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Podcasts for June 25-26 - Printable Version

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Podcasts for June 25-26 - theterribletwist - 06-26-2008

Have the podcasts been messed up the last two days or did my subscription expire? I am still able to download the last segment for each of the last two days but none of the other ones. Has anyone else experienced this?

I went ahead and renewed my subscription anyway but I hope it gets activated quickly. My fiancee is the new intern on the show and I want to be able to download everything that pertains to her on the show.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - desiree - 06-26-2008

I noticed that they were on iTunes very late in the day the past two days. However, when I was able to download them all of the segments were there.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - patfromportland - 06-26-2008

dont worry i dont think they have talked to her yet other than just mentioning that she was there. They also joked with Hot Wings and asked when he would start talking to her.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - theterribletwist - 06-26-2008

Yeah, I heard Free Beer mention that today. She won't be back there until next Wednesday.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - houseboat - 06-26-2008

Is she hot?

Podcasts for June 25-26 - theterribletwist - 06-26-2008

Of course I think she is hot. I think they will hit on her a fair amount over the course of time. I just keep wondering what nickname she'll get.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - piercedcoryxbox360 - 06-28-2008

i was havein trouble with my pod cast for a bit i had to delete it then reinstall it then everything worked great.
as far as missing bits i've had that and bits that were named different but were the same.
anyone else had this??

Podcasts for June 25-26 - almighty - 06-28-2008

I've had the same problem. I renewed a couple weeks ago, so I know that's not the problem. It just randomly stopped working, and I didn't get Thursday or Friday's shows.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - theterribletwist - 06-28-2008

I checked to see when I first started downloading the podcasts and sure enough, it was a little over a year ago so I think my subscription just expired. I purchased a renewel but I haven't got the activation email yet. I hope it comes by Wednesday!

Podcasts for June 25-26 - upperdeckercourt - 06-28-2008

desiree Wrote:I noticed that they were on iTunes very late in the day the past two days. However, when I was able to download them all of the segments were there.

They're on iTunes? How do I find them?

Podcasts for June 25-26 - donkeyteeth - 06-28-2008

Devilmaker Wrote:
desiree Wrote:I noticed that they were on iTunes very late in the day the past two days. However, when I was able to download them all of the segments were there.

They're on iTunes? How do I find them?
Go here: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=186576127

Podcasts for June 25-26 - upperdeckercourt - 06-28-2008

Sweet! Thanks.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - almighty - 06-29-2008

Wow, thanks. That seems like a weird loophole in the paid subscription deal, but then I have paid for one, so I don't feel bad. Missing a few days of the podcast sucked.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - speedbump - 06-29-2008

Mine has been working fine for a while now, I think Zane's got it under control. Which means mytown is due to change something and Eff it all up.

Podcasts for June 25-26 - doughboy - 07-21-2008

I have the same problem with June 25, 26, and 27. Too bad, but I guess I just don't get those days.......