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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Lower the server cost!

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Displaying 1-25 of 27 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Lower the server cost!
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:04 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Okay, I don't know exactly how high it is, but I've realized an absolutely silly error that is driving our bandwidth (and with it, our costs) through the goddamn roof.

Click a post. Any post. Now right-click and View Source. As you scroll down, you see a block of HTML, a large empty space, and then more HTML (the meat of the post).

I'm gonna be blunt. That empty space costs us an unnecessary 23KB of bandwidth - FOR EVERY SINGLE PAGE VIEW.

This means that for a full page (example taken from Maynard's "Bride of the FUCK YOU") you cut a download of 100,118 bytes (97.7k) to 76,481 bytes (74.6k)!!!!!!

And it's worse for a partial page... example is Cunt-Twat's "merry x-mas, and a happy new year!" - 43,558 bytes (42.5k) turns into 19,924 bytes (19.4k)!!!

That's a waste of 23.1K for - remember - every single fucking page view.

Apply that, and (sorry for the bad pun) follow THIS logic:

Questions thread. Began 11/16, it is now 12/26. Not even a month and a half. 13079 views at the moment. Multiply that be 23.1k... that means the Questions thread has sucked up 302,124.9k.... THAT IS 302 MEGABYTES OF BLANK SPACE!!! FOR ONE THREAD!!!

Hey, I don't run the board, and I don't code the board. But I care about the board, and I know a major problem when I see it. This really shouldn't be a matter of "can it be fixed?" but "WHEN IN THE HELL CAN IT BE FIXED?!"....

Do whatever you want with this info, but if you want to lower server costs, here's your Public Enemy #1.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank

This message was edited by FollowThisLogic on 12-26-01 @ 2:33 AM
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:35 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Yes, Yes It's true...

For those whose heads are spinning (read vg LOL), this means that the bandwidth and server space is 33 1/3+% more than it needs to be, and the culprit is the blank space that is the equivalent of the blank space in Facey's Head.

It's up to the powers that be, but that is a 25+% off the server burden to this site.

Let's see if this goes over like status control now...

AIM: SmarterChild

Write To Me Here

I think it all started with the Declaration of Independence -- the idea that we had the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That pursuit is what took America from the revolution to the computer age in 200 years. But the progress has come at a price. The obvious being the people that were exploited to make it possible; the not so obvious being us, the first group of people that were given no obvious frontiers to conquer. We hear stories that about the good old days that don't seem to apply anymore. It's a generation gap that leaves us without role models. But the bright side is that without role models, there are no roles. Maybe that's what the 60s were all about -- getting rid of the roles. But what do we replace them with? Without any guidance, what do we replace them with? Without any guidance, the choices become overwhelming. Sometimes it just makes everything feel hopeless. So we destroy our bodies in the search of an ideal. Try to salvage relationships that don't work. We feel we must do something, instead of doing something that we feel. It is the prison of self-imposed momentum, and the sad part is that we get used to it. It reminds me of a song I heard the other day. It's called "The Going Nowhere Fast." But the people I have met here have shown me another side of Nowhere. They've pointed out the beautiful irony that stagnation makes it easy to stop and smell the roses, if we just let it. What would we be if we had nothing to rebel against? Well we could finally be ourselves, the first group of people who stopped looking for the answers long enough to appreciate the questions. And all we have to do is to make our own Declaration of Independence. We can embrace the right to life and liberty by simply realizing that happiness exists -- not to pursue, but to accept. After that the only challenge would be to make sure with the rest of our lives that we weren't just another fad. I don't know, it's an idea. What do you think?

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:42 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Slash, even more than that....

You save 25% on every FULL page, but look at the savings on something like Cunt-Twat's thread... that's 120% saved!!!

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:42 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Friggin' Braniacs making me feel stupid...

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"I'm gonna change my name to Pimp Daddy Payne!"
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:46 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00

FTL, what part of 25+ percent was I vague about, LMAO ;)

Ok, OK... Roughly 25% - 120%

Magus, for teaching me all those wonderful words during pillow talk, I will teach you some of this stuff. Deal?

