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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What Has Transpired Today

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What Has Transpired Today
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 01-14-2002 @ 8:29 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
I know that perhaps my silence over the last few hours has been somewhat conspicuous. The truth is that I am in the middle of some serious personal issues and have really not had the time or the focus today to take hold of this situation. I won't lie, my mind is really very far off on matters that are much more pressing.

I have however read through the threads today and spoken to several people about their take on matters. I will not rehash the history, it seems that too many people are doing that as it is. I am not going to sit here and argue over Kid's banning, Seph's leaving, or any other members who have decided to take a walk. Life goes on.

Unfortunately today's events detracted from a very big moment in the lives of some of us who are working on the new Over the Limit site. That I regret, as it is has been a large work in progress for quite some time. But that's a separate issue altogether.

I want to say this much though. For those of you who are unhappy, feel free to walk. There's no reason to post that you're leaving. Just go, and if you decide to come back feel free. This is not a prison, you can come and go as you wish without having to punch a timeclock.

This site is changing. There are changes being made in policy and on the technical end. But change is slow, that I will admit. There are things that I am willing to work on, there are other things I am not so open to. But those are matters that the mods & I are discussing and putting into action as we see fit. To say that we are preserving the status quo is an insult to the hard work that FTL & Slash are putting into the new code, or to the many suggestions and ideas that have been made and discussed.

You can sit here and cry over what has happened and who has left, or you can be happy that this site still can be an outlet and a fountain for creativity, humor, and friendship. Stop judging by the past and look to the future. We're not going any place any time soon. This site has never been built on the back of one member, moderator, or admin. This site is built on the foundation of the whole, of everyone.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

Over The Limit
Unofficial Biggest Whore of
Reaver Strike Battalion
Rage Brother #1, Paladin of Hatred
Where's my snare? I have no snare in my headphones.
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 8:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Froy, you can comment on whatever the hell you want obviously. I don't think anyone is rioting saying, 'We deserve an explanation, Froy!' Some people might be a little lost, but all they had to do was read the post. As per all the shit that's happening with you.. godspeed. I have faith your life will get better if you just take care of yourself. Take it easy... kick back, relax, and vent a little bit about it. You don't have to do it on a public forum, but at least to a personal confidant or someone whom you care about. Hey, I felt a shitload better when I posted in the FU thread.

"Close your eyes girl... look inside them... let the sound take you away!" - Magic Carpet Ride, Steppenwolf
Electronic Mail? [email protected]

I am Psycho Mark Incarnate Gak Gak Gak, I love my Bink. FN Moron is my brother in weed, indeed.

This message was edited by Ree on 1-14-02 @ 8:49 PM
Cluster F
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 8:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Alright ive give my take on this. First off, to all those drama queens (Sep, Maynard, etc)...Get the Fuck out and stay the fuck out. I dont post much in Off Topic or General Discussion, but i sure as hell read the shit. Everyone talks about how the board is dying and how we should all jump ship. Well, the board is what each person makes of it. The people who talk trash about the board dying are the people who are leaving today, so to that i say GOOD RIDDANCE!! Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Too many politics go on around here, and to me, i see this day not as a bad one, but as a refreshing one, because now some of the negativity is leaving the board. The people that post their farewells only want attention and pity. I mean, why the fuck else would you post something like that. If i ever left a messageboard, i wouldnbt tell anyone about it, mainly because nobody should care that much that 1 person is leaving. We sure as hell dont need replacements for the departed, rather lets flush the negativity down the toilet for good, and move on.

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee - Baseball Objectives Completed :)

Go Knicks, Giants, Rangers, and Rutgers Men's Basketball

Long Live Psycho Bitch
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 9:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
Attention Whore Here:

I've wanted to leave, but can't. You people are a part of my lives, the ones I like and the ones that hate me. No matter what, I partied with you, I talked with you, I've cried to you, I've offered advice, everything I would do reguardless if I met you in real life or not.

Yes, this board has taken a lot out of me as well. The fight with a certain member caused me much... frustration. But the good outnumbers the bad. Yeah, I made awesome friends on here, and they know who they are. I've also made my enemies as well, which bothers me, but goes with the territory.

One of the last things I have to say is from what I read in this very thread:
"this site still can be an outlet and a fountain for creativity, humor, and friendship."
I disagree, because those very things are what we get banned for.

Who Wants To Teach Me To Ice Skate?Happily Graduated IrishAlkey's School Of Posting.
"Don't Cry Coz Its Over, Smile Coz It Happened"
"I dreamed of being with you, but eventually I had to awake, I'll dream that dream again someday, and you know I'll always be here... waiting for you"
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 01-14-2002 @ 9:30 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

I disagree, because those very things are what we get banned for.

If you actually believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

Over The Limit

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 9:36 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
What kind of pricetag are we talking about for that bridge?

