that $700 billion was created, which means it's a ton more interest we owe to the Federal Reserve now. Isn't that great? Our congress no longer prints money so we can hire an independent banking firm to print money for us, then charge us interest to put it into circulation. Just what this country needs, even more debt, that will correct the market for sure. 8-)

$700 billion bailout - Mad Dog - 10-04-2008

Has anyone looked at their 401k's lately? I did and a chill ran up my spine. In July I had around $17,000 and in Septtember I had around 13,000. **barf**

$700 billion bailout - beckyp - 10-06-2008


wallstreet guys are great people.

$700 billion bailout - zanessweater - 10-10-2008

My hubby and I lost about 15k. For the record - we're both in our 20s, so it's not like we just had shit loads of wad in there either.

Mad Dog Wrote:Has anyone looked at their 401k's lately? I did and a chill ran up my spine. In July I had around $17,000 and in Septtember I had around 13,000. **barf**