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1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Printable Version

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1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Mark the Valet - 01-24-2009


Why is this in the wheel of bad games, you ask?
You can zoom in on EVERYONE'S face.

Your task is to find the funniest/stupidest/weirdest faces in the crowd.

Here's a few that I've found so far:
[Image: 4132431512.jpg]
[Image: epicyawn.jpg]
[Image: face.jpg]
[Image: smile.jpg]


1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Philly Mike - 01-24-2009

Okay what the hell is this supposed to be?????

[Image: obamapic1.jpg]

well i may as well be the first to add this sad looking mug to the mix

[Image: obamapic2.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Mark the Valet - 01-24-2009

What is THAT?
[Image: wtf.jpg]

[Image: melting.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Philly Mike - 01-24-2009

okay seriously, there is something wrong with this picture, are you sure this isnt a game of find the weird shit in the pic?

[Image: obamapic3.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Biff - 01-24-2009

[Image: asleep.jpg]

Is he sleeping?

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Philly Mike - 01-24-2009

awww look at how happy they look. (you could almost smell the bitterness of loathing in her face.)

[Image: obamapic4.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Mark the Valet - 01-24-2009

[Image: AGH.jpg]

I've got a...SPLITTING headache!
[Image: OHGOD.jpg]

[Image: hat.jpg]
God, I could do this all day.

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Philly Mike - 01-24-2009

this looks like something for the create a caption

[Image: obamapic5.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - potthole - 01-24-2009

Got a couple in this one:
[Image: 3224325846_35a56e3433.jpg]

Somebody looks like they're enjoying themself:
[Image: 3223468333_9b446e651a_o.jpg]

Gary Busey?
[Image: 3224325918_3bd5880ca1_o.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Allyson - 01-24-2009

Breaking news: Polar bear escapes from Washington Zoo. At 11.
[Image: Untitled2.jpg]

This looks secure.
[Image: Untitled3.jpg]

Lady, just because he's black doesn't mean he's Barack Obama.
[Image: Untitled1.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - Mark the Valet - 01-25-2009

Wtf, is this a hat or his hair?!
[Image: afrohat.jpg]

They really beefed up security and put super ninja androids randomly in the crowds
[Image: android.jpg]

I have no words to describe this one...I take great joy in seeing others in pain though:
[Image: cry.jpg]

1474 megapixel pic of Obama's Inaguration - dingdongyo - 01-25-2009

[Image: 46997830ca8.jpg]

wrong way, dumbass