I've been looking for one.

Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 9:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
i think it actually depends on what you really believe, oh benevolent monarch.

Who Wants To Teach Me To Ice Skate?Happily Graduated IrishAlkey's School Of Posting.
"Don't Cry Coz Its Over, Smile Coz It Happened"
"I dreamed of being with you, but eventually I had to awake, I'll dream that dream again someday, and you know I'll always be here... waiting for you"
One Chocolate Chip Cookie
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 12:01 AM      
Registered: Aug. 01

You people are a part of my lives

I couldn't agree more. I've made some wonderful friendships on this board, in real life, and even some I solely talk to online. Even if no one posted on the board for 2 days, I'd still go and look every time I was online. I'm addicted, lol. I just wish everyone could see it for a message board and not life. It will never matter to me how slow or boring the board may get.

posted on 01-15-2002 @ 12:47 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Speaking for myself, I enjoy coming to this board. Unfortunately, in recent months there has been a totalitarian-autocratic abuse of power by Moderators. People have been banned left and right over petty disagreements and regrettably, people have found themselves being forced to hold back from voicing their true opinions & criticisms for fear of being banned or getting a malicious status. The Board is not dying because of the members, there needs to be a reformation on Moderator Conduct.

AIM me

This message was edited by windowlck on 1-15-02 @ 12:49 AM
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 12:54 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01

I just wish everyone could see it for a message board and not life.

Words of wisdom RF, but if it were only that simple. Unfortunately some around here view it as a great deal more.

"Diamond dust, getting in my eyes!"
- Lion-O (Thundercats)
No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 1:08 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Unfortunately today's events detracted from a very big moment in the lives of some of us who are working on the new Over the Limit site.


only kidding. i for one think that people take what is said here, way too seriously, it's only a message board!! i have made soem really great friends from it, but i don'tcare for what they say on here. look, i know that the board has changed, but so what? nothing remains constant. suck it up and except it. i don't blame fory, or brother joe nights, or hanging out for board members b-days, like many have said in the past, for why the board went down hill. it just happened, it's not anyone or anything, shit happened. in the last 6months the board grew uncontrollably(sp?). morw peopleare here, and they take offense to things said more, it doesn't make them bad people, it's the way they are. there's no reason why anyone should stop tooling on them, and i think that's what happened, people gave up.

Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 1:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
i just simply come here to chill. my life doesn't reolve around this place. its been true that some people have always taken this board to the extreme.

those 5 may have left, but to me it isn't the end of the world. this board will remain fun and those who cry over a internet message board can leave if they wish. this board has been through some hellish times before, but that wont stop me from coming here to have fun.

besides the board needs "JustLent" at the board events to take pics:)

- AIM:roweLENTless2001

SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 1:47 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

People have been banned left and right over petty disagreements and regrettably, people have found themselves being forced to hold back from voicing their true opinions & criticisms for fear of being banned or getting a malicious status. The Board is not dying because of the members, there needs to be a reformation on Moderator Conduct.
I'm sorry...
I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing this...
The conduct of the moderators is for the administrators to worry about...
How the hell would you know if people were banned for "disagreements" with Mods?
People are allowed to voice their opinions here...
That's why I am rebutting your statement...
Because I can.
If you end up with ANY status...
Good or bad...
At least someone took notice of you...
Just have FUN...
There aren't THAT many rules here...
They are painfully easy to follow...
As for the people that left...
I will miss them...
But, they had to do what they had to do...
That's that.

It is written, I have spoken. So put this in your pipe, and smoke it.
Ooeeooahahtwingtwangwallawallabingbang, Ooeeooahahtwingtwangwallawallabingbang Ooeeooahah, B-I-N-G-O, Ooeeooahah, E-I-E-I-0.

I live... again.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:11 AM      
Registered: May. 01 tell 'em Steve-Dave!

I am the master of the clit.When you see this face you think clit. I get up in that shit yo!
Jon Benet Norton
GTA3 Criminal Activity Specialist
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:27 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Jesus I have been out of the loop way too long. Hey..... wait a minute...... I dont think I was ever in the loop. :(

Click here to check out my band
"The saddest thing in life is wasted talent" -Machiavelli-
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:28 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'll stand by my fellow mods and say there hasn't been a single person banned without VALID reason. These reasons may not always be explained in the open, for all members to see, but sometimes that's just the way it has to be. If a member has been banned, they know why. And if they don't, there's always the [email protected] email.

And if you're fucking scared of your status, come on, give me a break. If your status means that much to you, you probably shouldn't be here in the first place. RottenVinny finally got that hint, and he is THE perfect example of it. If you're holding yourself back to avoid a status, why are you here? You come here to fear the mods?

And why would anyone fear their status so much anyway? Do they just KNOW they're a tool? They just know that they're gonna say something that makes a mod put something in?

