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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Party After-thoughts

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Party After-thoughts
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:13 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
As I promised, it was an interesting night to say the least....

For those wondering, there were by my count 100 people present (give or take a few), including mods & guests and myself.

Where to begin...there's so many people I'd like to thank. I'd like to first off thank everybody that came, both new faces and old. Your continued support is always appreciated, I just hope we were able to reward your loyalty with a good show tonight. Special thanks to:

*Ant - Of course, what can't I say about the guy...words can't describe it...all I can say is thank you...and I hope that things were better when you're weren't stuck in a corner. You know where to find me whenever you need anything, though I will never be able to fully make good on all you've done for us in this lifetime.

*Bro Joe & Bill - Joe, I owe you big time, great fucking sets, absolutely the highlight of the night. Bill, those were a nasty 3 chords you day I will be able to fully repay the both of you.

*Lynch & Dinacola - I felt bad that you got dragged on stage, but hopefully you drank enough to make up for it. You are both more than welcome to fuck around here whenever you like, it was an honor and a privelege to have you join us.

*Nick Leidl - a late addition to the show, great and funny short set, I wish we could have given you more time.

*Big Kev - for escorting our special guests safely to and from the gathering. The legend...

*Raven - this was all your doing, without you this never would have gotten off the ground. You have more than my many thanks, another person I am greatly indebted to.

*Gonzostyle - bro, I'm sorry that you didn't get the time or the space you needed to really make the contests move. I know you put in more effort than you had to, and never got to reap the rewards, I'm sorry.

*Prize Donor - I won't give out your name, but you know that you have both mine & the board's most humble and gracious thank you's for all that you have given us both today and in the past. There is nobody more clutch than you.

*Corpse - My friend, you have redeemed yourself, enough said.

There's so many others I wish I could thank, I know I'm leaving big contributors out. Anyway I hope that everyone had a good time, was able to meet some new people and put a few faces with names. Whether like I continually said, you wish to forget tonight ever happened, or whether it will be ingrained as a fond memory, I hope you enjoyed youreself while you were in our company. Thank you.

~Matt/Froy from Jersey

Official Protector of Gay Marco & SwampJunk...if he ever decides to post.

This message was edited by Froy on 5-6-01 @ 4:51 AM
Mr. Brownstone
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:30 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Thank you Froy for starting it all in the first place.

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:31 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I would like to make an observation here, and it's one I think people should really think about...
Members and friends of the show we are all fans of did not just come out tonight, have a few beers, and leave...
They came out, had a few beers, probably had a few more beers.. socialized.. then went and turned our little board party into a full-fledged mini-roadshow..
I would like to thank everybody associated with the show who came out tonight for not just spending time with their fans... but for treating us like friends (or good acquaintences at the least lol)

Now if we could JUST figure out how to drag Opie out into our little world Froys' plan for world domination would be... errr, I'm not suppossed to mention that outside the mashroom am I??

NO! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"It's hard to garble nawdle zous,
With all these marbles in my mouth"

E-Mail Me
I hope people forgot that I went home with Sandy Kane one night
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:37 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Thank you Froy for starting it all in the first place.

I'll second that.. What we've got in this board unlike anything that many have ever known, and you were the man that started it.. Props to you Froy!

"Exams are over and I am happy! So, if i'm mean, it just means that you're an asshole!"

This message was edited by HummerLovin on 5-6-01 @ 4:40 AM
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I kinda said thank you in my post in another thread, but in this case I know its okay to say it again thank youto everyone...especially Froy who made this whole night possible. :)

All I've undergone
I will keep on
Underneath it all
We feel so small
The heavens fall
But still we crawl
All I've undergone
I will keep on

I hope people forgot that I went home with Sandy Kane one night
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 5:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
3, (THREE!!????) members logged in right now.. I guess that's my que to go to sleep... Good night Matt and Katya_ann (since you're the only other ones here)... Nice seeing you again Matt.. And Katya, if you ever make it out here again, your first beer is on me! :) Later kids....

"Exams are over and I am happy! So, if i'm mean, it just means that you're an asshole!"

This message was edited by HummerLovin on 5-6-01 @ 5:15 AM

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 5:43 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Holy Mother of God!

