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king or queen of the USA - Printable Version

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king or queen of the USA - uhohspagettio - 11-04-2008

If you were to be granted the title of King or Queen of the USA and you had absolute power, what is the first thing you would change.

I would make buying/owning a gun as difficult as getting a CDL license. Written tests, so many hours of training, etc. I am a firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms, but when our founding fathers drafted the Constitution there was nowhere near the crazies that we have today, no drug trade, etc. That and you had to go to a gunsmith anyway whereas today guns are mass produced and easier to acquire.

king or queen of the USA - fistor!@# - 11-04-2008

Mandate a flat tax and have a kegger on the White House front lawn while I take 12 hours to burn the tax code.

king or queen of the USA - airhornahole - 11-04-2008

wingospagettio Wrote:If you were to be granted the title of King or Queen of the USA and you had absolute power, what is the first thing you would change.

I would make buying/owning a gun as difficult as getting a CDL license. Written tests, so many hours of training, etc. I am a firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms, but when our founding fathers drafted the Constitution there was nowhere near the crazies that we have today, no drug trade, etc. That and you had to go to a gunsmith anyway whereas today guns are mass produced and easier to acquire.

All that would do is prevent law abiding citizens from getting a gun. It would not slow down, let alone deter the criminals. They are already getting their guns illegally.

king or queen of the USA - airhornahole - 11-04-2008

I would get rid of all the useless SOB's in Washington (along with their special interest groups) and bring in everyday average American's to run the country. We know what we want. They know what they need to do to make themselves more rich and powerful. After years of being given the "less of 2 evils" in every election, Washington is now just full of evils.

king or queen of the USA - Allyson - 11-04-2008

I would eradicate the rest of the world, sparing maybe some parts of Europe, and start over.

king or queen of the USA - providencecrow - 11-04-2008

Fistor Wrote:Mandate a flat tax and have a kegger on the White House front lawn while I take 12 hours to burn the tax code.

Throw in legalize pot and i will help make you king.

king or queen of the USA - jaydethespaz - 11-04-2008

providencecrow Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Mandate a flat tax and have a kegger on the White House front lawn while I take 12 hours to burn the tax code.

Throw in legalize pot and i will help make you king.

I second that motion, and make adoption free. People have to pay alot of money just to get a kid that they will love is stupid

king or queen of the USA - sunshyne - 11-04-2008

I second that motion, and make adoption free. People have to pay alot of money just to get a kid that they will love is stupid[/quote]

Amen to that! Kids need love, people want to adopt them, its a win win situation. I have a friend that is adopting a chinese kid and its going to cost $20,000.00. Undecided

king or queen of the USA - dasbow - 11-05-2008

wingospagettio Wrote:If you were to be granted the title of King or Queen of the USA and you had absolute power, what is the first thing you would change.

I would make buying/owning a gun as difficult as getting a CDL license. Written tests, so many hours of training, etc. I am a firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms, but when our founding fathers drafted the Constitution there was nowhere near the crazies that we have today, no drug trade, etc. That and you had to go to a gunsmith anyway whereas today guns are mass produced and easier to acquire.
I'd make it a crime for reporters to be biased, to "afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted". Their job is to tell us what happened, when it happened, and where it happened. Full stop. After all, when the Constitution was ratified there were no high speed presses, radio, telephone, internet, satellite.

king or queen of the USA - fistor!@# - 11-05-2008

I would also define lobbyism for what it is: bribery, and kick all lobbyists the Eff out of Washington. We'll see how much these people would want to govern when special interests aren't lining their pockets.

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-05-2008

Fistor Wrote:Mandate a flat tax and have a kegger on the White House front lawn while I take 12 hours to burn the tax code.

Change it to the Fair Tax, where you are taxed on what you buy, not what you make, and I'll help you light the fire. And bring my husband to make his special burgers.

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-05-2008

I would change our system to the Fair Tax, and use lobbyist as paintball targets.

king or queen of the USA - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

sunshyne Wrote:I second that motion, and make adoption free. People have to pay alot of money just to get a kid that they will love is stupid

Amen to that! Kids need love, people want to adopt them, its a win win situation. I have a friend that is adopting a chinese kid and its going to cost $20,000.00. Undecided[/quote]
This is the only reason my wife and I don't have kids yet. They need to change something!

king or queen of the USA - linzi - 12-06-2008

I've agreed with everyone so far...too many to quote....but I would have to do something about the welfare system. I understand need a hand up but not a hand out. We've got too many people completely living off of it...free housing, food stamps, Medicaid, and still spiting out 6,7,8 kids...if you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em. Just my opinion.

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-06-2008

Jiggy Wrote:
sunshyne Wrote:I second that motion, and make adoption free. People have to pay alot of money just to get a kid that they will love is stupid

Amen to that! Kids need love, people want to adopt them, its a win win situation. I have a friend that is adopting a chinese kid and its going to cost $20,000.00. Undecided
This is the only reason my wife and I don't have kids yet. They need to change something![/quote]

So what your saying is that orphaned kids should be given away like Christmas cookies to whom ever wants one, regardless of whether or not they actually have the means to take care of the child? While I agree that the current system is too expensive and not perfect, It's not broken. Kids are expensive whether you have them naturally or adopt them. I'm not sure what the hospital costs(pre insurance dollars) are for having a kid naturally are, but I feel the cost should be about the same for each.

king or queen of the USA - Queenie - 12-06-2008

I thought I was already granted the title of "Queen" . . . DAMMIT!

king or queen of the USA - -Jiggy- - 12-06-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
Jiggy Wrote:Amen to that! Kids need love, people want to adopt them, its a win win situation. I have a friend that is adopting a chinese kid and its going to cost $20,000.00. Undecided
This is the only reason my wife and I don't have kids yet. They need to change something!

