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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Speak Up

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King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-20-2001 @ 8:01 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Ok, after today's debacle, and based on my conversations with a few of you, it is obvious that some of you have problems with how I run the site, and would like to see some things changed.

I have never claimed to be perfect or to know all the answers, but I am always open to new and constructive ideas. So if you have something you would like to bring up, or discuss here with me or amongst your peers about the site, speak up.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 8:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, I think a constructive thing in BTS is that BTS issues stay here, and are not shared with regular posters. I have heard, again and again, from multiple people, of them knowing about things that happen back here.

I do think we should bring back mod-picking based on each Mod having a voice in this, coming to a consensus, even if the final choice is yours. I miss those, and think that mods should have voice and debate on who's next here.

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-20-2001 @ 8:42 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
That is not a problem. I don't have an designs to bring on another mod now, when I am considering modding someone, I will give you the heads up so you can give me your ideas & feedback.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-20-2001 @ 8:59 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
I've held back from saying this for a while now, but now that I've got your ear I guess I'll say it. To me, there are 2 different types of people on this board now, where before there was one. Back in what is being called "the heyday" of everyone came here to have fun and just blow off some steam. We were all one entity. I believe the word community was even applied to this place and it was true, then. But now I see it different. The 2 factions that are here now are people who go to the parties and people who dont go to the parties. Now its no secret to which crew I am a part of. But in my eyes there seems to be a division between the party goers and people who dont go. Its almost like some of the party-goers think that they are better than people who dont go, just because they go to parties. Now I'm not saying everyone who goes is like that. There are quite a few people who go to parties and are cool as hell but there are some who act like they are "too cool" because they go to the parties. It seems like right after a party, every single thread turns into either a post-party name-dropping, inside-joke-fest. Case in point, someone started a thread in ot about the hottest woman ever. One person makes a party comment about lgaia and all of a sudden, Blammo, its a party discussion. That is a reason why the people who dont go to parties may feel more detached from the people who go to the parties. We always tell people to keep a topic in one thread only, but these party discussions go on in almost every thread and people do notice that.

Sometimes it seems that people who go to the parties are given more leeway by other board members who go to parties as opposed to those who dont. They tend to get "stuck up for" more. Maybe because since they met at a party they have a deeper connection. I dont know, that idea seems logical to me. But if I was a regular poster(no comments slash) and I saw people like me being bashed for our comments and others not for equally stupid comment based solely on whether I went to a party or not, I would either avoid posting my opinions or avoid posting at all.

Now personally I could care less who goes to what party. Everyone is free to do what they want and if you guys have fun, more power to you. And I am being sincere here, it makes no difference to me whatsoever. Froy, its your board and you have kept this place afloat longer than anyone would have thought possible and longer than any sane person would have tried. You have taken something you loved and believed in, put it together and kept it going virtually by yourself. For doing that, you will have my utmost respect. You've treated me fairly in the past and I appreciate that. I also appreciate you giving me the nod as a mod about a year ago. I love this place and I might never leave. LOL But its no secret that things are going downhill. As I've said before, its up to all of us to stop that from happening. Its just a matter of how

Happy Holidays

I don't have a heart of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's other people a lot nicer coming up -- we call them losers.

The sky is blue
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 9:33 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Why don't we just let the board function as is? Sure we could move and lock every single thread out of place, but as I will point out it doesn't help.

Back in move delete and locktober of 2000, there were so many useless threads that people just ignored them, or at best they got a reply and died. Now, with the board being monitored within an inch of its life, people view the (not locked) pointless threads as an arena to start a new chat thread.

This causes OT to accumulate 4 or 5 'mini-chats' and 2 or 3 chats at a time. Most of these are formed from said problem. Perhaps if there weren't any of these 'chat room in a thread' threads, people might think a little more and start some intelligent and lively discussion.

And really, whats wrong with having 3 or 4 people start a useless thread a day? Eventually people will lose the 'O' they get from responding to them and let them die.

I'm not saying it will work, but perhaps trying a 'hands off' approach for a little while might not hurt.

Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-20-2001 @ 9:57 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
Face, yeah there is a division between the two groups, but that is one thing that I cannot prevent. Unfortunately it's impossible to tell people not to post about the parties in a particular thread or to bring up personal stuff.

But Fez has an interesting point, I am willing to let the useless threads go by. Moving them to the right forum should continue, but I don't see a problem with not deleting or locking them and seeing if they blossom or die on their own.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
FN Moron
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 12-20-2001 @ 11:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
OK, just a couple quick things...

First, get rid of the strike doesn't really work anyway. I'm all for giving somebody a warning if they fuck up, but that should be it. We shouldn't have to give them 3 chances to fuck up... one warning is more than enough...and if it's not, oh fucking well...

