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SPUD: Want to get him fired? - Printable Version

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SPUD: Want to get him fired? - visigoth56 - 03-05-2009

Do you dislike spud?

Like REALLY dislike Spud? Want to see the guy lose his job?

If you really hate Rush Limbaugh wannabes, here's what you do.

Listen to his show, or at least the commercials.

Then, call those advertisers and inform them you will not be making purchases from their establishments as they have endorsed a political commentator you disagree with vehemently.

So, that's how you do it. Call up your local steak n shake, for example, and let them know that neither you, nor your friends, will be dining there for the foreseeable future. Or at least for as long as spud has a job.

Enough people do this, and Spud won't have a job.

There, that's how you get him fired. It's out there.

Now here comes the more important question.... SHOULD you do this?

I mean, we're talking about a man's livelihood here. Wtf? I doubt the guy'll turn into a homeless, but it's not like jobs are a dime a dozen out there.

So, if you feel very strongly about his political commentary, you have your avenue of response. Rather than smashing the radio, or fuming impotently... vote with your dollar.

But it might be prudent to contact the program director of WGRD first, and inform him of your intentions in an effort to get Spud to tone down, or eliminate his political commentary, rather than outright lob the a-bomb by phoning six different companies and refusing to shop there.

Just keep in mind this is a guys job on the line, so think it through.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - beckyp - 03-05-2009

i hate you, how do i get rid of you?

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - Rock Monster - 03-05-2009

Or you could just change the channel... Undecided

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - -Jiggy- - 03-05-2009

Jo Wrote:i hate you, how do i get rid of you?

I have never agreed with you more than I do right now.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - potthole - 03-05-2009


You might get some luck giving threats like that to a local business, but the national chains that get advertising bucks from corporate aren't going to think twice if you say you'll boycott.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - ethos - 03-05-2009

I hate the guy too, but clearly some people like him or GRD wouldn't keep him around. I'd be more worried about the people that like him than him.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - 0rz0ski - 03-05-2009

ethos Wrote:I hate the guy too, but clearly some people like him or GRD wouldn't keep him around. I'd be more worried about the people that like him than him.


SPUD: Want to get him fired? - ethos - 03-05-2009

0rz0ski Wrote:
ethos Wrote:I hate the guy too, but clearly some people like him or GRD wouldn't keep him around. I'd be more worried about the people that like him than him.


He spreads propaganda, generally people that buy into propaganda aren't the sharpest crayons in the box -- less of them would be better for the rest of us.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - Howie Feltersnatch - 03-05-2009

ethos Wrote:
0rz0ski Wrote:Wait...what?

He spreads propaganda, generally people that buy into propaganda aren't the sharpest crayons in the box -- less of them would be better for the rest of us.

there is truth hidden in his rants. granted they are more times than not buried below piles of BS but there is still truth there.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - 0rz0ski - 03-05-2009

Ohhh...sorry, I misread that.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - mayorofawesometown - 03-05-2009

I don't like Spud's show but why on Earth would you try to get him fired? Who is that much of a rat bastard that they'd go out of their way to try to get a radio guy fired just because he rants and raves?

Visigoth56 is officially a bigger douche than Spud.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - dolph - 03-05-2009

I love Spud. I disagree with almost everything, but I like that he's the opposite of most of the things I think. If you don't like it, change the channel.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - visigoth56 - 03-10-2009

Conservatives aren't big fans of "changing the channel".

In fact, Evangelical Christians are notorious for boycotting.

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - weinerpoopie - 03-16-2009

Spud is hilarious and harmless and considering that he plays oppisite to both Rush and Hannedy, it is actually kind of impressive that his show does as well as it has.

Boycotting Spud because his "views" are different than yours is really stupid. Normally if something is boycotted. there was a catalysis for it (ie the Don Imus hoes comment). So unless Spud where to say something equally as stupid, good luck with your 'Boycott".

SPUD: Want to get him fired? - mayorofawesometown - 03-17-2009

I don't listen to Spud because he doesn't entertain me. That's it. I don't want to hear ANY political commentaries in the afternoon when all I want is music. It doesn't really matter to me that he's clearly being over the top on purpose to generate viewership. It's sad but it works on others.

But really, if you're going to be active enough to boycott Spud then you're really just a thin-skinned nancy that needs to grow a pair.