AIM: SmarterChild

Write To Me Here

I think it all started with the Declaration of Independence -- the idea that we had the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That pursuit is what took America from the revolution to the computer age in 200 years. But the progress has come at a price. The obvious being the people that were exploited to make it possible; the not so obvious being us, the first group of people that were given no obvious frontiers to conquer. We hear stories that about the good old days that don't seem to apply anymore. It's a generation gap that leaves us without role models. But the bright side is that without role models, there are no roles. Maybe that's what the 60s were all about -- getting rid of the roles. But what do we replace them with? Without any guidance, what do we replace them with? Without any guidance, the choices become overwhelming. Sometimes it just makes everything feel hopeless. So we destroy our bodies in the search of an ideal. Try to salvage relationships that don't work. We feel we must do something, instead of doing something that we feel. It is the prison of self-imposed momentum, and the sad part is that we get used to it. It reminds me of a song I heard the other day. It's called "The Going Nowhere Fast." But the people I have met here have shown me another side of Nowhere. They've pointed out the beautiful irony that stagnation makes it easy to stop and smell the roses, if we just let it. What would we be if we had nothing to rebel against? Well we could finally be ourselves, the first group of people who stopped looking for the answers long enough to appreciate the questions. And all we have to do is to make our own Declaration of Independence. We can embrace the right to life and liberty by simply realizing that happiness exists -- not to pursue, but to accept. After that the only challenge would be to make sure with the rest of our lives that we weren't just another fad. I don't know, it's an idea. What do you think?

This message was edited by SLASH on 12-26-01 @ 4:41 AM

and i am apologizing now for the spelling errors, its 34 am and im drunk, so no time for spell check! Gotcha, SLASH i'll mmmm momo all i want! and you cant stop me!
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:47 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Friggin' Braniacs making me feel stupid...

at least they didn't mention you by name magNuTs..i don't get it :)

...You look like a perfect fit
for a grrl in need of a tourniquet
But can you save me
Come on and save me
If you could save me
From the ranks
of the freaks
who suspect
they could never love anyone...

FN Moron
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 5:31 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm just here to live up to my name & up my post count.... carry on with your brainfest...

Hoo Hoo... I Invented LYVING the virgingrrl!!!!

posted on 12-26-2001 @ 7:48 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
As long as we're making demands, can someone get me a coffee?

L33T LIEK JEFFK MOTHERBITCHES. I fucking hate everyone of you motherfuckers, so leave me the fuck alone and DIE. Jesus Christ, you fucking mongoloids disgust me. You're all living proof of why Abortions should be mandatory in some cases. We should Enslave the retards and use them to build our Utopia. After that, we'll just put a bullet in their mis-shapen skulls. Or throw them in ovens, whichever is cheaper.

Trust is a weakness, Betrayal is the hidden blade.
AIM | E-MAIL | 1337

FN Moron
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 7:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'll have Tea.... Sugar, no milk ....and a jelly donut... thanks...

Hoo Hoo... I Invented LYVING the virgingrrl!!!!

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 9:36 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
You know, if we dropped both Kid A and NJStraw, we'd be saving cash on wasted space as well. My estimates, about another 20%. Not to mention, by getting rid of Straw, we'd be eradicating about 80% of the rumor-mongering. A good 10% seems to have moved over to RFnet with Buck-Toothed Space Case. I'm taking bets as to when PB wears out her welcome there...I say by Feb.

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 1:50 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Magus, for teaching me all those wonderful words during pillow talk, I will teach you some of this stuff. Deal?

How about a menage and you can teach me as well slahy poo?


if we dropped both Kid A and NJStraw, we'd be saving cash on wasted space as well.

LMAO, see now that is teh funney!!!

As far as lowering the server cost hey I am all for it man, not that I can help cause I dunno what the fuck you are talking about, lol but I get the general idea.

I'll take a tea with honey and lemon though.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 1:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Thanks JustSlash... I think......

And did somebody say jelly donut??