GonzoStyle and I just decided to go to sleep. (Stop laughing you Ass Monkeys, he's crashing at my place, nothing else, deeks)

Anyway, there are far too many people for me to communicate with in this simple post, but it was, as always, a trip to put faces to screen names. I had a great time, lol, and I KNOW that tonight was the best "official" Board party ever!

However, one person forgot to mention me in his thanks...what's up with that? LOL. Too bad it got cut so short. I thought that would have been a pretty good time!

Anyway, thanks to all that participated, enjoyed and reinforced my conviction that this Board is simply amazing!

Raven, GREAT JOB, I hope everything is cool with the bar.

Chef Corpse Boyardee is bringing the food, don't worry!

Rumor has it that I stole today. Come back tomorrow.

This message was edited by Buttmunch on 5-6-01 @ 11:40 AM
Kid Afrika
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 8:22 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
First of all I would like to thank god...(what that's what all black people say first when they give a speech)

But seriously, Froy, Raven, everyone involved, it was a killer party.

Buttmunch, I swear I wouldn't make it to these parties if it wasn't for you and your friend ;) , thank you again for letting me tag along with you.

I would also like to say thanks to those of you that I argue with on the board. I know sometimes arguments on the board get heated, but hopefully you all know that it's just on the board. It was great to meet some new faces, and see the old ones again. I don't know too many other scenarios where people from such different backgrounds could get together with such harmony. Froy, I've said it before, this is a great thing you have here.

Sean, call me when you get that block fixed on your phone. (NID? I didn't even know they had that.) LMMFYBAO

So many names it's hard to remember them all but... zootybang, hummerlovin, arthur dent, tankgrrl, GrkQT, king f-tard, teenslut, claire... it was great to finally meet all of you. To anybody I left out, you're insignificant. ;) j/k

The regulars, magus, corpse, tequila, dan, tricia, gooch (thanks again), gonzostyle, raven, slash (I know you were there somewhere, just didn't see you) it was great to see you all again.

And seriously, I apologize to anyone I left out. There were so many people, and the cokes were really getting to me. Hope everyone made it home safely, and can't wait for the next party.

What the FUCK are you looking at?

Don't shed a tear for me nigga I ain't happy here
I hope they bury me and send me to my rest
Headlines readin MURDERED TO DEATH, my last breath
Take a look picture a crook on his last stand
Motherfuckers don't understand, if I die tonight

posted on 05-06-2001 @ 9:22 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
WOW!! What a party.
It was great to see those folks I'd already met (you know who you are, esp. DrunkBoy, njstrawberry & Syko :)), and so much fun meeting the faces to match the names. Too many to list- but, Chuck, King f_tard, Kid Afrika, 1st Sgt Fil, Froy, FMMatt, JustJon, Tequila (& Mrs. Tequila), Lt. Boogaloo, TeenSlut, FukmeBoobs, Daisy (you cutie, you!) Sean Cold, Sephiroth (SIG KING!), FMJeff, Raven, oh God I give up, too many to list. I just want to thank you all for an amazing time. My most special thanks go out to ZootyBang, Mr. Brownstone, & of course the incomparable Mr. Stephen Lynch (my personal Evil God of choice). Everyone was OK Terrific, particularly Brother Joe & Cowbell Bill (major props to Bro Joe on his awesome guitar playing).
It was really wonderful, everybody, thanks again.

I Love You All!!(said Ozzy, and me...)

Graduate from the 'tallica school of newbies
Official sick person
The sky is blue
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 9:30 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Glad you guys had a good time, sorry I couldn't make it (Yesterday was actually my b-day...I'm 7 years old).

See My Sig Pics!

If you want to be adopted by me IM me at fezoanda and email me at [email protected]

Currently I've adopted usofar and ::Gulp::The Heap
Shelle Bink
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 10:03 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
big thank you to froy... awesome party... made my lousy day turn out great... went home with a smile on my face ((well i was a bit buzzed too))

and thanks froy for not getting pissed with the ass grabbing =) ((btw, it's a nice ass))

I can't adopt, but I'm not a newbie

"Did Anthony Get In A Fight With A Waffle Iron??"
Hey WNEWs GIRL - Big Chicken

Proud TEEN Who Enjoys The "Art" Of Mating

posted on 05-06-2001 @ 10:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
BRA FUCKING VO!! Great party. Froy you truely are King. My only regret is I was fighting a killer migrane and wasn't able to socialize much and didnt get a chance to introduce myself to many. Shelle and Amy were pleased to see that we could meet without them being molested (Shelle I'm still going to ravish you when your legal). Sean was able to confirm that I actually am one old f, and Buttmunch now knows I really do exist. Stalker Patti and Mendi, I don't want to even visualize the thoughts of what may have happened after you to left together. Mendi, you may have forever rooooned my fantasy of lesbians after you got up and joined the lesbian kiss.