Come on, anyone that knows ANY of the mods on even the slightest personal level knows that they're just regular posters who happen to have the ability to do things that not everyone can do.

If you ARE a tool, you're branded as such. If you say something stupid, yeah it might bite you in the ass. That's not just the board, that's life. Sit back, enjoy the ride, don't sweat the stupid bullshit.... it's the only way you're going to have ANY fun.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.Everyone else has a scrolling marquee in their sigs. I was beginning to feel left out.
"Miracles and lucky charms made the girl of my dreams the girl in my arms." - Dr. Frank
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:46 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
Yeah, statuses suck. =)

I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER!!11!! I'm one of the horses pulling her chariot!

Now I'm having a problem with my balls. Are they supposed to hang so low, or is there more gravity in my pants than I originally thought?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All my girlfriends have been blind.
Gooch rules!
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
When you have a good status like i do, i'd milk it for what its worth. :)

- AIM:roweLENTless2001

Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 2:55 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
Lent is gay.

Ignore him.

I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER, I LOVE THE ROGER!!11!! I'm one of the horses pulling her chariot!

Now I'm having a problem with my balls. Are they supposed to hang so low, or is there more gravity in my pants than I originally thought?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All my girlfriends have been blind.
Gooch rules!
SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 3:03 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I am the personification of all that is Unfunny. If it's funny, it aint me. Please remember that when viewing all of my posts.
This user is A WHORE Please disregard his idiotic comments.

::Clears throat::
Ignore who?

It is written, I have spoken. So put this in your pipe, and smoke it.
Ooeeooahahtwingtwangwallawallabingbang, Ooeeooahahtwingtwangwallawallabingbang Ooeeooahah, B-I-N-G-O, Ooeeooahah, E-I-E-I-0.

posted on 01-15-2002 @ 8:14 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
OK, from time to time an elder needs to step in and guide the children in the right direction. Seeing as I probably got the elder thing locked up, all I can say is, "Get a life people!"

People have come and gone all the time here. Nothing new. Many of the recently departed might be missed, but others will take their place. Reading some of these threads, I see people shedding tears over Kids banning. Well too fucking bad. I have never seen anyone on this board forgiven for his actions as much as Kid. He was a great contributor but when he was in his "my shit doesn't stink" mentality, he pissed everyone of you off. I just hope Froy doesn't give in and let him back.

And don't forget, those that have cried their eyes out that I'm leaving, boo hoo, I'm never comming back, are lurking here reading this board every day. They are chomping at the bit to post their I'm back thread, just trying to find some way to justify their return.

So shed no tears. Do what you enjoy doing here. Leave if you want to. We all get pissed from time to time. Hell, I was pissed about my balloon not status. He was one person that made my skin crawl. But I got over it.

Will this board die? If the show doesn't promote it the way they used to before syndication, probably. But maybe, just maybe if we give Anthony some reason to believe in this board, it just might make a comeback.

So Seph, Sean, AM, Maynard, farewell. You have always been enjoyed here, and you probably will be enjoyed when you come back again. Well Maynard we wont enjoy you in the way you want us to, but hey, we all can't be gay.

Don't just stare at it.

American Patriot, Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 8:36 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Bravo FTL and Sluggo, Bravo. If your that worried about what people think of you, then you might as well go and hide under the covers of your bed for the rest of your life. It's only a status people! Say what you want, but there are far more important things to think about.

And as far as the people leaving goes, there is nothing wrong with a good purge every now and then.

"Your Ego is a Muscle."

This message was edited by Snoteater on 1-15-02 @ 9:24 AM
Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 01-15-2002 @ 9:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
You mean I have 1,535 unnoticeables?

posted on 01-15-2002 @ 9:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
What's a status?


Thanks to Grumpy for his help with the sig.


Roger: Look, It's Luke Perry's Junk.
Ant: Where?
Roger: Fag!

Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 01-15-2002 @ 1:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
To comment, yes some people take this message board too seriously, myself included.

But... it's healthier than heroin.


I'm not ready to leave yet, I just rearranged the furniture ((obs ref))


And guess what, to those who think it's "just a message board" -- yeah, at times it is, but at other times, I'm EXTREMELY glad I know these people ((especially when getting kicked out of the house)) and that they give a damn about me. And guess what, on or off the board, I know who I'll defend who I won't. Sorry, I'm just a loyal person, guess thats why I haven't jumped ship.

Who Wants To Teach Me To Ice Skate?Happily Graduated IrishAlkey's School Of Posting.
"Don't Cry Coz Its Over, Smile Coz It Happened"
"I dreamed of being with you, but eventually I had to awake, I'll dream that dream again someday, and you know I'll always be here... waiting for you"

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Displaying 1-25 of 28 messages in this thread.