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Paintball Gauntlet in Funniest Internet Videos! - Printable Version

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Paintball Gauntlet in Funniest Internet Videos! - heywoodjablome - 03-05-2009

I found this website today that lists a bunch of really funny internet videos, and Joe's Paintball Gauntlet made number 19! The list also has a bunch of videos FB&HW have talked about.


Paintball Gauntlet in Funniest Internet Videos! - zdunklee - 03-05-2009

Man, I remember when this was just an idea in their heads. Joe used to be my neighbor and both my roommate and I played paintball in college for GVSU. He was messing around with one of our markers and asking us if it hurt that much...of course we lied and said it didn't hurt that bad, mainly because we wanted to see some idiot do exactly what ended up happening. That's actually my mask he has on in the video, took me forever to clean it up later that day.

Paintball Gauntlet in Funniest Internet Videos! - joebobway - 03-05-2009

A lot were on FBHW. Great list except that stupid Chalie bit my finger. Those kids need to be hung.

Paintball Gauntlet in Funniest Internet Videos! - moobsminger - 03-08-2009

I think paintball gauntlet was awesome, but I don't think it was [i]funny[\i]. That's why I don't understand why so many people consider it the greatest. I find it entertaining, but when I think "Joe Stunts," I think "funny," so for the greatest Joe Stunt, I would want to pick the funniest one.

Ah, nevermind. I don't care, but I've already typed it.