Ant, brother Joe thank you so much. You guys went well beyond what I'm sure anyone of us may have expected. For those that didn't make it, they missed one hell of a show.

To all the mods, thanks for one memorable evening. When's the next party?

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

This message was edited by o&aswallow on 5-6-01 @ 10:44 AM
candy girl
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 11:32 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
I only met probably 1/4 of the room... but it was fun... thanks guys!!

Gonzo's candy girl...=) thanks to FN Moron for the sig pic
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 11:43 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
had fun -- glad to meet all of you -- drunk now so please forgive if i forget you -- Sean - GonzoS-- Buttm., Froy -- NJdude, Magus, JJ -- Tq --Any&skank, Shotgirl,FN moron, MPH, DB BRKJ, DMW, FM matt, FMFB, NJsteawberry,Tricia, gooch, kida, kee, Septh (told you she would be mine) {hehehe} and all the others that i have meet many times before. and my new friends FM Jeff, Shelle bink, teen slut, candy girl, tankgirl, and so many more that this drunk brain can't remember right now!!! Was a great time -- thanks to all

oh and one of the funniest things was druing the girls kiss -- when Mendi hit the stage and all the hotties ran away !!! lol that was funny

Big thanks to FN M -- great job with the music befroe and after Bro Joe and friends

MY adopted Newbie is :no one -- now looking to form a "Flock"

This message was edited by Raven on 5-6-01 @ 12:06 PM
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 12:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
You'd think that after a few hours of sleep and a handful of Advil, my thoughts of last night would be clearer...but I'm still stunned at what an awsome time last night was. I think someone said it before but it bears repeating, it was more of a roadshow than a board party.
I just wanted to thank Froy and company for throwing this whole thing together. You, my friend, you have a gift.
I would list everyone's name that I met, but I would be doing so many people an injustice by leaving them out. I have to say, hanging out and drinking with you guys (and you ladies too) helped make a shitty week end on a very good note.
If only every Cinco de Muni can be this good

This message was edited by Doc Smith on 5-6-01 @ 12:49 PM
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 12:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Alright, everyone else is doing it, so i might as well too. Here we go.

  • First off, thanks to Raven for pulling this off. Sorry we ran late, hope everything's cool. And yes, you are too old to be shopping at "Hot Topic".
  • Tequila, thanks for the ride. I've never seen anyone get from Yonkers to Jersey in 5 Minutes. Hopefully, I'll never have to again.
  • Buttmunch, thanks for reminding me that no matter what i accomplish in life, i will always be a Gook.
  • FoundryMusic Matt, great to hang out with you again. Too bad you peaked with the "Who's JD?" comment. Enjoy the photoshoppery.
  • Danilo/Skank, thanks for the CD. I wasnt too far off. I said you only had 6 beers.
  • BrokenJaw, thanks for letting me live another day. And no, i will not say "Be Funny" to Ant. Tool. lol
  • Doc Smith, step on my toe again and I'll fucking kill you, lol. Great hanging out with you dude.
  • DrunkBoy, it was good seeing you again. If i ever see you without a beer in your hand again, I'll disavow all knowledge of you.
  • TeenSlut, thanks for the blowjob (IM KIDDING). It was great seeing you again. You never cease to amaze me, especially after tonights debauchery. Im proud to have ever known you.
  • GonzoStyle, thanks for the blowjob. No seriously, i appreciate it.
  • JustJon, send those pics IMMEDIATLY!! Enjoy the tape.
  • Bigfoot, you are the biggest fucking moron i have ever met. Thanks for reminding me of this.
  • NJStrawberry, the few rare pics of you do you no justice. You are more beautiful than i thought. It was a pleasure meeting you (even though you still dont know who i am :))
  • Dan, i said something very funny to you, but you were drunk. Remember the phrase, and i'll give you $20.
  • King F-Tard, cool meeting you. Now you know why they call me "Sephiroth".
  • Amy, drinking as usual. Why am i not surprised? Nice to see you again.
  • Mr.Brownstone, thanks for starting the meanest mosh pit i ever saw. You're more hard-core than i ever imagined.
  • Windowlck, it was REAL cool talking to you. I need to know that Sargents name, i could use a job!
  • Chuck, you are doing the lord's work. Keep it up dude. And Sean Cold cant rule YOUR forum forever!!! lol
  • Magus, i demand a rematch!! The Black Materia reigns supreme!! None can withstand its power!! Great meeting you......faggot.
  • Froy, first you say "HI", THEN you demand their money!! LOL, I'm just surprised you remembered my name.
  • K1D Afrika, you are the most talkative person i have ever met. Kudos to you good sir, kudos.
  • Thanks to all the special guests who showed up. It wouldn't have been the same without you guys providing the entertainment.
  • And to everyone else, i hope you had as great a time as i did. Sorry if i didnt mention you by name, but i am REALLY tired.