Secondly, Froy, I know it's been brought up to you before and you're dead set against having a homepage, but I really think it would help out with retarted newbie posts, which would in turn control some of the flaming of newbies. Put the FAQ on the front page (or at least a link to it) along with a brief synopsis of what each seperate board is about. This also might help control threads being started in forums they don't belong. Also, I think it would help if people were informed (or warned) that they might be flamed or bashed for posting stupid shit.

And my final thought (for now) is that here should definately be better communication between Mods in BTS. Especially with regard to banned members. Case in point, the Maveric/BrundleFly scenario. If a known problem poster is allowed back onto the site for whatever reason, I think that we should all be informed of it, even if their new identity is unknown.
Also, I think that I am the only one who actually uses FTL's little < ! > trick when changing's really not that difficult to type in a few more characters, is it?

Hoo Hoo... I Invented LYVING the virgingrrl!!!!

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-20-2001 @ 11:23 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
The strike system I am willing to work on. I know Slash isn't fond of it either. What are everyone else's feelings?

I am however not willing to put up an index page. I remember when you first mentioned it, Jeff mentioned it a long time ago too. I like the directness & simplicity of the site.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 12:03 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
There's one thing I'd really like to know.

Our on-air connection with the show has died. The mention of on the air is extremely rare, yet a year ago you'd hear it 10 times a day.

I didn't get to hear it myself, but I've heard that even when Ant talked about the Lady Di hijinks at our latest party, the name "" hardly came out at all, instead mostly just "the message board". That really doesn't tell people much. People need a URL to type when they get home. They don't want to search.

So why have we been all but abandoned?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 12:56 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I think that
A: HOW the board is run on a daily basis is NOT the problem
B: the membership has changed.. the "heyday" people refer to was when people would flood into the place to find out what was going on, generally being a tool.. in my old analogy of posting on this board being the same as swimming with sharks... all the little fish have been eating.. and sharks aren't cannibals unless they smell blood and frenzy.. we ate all the food and need to get more...
getting some on air mentions would help that... but I'm sure we can't just ask, that's not polite.. thus this board is alot MORE like what it was PRIOR to being mentioned on air.

C: and this is NOT meant as a negative statement.. just an observation with a possible explanation...
Matt.. you seem to be drawing alot of flak compared to the beginning of the year.. I think that stems from a change in your personal policy.. you used to make a blatant point of NOT getting involved in fights and leaving all the public management to the moderators.. as far as the members were concerned, you never brought the hammer down, you just posted. Lately you've gotten far more involved in the day to day maintenance, and thus, more people are kissing up to you and you are getting the sort of negative feedback that the moderators get... add to that that it IS your site, and it CAN appear as though you're attending to a personal agenda, plus you are obviously on good terms with people associated with the show, so some folks get jealous..
Note.. i do NOT personally feel this way.. I'm just demonstrating the thought process because I believe that that IS how some people think..

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"I'm gonna change my name to Pimp Daddy Payne!"
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-21-2001 @ 8:52 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Just one thing before I take off. I think the policing themselves with regards to stupid threads is a good idea. I also think the nicey-nice policy is an idea thats time has passed, like adoption. Things should return to the way they were before.

and on a side note, I know this will get back to him now, as it seems everything from bts gets to him eventually, but I dont give a shit. Ever since I made my "delete an account joke" in gs's jeff's B-D thread, Kid has been asking me to delete his account because it would drive Froy crazy and deprive him from banning kid himself. He also said he would, of course, make another name since, and I quote "my work here on isn't done". Take that for whatever you will

Happy Holidays

I don't have a heart of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's other people a lot nicer coming up -- we call them losers.

posted on 12-21-2001 @ 11:05 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Well I am off one day and all this happens, figures.

What I am personally sick and Tired of is people fuckin assuming shit, people like straw and psycho bitch namely. They think they fuckin know everythinga nd everyone here and their pompus and pretentious attitudes are making me sick.

Now I have not yet read the thread, but I got a few calls about it yesterday and pretty much got the jist of what is up. I am at work now and it's a bit crazy so I will read it later.

But I am sick of people who think they know me and people who talk shit to my friends and who then act like I won't find out and act nice to my face.

Now the big rumor and shit flying now is that I am a two-faced back stabber. Why? Well because I spoke to buttmunch at the party and because I got on stage with joey and froy when I talk shit about them all the time. And who is the person spreading all this?... Drum roll you guessed it psycho bitch and her newly acquired friend strawberry.

Makes me fuckin laugh when strawberry tried to salvage her friendship with me by selling out laurie (PB), she tells me how laurie weirds her out and how she is a tattle tale.

What I am really sick and tired of is fuckin people meddling in others business. I am tell you all this cause I know that psycho will never talk alot of shit ON the board, but she will in IM and in person like she did at the party on sat when she cried to go knows how many people. Now straws friendship with me is over she goes back to psycho bitch.

