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A Pollock joke. - Printable Version

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A Pollock joke. - sinisterminister - 12-04-2008

There was this Pollock at a baseball game eatin popcorn and drinking his pop, when he hears someone call out HEY STEVE he gets up looks around and don't see nothing so he sits down, starts eating his popcorn and drinking his pop when he hears again HEY STEVE he gets up looks around shrugs and sits back down. starts eating his popcorn and drinking his pop and again he hears HEY STEVE he gets up looks around and yells MY NAME'S NOT STEVE.

A Pollock joke. - -Jiggy- - 12-04-2008


A Pollock joke. - imatoolhed - 12-04-2008

thats the joke i was gonna when i saw the topic

thanks for ruining it for me

A Pollock joke. - misterfive - 12-04-2008

How do you sink a Polish submarine?

Knock on the screen door.

A Pollock joke. - burnking - 12-05-2008

Mister Five Wrote:How do you sink a Polish submarine?

Knock on the screen door.

Why would you have to knock on the screen door?

A Pollock joke. - linzi - 12-05-2008

I thought the joke was:
Why did all the Polish submarines sink?

Because they put screen doors on them.

*ba da cha*

How did we figure out Mr. Five was a pollock? He effed up his own joke.

A Pollock joke. - Rock Monster - 12-05-2008

A Pollack walked into a bar and sat down at the bar, where a news report was on TV. On the news a man was on a ledge outside an upper floor of a building threatening to jump. The bartender, who'd seen the news report before said, "I'll bet you $50 he's going to jump." The Pollack took the bet and put down a $50 bill on the bar. Then the man on the ledge jumped to his death. The bartender picked up the $50 bill but then, realizing that he'd taken advantage of a poor, dumb Pollack, his conscience got the better of him and he said, "Look, I'm going to give you back your money. I have to confess that I saw that news report before." "That's O.K.," said the Pollack, "I saw it before too, but I didn't think he was gonna do it again!"

A Pollock joke. - Rock Monster - 12-05-2008

A Pollack walked in to a pizza place and ordered a pizza. The pizza man asked him, "Should I cut it into six pieces or eight?" And the Pollack answered, "Cut it into six; I couldn't eat eight."

A Pollock joke. - chlietoris63 - 12-05-2008

Polish Sausage

A guy walks into a store and tells the clerk, "I'd like some Polish sausage."

The clerk looks at him and says, "Are you Polish?"

The guy, clearly offended, says, "Well, yes I am. But let me ask you something." If I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? If I had asked for German bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? If I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish? If I had asked for a taco would you ask if I was Mexican? Would ya, huh? Would ya?"

The clerk says, "Well, no."

With deep self-righteous indignation, the guy says, "Well,all right then, why did you ask me if I'm Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage?"

The clerk replies, "Because this is Home Depot."

A Pollock joke. - sunshyne - 12-05-2008

that was a good one Chlietoris!

A Pollock joke. - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

Three captured coalition soldiers, American, British and Polish are about to be executed by the Iraqis and are given their choice of method.
The American soldier chooses firing squad - bang, he's dead.
The British soldier chooses hanging - long drop, he's dead.
The Polish soldier asks to be given an injection of the aids virus - they give him the shot and he begins laughing.
When they ask him why he is laughing he replies, "Ha! I am wearing a condom!"

A Pollock joke. - plumpenut - 12-05-2008

sinisterminister Wrote:There was this Pollock at a baseball game eatin popcorn and drinking his pop, when he hears someone call out HEY STEVE he gets up looks around and don't see nothing so he sits down, starts eating his popcorn and drinking his pop when he hears again HEY STEVE he gets up looks around shrugs and sits back down. starts eating his popcorn and drinking his pop and again he hears HEY STEVE he gets up looks around and yells MY NAME'S NOT STEVE.

Good to see someone outside of minnesota calling it pop and not soda!

A Pollock joke. - moobsminger - 12-05-2008

plumpenut Wrote:
sinisterminister Wrote:There was this Pollock at a baseball game eatin popcorn and drinking his pop...

Good to see someone outside of minnesota calling it pop and not soda!


A Pollock joke. - LimpBagel - 12-05-2008

The first joke was stupid but the rest made up for it.

A Pollock joke. - sinisterminister - 12-06-2008

As if.

A Pollock joke. - linzi - 12-06-2008

sinisterminister Wrote:As if.

1984 called....it wants it catchphrase back.

A Pollock joke. - khef - 12-06-2008

Why are Polish Women and Titan Banned for swimming in the water? They can't get the smell out of the fish.
#1 selling douche in Poland... Liquid Plummer.
#1 selling deodorant.... Raid

if a Polllock and a Puerto Rican mated, what would the kids name be? Retardo.

A Pollock joke. - schwartztimothym - 12-12-2008

kind of a lame one, but the best I got right now:

How many Pollocks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

5,001...1 to hold the lightbulb and 5,000 to spin the house.

A Pollock joke. - Queenie - 12-12-2008

A Polish, English, and French guy are running away from the German soldiers when they come up to a forest and they decide to hide by each climbing a tree.

When the Germans arrive, they go to the first tree where the English guy is, and shout, "We know you're up there; come down." The English guy, thinking fast, says, "Tweet, tweet, tweet..."

The Germans, thinking that it's a bird, move on to the next tree where the French guy is and once again shout, "We know you're up there; come down."

The French guy, thinking fast, says, "Hoot, Hoot, Hoot..." The Germans, thinking that it's an owl, move on to the next tree where the Polish guy is and once again shout, "We know you're up there; come down."

The Polish guy thinks for a while and then says, "Moo, moo, moo..."

A Pollock joke. - Queenie - 12-12-2008

A Pollock joke. - Queenie - 12-12-2008

Question: How do you stop a Polish army on horseback?

Answer: Turn off the carousel.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

A Pollock joke. - schwartztimothym - 12-24-2008

Two Poles emigrated to America. On their first day off the boat in New York City, they spied a hot dog vendor in the street. "Did you know they eat dogs in America?" one asked the other. "I did not know that." "Well, If we're going to live here, we might as well learn to eat like Americans." So they each bought a hot dog wrapped up in wax paper and sat down to eat them on a nearby park bench. One Pole looked inside his wax paper, then over at the other Pole and asked, "What part did you get?"