and to everybody who was there...


"It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest,
It's no secret that ambition bites the nails of success,
Every artist is a coward, Every poet is a thief
They all kill their inspiration and sing about their grief."

Have any anime questions? Send me a E-mail or IM me at AIM: Hitokiri182
Even though it is still inder heavy construction,Visit My Website. Keep in mind it still looks like Shit.
I have adopted Harry Ballzanya, and KOATAS. When they screw up, report their newbie asses to me.

This message was edited by Sephiroth on 5-6-01 @ 12:05 PM
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 12:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
It sounds like the party was a huge success. Sorry I was unable to attend and meet all of you sick F's, but, my thoughts were with you.

Hopefully, someday soon I will have no prior plans and be able to attend an event. I spend enough time here, it is about time I meet some of you. :)

E-Mail Me

Sig pic courtesy of the recently resurrected CBH

I have GRADUATED FakeCeleb as of 5/04/01

I have adopted TooCute as of 4/28/01

WOW is here, please WOW this bully today!
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 1:16 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Good lord you people know how to throw a party! I woke up today seeing double. thanks for a great night and i'll see you all next time.

"I crush the rush. I rule you fool!" Phil Anselmo
Adopter & Mentor: Fez
Adopted Newbies: FaithfulListener , & 100 Grand
"Hey you, you live your life full throttle. Hey you, pas me down that bottle. yeah." Alice in Chains
If you would like me to make you a sig pic E-Mail Me . Make sure you tell me your post name and a simple idea.
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 1:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
my laundry list of names is in the other thread, i just wanted to reiterate my thanks to froy and all the people who helped throw this party together - by far the best of the few parties that i have been to

and also if anyone has any pictures please send them to me at [email protected]

"Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups"

My adopted mini-critic is Getinthecoffin

Anyone else looking to be adopted IM me at Jemo123
Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 1:35 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
OK after finaly waking up what can I say that hasnt been said about the best Board Party ever

To all the people that I have met at previous parties once again nice to see you guys.

To all the people that I met last night for the first time nice to meet you. Sorry if I cant remember your names but for those who bought me shots blame them.

Just wanted to say that the Mrs. & I had a great time last night. But to list a few names and forget people well I apologize now but anyway

Ant, MikeD., Brother Joe, Lynch - You guys rocked what else can I say but one more song

Roger - Did you have any problems with your shoes;)

Froy - once again thanks for making this all possible

Raven - thanks for the place to hang for the night

Sean - What else can I say you always live up to expectations

Buttmunch - My wife said I am no longer able to hang with you;)

Corpse - Thanks for the food it was great

Fagus - did you enjoy your Pink Squirrel

Gooch - where were you the whole night?

Slash - Do you remember the drink you spilled all over;)

Shotgirl - My wife enjoyed your company last night. Thanks for hanging out with her when I wasnt around.

Kid, Kee, Broke, Doc, CLS, FukMeBoobs, Amy, Skank, FMM, Sep, DW, Window, Brownstone, Gagootz who ever else I forgot I am sorry.

If your upset that I cant remember you well you once again I apologize.

Going back to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!


E-Mail Me

1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila floor

E-Mail Me

AOL - oanda1027fm

Proud Adoptor Of Sweet Little Sister
Always will bow down to the power of the Faceman!!!!
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 1:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Well I would just like to say thanks to Froy for another great time.