Quote:So what your saying is that orphaned kids should be given away like Christmas cookies to whom ever wants one, regardless of whether or not they actually have the means to take care of the child? While I agree that the current system is too expensive and not perfect, It's not broken. Kids are expensive whether you have them naturally or adopt them. I'm not sure what the hospital costs(pre insurance dollars) are for having a kid naturally are, but I feel the cost should be about the same for each.
I though this was a hypothetical board....and on this hypothetical board we were all Kings and Queens. I think that makes me financially fit to be a parent....hypothetically.

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-06-2008

Jiggy Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:This is the only reason my wife and I don't have kids yet. They need to change something!

Quote:So what your saying is that orphaned kids should be given away like Christmas cookies to whom ever wants one, regardless of whether or not they actually have the means to take care of the child? While I agree that the current system is too expensive and not perfect, It's not broken. Kids are expensive whether you have them naturally or adopt them. I'm not sure what the hospital costs(pre insurance dollars) are for having a kid naturally are, but I feel the cost should be about the same for each.
I though this was a hypothetical board....and on this hypothetical board we were all Kings and Queens. I think that makes me financially fit to be a parent....hypothetically.

You know, hypothetically, your absolutely right!! So since I'm the King of the thread right now I declare " Free Porn for everyone!! "

king or queen of the USA - linzi - 12-06-2008

:-XWhere can I pick mine up? :-*

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-07-2008

your momma Wrote::-XWhere can I pick mine up? :-*

You could come to my castle and look at mine.

king or queen of the USA - -Jiggy- - 12-07-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
your momma Wrote::-XWhere can I pick mine up? :-*

You could come to my castle and look at mine.
Are you going to give us gas money?

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-07-2008

Jiggy Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:You could come to my castle and look at mine.
Are you going to give us gas money?

Hypothetically speaking, yes I will. Plus a free hypothetical tube of KY also.

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-07-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
Jiggy Wrote:Are you going to give us gas money?

Hypothetically speaking, yes I will. Plus a free hypothetical tube of KY also.

Is that the special KY or the old timer KY? You know they have so many flavors of it out now since the old days.

king or queen of the USA - plumpenut - 12-07-2008

Im gonna guess you could have whatever you wanted. and really how could you go wrong with any?

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-07-2008

plumpenut Wrote:Im gonna guess you could have whatever you wanted. and really how could you go wrong with any?

Just saying you have to have excitement and spice, not the boring same old same old.

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-07-2008

lokizilla Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Hypothetically speaking, yes I will. Plus a free hypothetical tube of KY also.

Is that the special KY or the old timer KY? You know they have so many flavors of it out now since the old days.

Flavors?? Crap I didn't know they had flavors!!

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-08-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:
lokizilla Wrote:Is that the special KY or the old timer KY? You know they have so many flavors of it out now since the old days.

Flavors?? Crap I didn't know they had flavors!!

Maybe you need to go check out the items at any stores area for sexual fun.....

Still want the Fair Tax...

king or queen of the USA - Mad Dog - 12-08-2008

lokizilla Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:Flavors?? Crap I didn't know they had flavors!!

Maybe you need to go check out the items at any stores area for sexual fun.....

Still want the Fair Tax...

I didn't know KY brand had flavors, I know about the stuff you get at adult book stores.

king or queen of the USA - cuppie - 12-08-2008

I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-08-2008

cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

Wow. You sound like someone I went to high school with.

king or queen of the USA - -Jiggy- - 12-09-2008

cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.
[drop]Of all the idiots In all the idiot villages In all the idiot worlds You stand out my friend[/drop]

king or queen of the USA - plungerhand - 12-09-2008

cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

AIDS thins the herd and controls population. A world without disease would starve itself because people are stupid...

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-09-2008

jus' P Wrote:
cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

AIDS thins the herd and controls population. A world without disease would starve itself because people are stupid...


king or queen of the USA - Howie Feltersnatch - 12-09-2008

jus' P Wrote:
cuppie Wrote:I would get rid of all handicap parking passes for people who are grossly obese. I would make them park in the back of the parking lots so they would have to walk as far as possible to get into stores. Also I would make everyone in the country get tested for AIDS then would take all of the AIDS infected people and move them into one region (preferably an island) until all forms of AIDS and HIV were eradicated from the country. That's the only way we're going to get rid of AIDS.

AIDS thins the herd and controls population. A world without disease would starve itself because people are stupid...

It's no longer survival of the fitest...it's survival of nearly everyone...

king or queen of the USA - lokizilla - 12-09-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:AIDS thins the herd and controls population. A world without disease would starve itself because people are stupid...

It's no longer survival of the fitest...it's survival of nearly everyone...

I wish it was harder for the ignorant to survive at times. Oh, the days that I have to listen to someone yell at me, that putting their phone in the washer shouldn't have broken their phone.