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Divorce is Hillarious!! - Printable Version

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Divorce is Hillarious!! - Mad Dog - 06-03-2009

The Cosmo poll about the nagging wife's was the funniest bit they have done in a long time. And when they were busting on the divorced men... Oh my god, my gut hurt!! Maybe it was even funnier because I am divorced and can relate. :lol:

Re: Divorce is Hillarious!! - Torque - 06-06-2009

I'm glad those callers can laugh about it now. They sounded half off the deep end and cutting loose from being repressed.

Re: Divorce is Hillarious!! - Mad Dog - 06-07-2009

Laughing on the outside. Weeping on the inside. It takes sooo long to recover. To be totaly blunt, I couldn't even start to get over my divorce until I could laugh at my situation and myself and Freebeer and Hotwings unwittingly helped me do that.