To all of you,Doc,Tequila,Scumbag I mean Corpse,Sean, Raven,NJDude,The Gooch,Crtics,Mr.Breeze,Slackjaw(thanks for the beer)and of course my Angel Amy,and to the rest I am forgeting, it was a blast once again.

FROY = puppy And Corpse = SCUMBAG
Proud adopter of Kwyjibo and SweetAngel
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 2:20 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Ah ::stretch yawn..wipes sleep out of eyes::

Good morning all!!
Great Party..Thank you Raven, Froy, Anthony, Bro.
Joe Corpse, Gonzostyle...and all who helped put
this together and make it a fun time


thank you again for letting me tag along
with you.

Thank you KlD for letting me tag along too..

Great seeing old..Tequlia & the Mrs. SeanCold
(great tat), Magus,JustJon,Jen, Hosp, Bigfoot
(some of you people scare me) Buttmunch, Shotgirl,
Skank, MPH, FN Moron, Brownstone, Dan,
NJDude...and so on

And great to meet some new crew..Chuck(the one
and only), Grkqt, Feelmyfunbags, Corinthia
(finally girls to talk to) UFD, Moosen(stop
laughing) Joey BigArms( Grkqt..stop laughing)
Mojo (my son) and you looked good last night

And thank you Gooch for that romantic walk
outside::wink wink::

It was a room full of great times..great tats..and
a lot of beer and flying underpants...

Sorry if i forgot anyone I am happy i kno my own

posted on 05-06-2001 @ 2:24 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
is everybody in? our journey is about to begin.

Let me get the fuck yous out of the way first.

FU to the waitress who gave me change for a 20 when i gave her a 50.

FU to me for trusting people with the change.

FU to no one telling me Cowbell Bill was there.

FU to tequila for forgetting me

FU to stephen lynch for cutting in my mic time where i couldn't have enough time to show off mycrazy mad mic skills.

FU to the bar for closing so early

FU cause the fun had to stop.

and also

GonzoStyle, thanks for the blowjob. No seriously, i appreciate it.

Hahahahaha seph let me think that one over, that is if i ban you for 24 hours or a week?



Ant, Joe, Lynch, Dino, Roger, Mendi, Kev and all of youse for helping make the night special.

Froy, Raven and the mystery man for getting this all together.

Sean & BM for being my best friends.

Magus, NJdude, Gooch my fellow mods and brethern always a pleasure. Magus we still got that thing with the guy.

thanks to all the beautiful women who competed in the boob contest shelle,fmfb,claire and especially daisy our winner.

thanks to Strawberry for all her help last night.

tequila you know what you did fucker and i thank you.

FN Moron - still got your cd's in my glove compartment deek, lol. Told you you'd forget mr. toasty.

Thanks corpse for this time actually bringing the food, and thanks for saying bye.

thanks to candy girl for her help also she knows what.

thanks to you know who for the blow job.

Special thanks Goes to FM Jeff who is the fuckin man. Now atleast i know if worse comes to worse i can kick his ass. Definetly not what i expected jeff like is Get in touch with me dick.

thanks to you know who for not giving me a blowjob, bitch.

and thanks ofcourse to the usual crowd you know who you are.

JJ, Tank, Afrika, Kee Kee, JJ's Sister..err i mean yeah, Joey Big fuckin arms, Moosen, and the rest of you fuckers.

It was my pleasure doing whatever i did, but i really did nothing big.

The people you should be thanking are
You for supporting what we all love.

I like the way you stay on attack
No matter what, I keep coming back
And how you try to hold me down
But you end up driven to the ground ...
And that you say you will pray for me
You realize you are prey for me

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 05-06-2001 @ 4:22 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Big thanks to the mods for putting it together!!! Froy, Raven, Corpse thanks for making me feel so welcome right away!!

Uncle Gonzo-for the limited mic time you had u entertained us all!! I got fuckin yam juice on me!! I still owe you that blow job!! Love you!!

CriticsLoveSnatch-thanks for dragging me to the party baby!! I had a great time and thanks for the beers!!

Drunkboy-You're a kid toucher!!

JoeyBigArms-ohhhh sexy!!!! I could feel those guns all night!

Joyce-Had fun comparing shoes and tooling on Jeff

FM suprised me big time!! You're so cute and a total sweetheart. Was not expecting that!