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"I'm gonna change my name to Pimp Daddy Payne!"
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 2:01 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

did somebody say jelly donut??

I got a nice GonzoCreame Donut for ya.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

The sky is blue
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 3:12 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
I say we all type in smaller font and force members to wear women’s clothing.

Those who are already wearing women’s clothing will have to dress in panda costumes.

Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 3:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I say we all type in smaller font and force members to wear women’s clothing.

Those who are already wearing women’s clothing will have to dress in panda costumes.

Do I know you?

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 3:40 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I say we all type in smaller font and force members to wear women’s clothing.

Those who are already wearing women’s clothing will have to dress in panda costumes.

I used to like you man, what happened? You used to be a good kid, till you started hanging out with the bad crowd. Smoked a joint cause you didn't believe in the "gateway" drug bullshit. Then you find yourself in a gutter somewhere, wearing strange clothes two sizes too small. Missing your two front teeth and strange cheese doodle type stains on your eyes and blood on your shirt, which you haven't changed in 3 months time. Then they find you in a pond face down, bloated to three times your size and decomposing and we all will sit here and remember the good times though fezzy, how you used to be the good kid who could cut and paste.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

FN Moron
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 3:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Do I know you?
Gooch, who are you talking to?

Hoo Hoo... I Invented LYVING the virgingrrl!!!!

Sean Cold
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 4:18 PM      
Registered: Dec. 01
I rember one time when I was in band camp, I accidently smoked crack.

And seph, you are the newbie so take everyones order down and get to fuckin stepping.

FTL, very intresting, I think I can use that little nugget of info

This message was edited by Sean Cold on 12-26-01 @ 4:32 PM
The sky is blue
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 4:25 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

I used to like you man, what happened? You used to be a good kid, till you started hanging out with the bad crowd. Smoked a joint cause you didn't believe in the "gateway" drug bullshit. Then you find yourself in a gutter somewhere, wearing strange clothes two sizes too small. Missing your two front teeth and strange cheese doodle type stains on your eyes and blood on your shirt, which you haven't changed in 3 months time. Then they find you in a pond face down, bloated to three times your size and decomposing and we all will sit here and remember the good times though fezzy, how you used to be the good kid who could cut and paste.

Listen Kid A....oh wait. Nevermind :)

Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 4:57 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Listen Kid A....oh wait. Nevermind

Weak dude.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

Joey BigArms
I Need An Old Priest And A Young Priest
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 10:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

A good 10% seems to have moved over to RFnet with Buck-Toothed Space Case

I personally think her tooth took up 15% unnecessary room on the board.

I'm taking bets as to when PB wears out her welcome there...I say by Feb.

I will take that bet, I say March

force members to wear women’s clothing

I am wearing panties right now for you Fezy and the board is the same speed.; Like a retarded yoyo, you will keep coming back.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" Charles Dickens
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-26-2001 @ 11:10 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
(edit) This is going to make Joey's answer look bad when I edit this, but it was a typo on my part)

When the hell am I going to learn not to click on bts threads started by FTL? :)

I guess one person can make a difference but most of the time they probably shouldn't.

This message was edited by Faceman on 12-26-01 @ 11:27 PM
Joey BigArms
I Need An Old Priest And A Young Priest
posted on 12-26-2001 @ 11:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

When the hell am I going to learn now to click on bts threads started by FTL?

About the same amount I do when I read Kid’s threads.; Like a retarded yoyo, you will keep coming back.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" Charles Dickens

This message was edited by Joey BigArms on 12-26-01 @ 11:22 PM
The sky is blue
posted on 12-27-2001 @ 10:16 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Weak dude.

Ughhh you people are soooo 1 dimensional...


Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
posted on 12-28-2001 @ 11:17 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

A good 10% seems to have moved over to RFnet with Buck-Toothed Space Case

Bullshit man, from the start the core members to today. Look at who started in the 1st place Carter formerly Karkee of to jon and dan etc etc. 10% is understating it by a long shot.

Fezzy you somewhat redemed yourself with the old skool shizzle.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

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Displaying 1-25 of 27 messages in this thread.