You know whatever man go ahead, I didn't want any of this. With straw we both agreed to keep it civil and off the board, we all bitch to our friends about others that is a granted but keep it off the board and don't over-dramatize it. The fact that I talked to buttmunch makes me two-faced? Hey what's between ron and I is between us I am trying to put past me old grudges it's bullshit. Like with Jeff last week, I am willing to move on. As far as with Joey well I was stupid enough to feel sorry for psycho bitch at one point and fuck me for that. I am done with wanting to help or care or wanting to know what goes on. Barring people I do like here already, people are too caught up with themselves here, people say I have an ego. Let them, if it makes them feel better go ahead.

All these people who come here and they are like adolescents who have just discovered masturbation and they think they are the first at everything. All this arguing for the board I have done, we have done. I am proud that I fought for this place when there was something to fight for. With people like slash, face, kingpin, tfec, jtk, howie, etc etc. We fuckin cared these people today most of them wanna get laid, be liked, etc.

But once again we are all different and we are all our own people. Go on and do it, do what you need or want to make it fun for you and fun for you to come here. Say I am an asshole or mean, I'll never argue with you. But don't try to call me on shit when you have no back up. I have never said anything behind someones back that I have not said or am willing to say to them.

I am gonna go after psycho bitch and strawberry not because I want to rip them, I am gonna do it in my own defense. I am just telling you all in advance, if we have a leak here go on and tell her if you must.

If any of you here has a question or concern with me or stuff you have heard that I supposibly said about you or anything. Please atleast extend me the courtesy of coming to me.

As far as the people back here, I don't really have a problem with anyone. Buttmunch and I aren't pals we are just putting shit behind us, or atleast I am and feel he is. That is all, if it is wrong of me to try to be civil then fuck it man. I am mean and I get flack, I try to put shit behind and I get flack. Fuck it I always have been who I am and always will be and I am who I am for better or worse. Am I popular? hell yes, not THE MOST popular but shit I been here for quite a long time and I try my best to entertain and have fun and hang with the people I like and that is it.

I have a problem with raven I will say that for sure. Moron I love, Magoo I love, Slashy ofcourse I love, Face is my man, froy and joey whatever we have we talked about, no one else back here do I really have a problem with.

When you boil it down I really don't have as many beefs with people as is said. Right now straw and PB are really the only ones.

As far as how the board is run well there are a few things, the voting on other mods which was bought up and there are some others. I have to agree with slash and face though i love the parties mostly I just love hanging with the few people I like, but it has fucked things up. But truthfully the parties alone are not to blame at the same time. People who are dicks and like to stir the pot will do it anyway, look at all the people who stir shit and have caused massive beefs and wars who have never come out. If it's not parties it will be IMs or e-mails or people will have their own parties. The whole nicey nice attitude has to go, it was tried and it didn't work. Most of all let the people post what they want, who cares man. It's all for them and all cause of them in the end. they wanna post news stories let them, to a point ofcourse. But less policing and just keep the flow of things going. I haven't deleted a topic in a while now. I move from forum to forum but rarely delete now, mostly lock. Anyway I been typing this for 2 hours now, and work is crazy. I'll try to post later on today or at home.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 12-21-01 @ 11:14 AM
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-21-2001 @ 11:08 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

I didn't get to hear it myself, but I've heard that even when Ant talked about the Lady Di hijinks at our latest party, the name "" hardly came out at all, instead mostly just "the message board". That really doesn't tell people much. People need a URL to type when they get home. They don't want to search

Actually when they were talking about the party, they gave out the address many times, both of them. So we're not totally forgotten.

Honestly I am not totally sure why the plugs have dried up, but Roger even noticed it. It sort of cycles itself, when GD is dried up, and there's little creative or interesting happening there, the show isn't going to plug us. And when we don't get plugs, GD only becomes more of a wasteland.

As for deleting accounts. I still don't want any deleted. I hate that.

Magus it could be that by being more visible I am creating a greater target for myself, but I am not so sure. No matter what, people will turn and point the finger at me, I really don't care. I'm not interested in people's accusations, only in this site's success.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 11:16 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I don't think Matt needs to keep a lower profile that is not the case. He should and can post as much as he wants but when it comes to board policy, I really think first off and before I say anything do not get all defensive I am not saying it's not being done just how I feel it should be done in total.