Mendi & Shelle-Ummmm....thanks for the kiss i guess...and deep throating shelle's suntan lotion bottles to the aroused crowd around us!! Critics is mine!!!

NJStrawberry-You are beautiful!! Thanks for introducing me around sweetie!! Sorry your belt broke!!

Amy-TWAT!! Good seeing you cunt!! I fuckin love you to death whore!

Skank-was a pleasure...had fun spending so much time with you..even tho u spilt my beer!!!

Flock of Moosen-Someone is a hottie!! The real joey big arms!!

Ant-Thanks for comming!! I'l see you on the 15th for my barely legal birthday party!!!

Big Kev-Great seeing you again!!! Thanks for taking me to buy ciggarettes!! See you soon!!

Lynch and Dinacola-Was great meeting both of you!! Lynch you are a god!!

To Everyone else: TeenSlut, Buttmunch, Shotgirl, Claire, Hummerlovin, Brokenjaw, FM Matt, FMFB, FukMeBoobs, Syko, SeanCold, Gooch, Brother Joe & Cowbell Bill-Great meeting you too!!!!! God and everyone else!!! Thank you!! I had a great time!! See you all soon!!

I Want Pics!! If Anyone Has Any Email Me Or Im Me [email protected]

The Snatch Critics Loves!!

*~*~Uncle Gonzo Is The Man!!*~*~

Lots Of Love to JustJon for the Sig Pic!!!!!

This message was edited by BabyNicole on 5-6-01 @ 5:56 PM
posted on 05-06-2001 @ 5:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
It is 5 o'clock or so in the evening and I just woke about an hour ago. What a night. Here is my list of thanks.

To Raven, Gonzo, Froy and everyone who was involved in making last night happen. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

To Ant, Joe, Mike and Lynch for great entertainment. Joe thanks for coming down to bar9 afterwards. Mike I am sorry I had no room in the car for you. Lynch I am sorry if the ride into the city was a little crazy. By the way Mr. L do you always jump into a car at 4:30 in the morning in NYC? LMAO

To my panther for always be so fucking kewl. "Hey honey let's go get some breakfast and bang" LMAO

To my girls Syko and Fukmeboobs for EVERYTHING and I fucking mean EVERYTHING. You girls so fucking rock. I love ya !!

To "Roger" for always be available for "Berry's Shot Time!" I swear if you would have grabbed me one more time I would have had you up the wall in a sexual manner. No f'ng doubt! LOL By the way, those pics were great!

To the new faces, the regulars I always hang with and to those whom I have met before but never had the chance to hang with very much...Thank you. Such as Syko, Fukmeboobs, Joyce, Moosen, Joey "FUCKING SMALL" Arms, Corpse, Froy, Tricia, Raven, Gonzo, Tequila and his beautiful wife Maria, Shot girl ( you get prettier every time I see you), Buttmunch, Seph (Yes I know who you are - I think - LMAO), Snatch (Your humor is as appealing as D.F.H. - Take that how you want it), Lovely "Roger", Magus, Baby Nicole (For hanging with us freaks..don't worry about the belt...lmao it always happens when I rush to take my pants off! LMAO), Sean Cold, Feel My Fun Bags, Claire and her Candle Wax boyfriend, Just Jon, Mr. Brownstone, FN Moron, and if I keep typing I will never stop. So if I missed you I am sorry.

To Tierney's (I think I spelled that right) thanks for giving out your joint to us. I am sorry you had to turn down all those Upper Montclair High Society sons of bitches for TRASH like us. Fuckers.

To Bar9 for continuing to making me realize that a trip into the city at 2 in the morning is always a good idea if you go to the right place. Thanks to Pony Boy ( my fav bartender) for perfect shots, rounds on the house and being such a doll. And always the lovely Ally for making me smile and all warm and tingly in all the right places. LMAO

Thanks again everyone. I loved it. It rocked. Now I need to go take three excedrin and eat something. Muuuuuuuuuuuuah!

WORD FROM THE WISE BI: "PEACH is good...PEACH is your friend...When you see PEACH...Do as I do...Don't just stare at it...EAT IT!"

XoXoXoXo - Place the kisses where you wish
I was bi when being bi wasn't kewl.

This message was edited by njstrawberry on 5-6-01 @ 6:27 PM

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