When it comes to major policy Matt should discuss it with us and ALL of us, granted people like raven who have forgotten the way back here need not apply. But also the implementation of it should not be done by Matt, in essence it should go back to how it was. Matt visibly posts more than he did a year ago and he has come out already so that's already spoken for. But we as the mods should implement his policy not him and then we can deal with the people who beef up about it. If any Mod here doesn't wanna deal with it when someone speaks up and tries to play hero IM me or e-mail me I will gladly do it. I know not all mods wanna get their hands dirty and hey man that is cool, I'll gladly do it. But matt as the board shit here he needs to be more impartial to things, he can not on the board take sides against things. The OT thread after opak banned afrika really hurt us as did the brundlefly thing. So basically stop trying to run every aspect here, let us inforce the policy and even then we shouldn't really have to enforce of bash just help move things along, secondly can the nicey nice thing it is not for everyone, more communication on policy and mods back here, and take it from there. It's great to come up with all these ideas but lets do some.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 1:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
That's EXACTLY what I was trying to say.. not "low profile" posting, but more along the lines of "low profile" managing.. make the decisions, have US enforce them

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"I'm gonna change my name to Pimp Daddy Payne!"
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-21-2001 @ 1:33 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
GS started the ball rolling so I guess I will continue too. I have a HUGE problem with Raven being a mod here BUT from what I heard posting more on and posting 1 or 2 token posts on here. If Raven isnt going to be a part of this board more often and would rather be on he should just be allowed to and give his spot to someone who is more deserving of it. Sorry if what I said offends anyone, but I had to get it off my chest once and for all.

As far as having a problem with anyone else in bts well I dont. There was a time when I disagreed strongly with something BM said and let him know about it, but I have to say that when 9/11 came around and BM wasnt around, I was concerned due to him proximity to the area. Now fuck me for not saying this to him in IM's but I'm glad he was ok. He's always been cool to me and I hope I've been the same to him. I consider the matter done as far as I'm concerned. Other than that I have no issue with anyone here. I consider VG, Slash, and GS among my bestest friends, even though VG talks bad about me with my gf, LOL. And Slash I wouldnt even let talk to my gf and the same for GS. No good can possibly come from that;) ME and gooch used to rib each other quite a bit. He's cool in my book. Joey I have never talked to actually. Fez is a dick;) fn is a moron, magnus is gay but they are all good mods and if they needed help I'd be there for them. FTL has go to be one of the best computer savvy people on this board and he was a great choice for the tech support forum because he seemingly knows EVERYTHING about computers. In closing, you guys are the best and I'll go to battle with you anytime:)

Happy Holidays

I don't have a heart of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's other people a lot nicer coming up -- we call them losers.

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:00 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
The Raven issue has been weighing on my mind for a while, but that's for me to deal with. I plan on making it very clear to him that he either makes his presence felt here or he will no longer be a mod.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
The sky is blue
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:06 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

In closing, you guys are the best and I'll go to battle with you anytime

Suck me now beautiful.

Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

ME and gooch used to rib each other quite a bit. He's cool in my book.

=) =) =)

Thanks Facey...always been raring to bring these back out...

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:16 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Hey gooch at least it doesnt say, "Gooch Wuz Here"

Happy Holidays

I don't have a heart of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's other people a lot nicer coming up -- we call them losers.

The sky is blue
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:20 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:32 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

"Gooch Wuz Here"

The light bulb sig was a crock, but I have to say the ben stein sig was the worst. What was on your fuckin mind then man, lol.

But I am not saying Matt needs to disappear, not at all. I am saying he shouldn't be made nor should he ever pick sides on the board. He's the owner and when we need a final word he should step in. But other than that, look this board practically can run itself. All we have to do is keep the gears oiled, move a topic to a proper forum, delete a duplicate topic or lock a topic that is out of control but if it is a high profile topic or a topic with a lot of replies the mod should discuss it back here.

The strike system should go I agree, that is why i took the strike away from k1d, how can he go around posting with 3 strikes anyway? Plus it makes us look weak the threat of strikes and strike 3 carries no weight without the threat of banishment behind it.

Lets start this thing slowly and see what we can add to it. But lets actually start it this time and lets come to an agreement on the rules and what we are gonna do and what froy thinks of all this?

I would also think now would be a good idea for that awards thing I was talking about a couple months back. A weekly thing with best post, best poster, worst post, etc etc and have the prize be like a custom color status whatever.

Get the board a bit more interactive see what they want. I mean I think we all know what they want but lets put some grease into it.

That's what we are in the end anyway, we are just the anal lube that keeps this big cock from drying it and not being able to continue it's movements.

mods = anal lube or

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 12-21-2001 @ 2:37 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I'll speak up tonight -- thought this was an explained problem -- but I can't get into it right now -- will be here late & and thanks for all the contact asking me any questions about what is up with me.

if need E-Mail Me
I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. Many perceive me as having no hope my victory will be an upset. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
Sean Cold
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 3:08 PM      
Registered: Dec. 01
fuck, I knew i made a wrong turn on the internet highway, with Raven posting, I thought this was

Fuck, now what do I do?

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-21-2001 @ 3:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Sean Cold
Posts: 1
Registered: Dec. 01

Fuck, I think my brain just exploded.

Hope this is for real, if so, welcome back man.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank

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Displaying 1-25 of 76 messages in this thread.