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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - The "Carol" Thread Redux

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: The "Carol" Thread Redux
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:04 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Well no actually it isn't. But how often can I bring such short-lived unadulterated joy to HyBriD and insane rage to FTL in one fell swoop?

Although this does have a bit to do with the basis for that life-changing thread.

Recently, there has been an influx of new posters. Many of these new posters post new threads within their first five posts which results in pissing everyone off and getting made fun of. A new thread from a new poster doesn't bother me. It's only when it's the rambling stream-of-consciousness posts like Carol did, "hello my name is..", threads where other ones already exist with the same topic, "contestant #x is hot/a guy, or other new threads where no thought is given to "will anyone actually care?".

Many new posters are needed in order to keep things from getting very stale around here, but becuase of the all guns blaring mentality on stupidity here, I think a lot of them take their first licks and leave.

Now, I am not saying, "be nice to newbies". No no no. Stupidity and laziness deserves to be mocked whenever possible.

What I'm trying to find out is how do we make the new posters less stupid. I came in at the tail end of adoption, but apparantly that didn't work. There is a FAQ, so no one should have any more questions or be unclear on any policies and normal practices of the board. We all know that's not the case.

What if there were an imaginary "poster handbook" that were handed out to everyone who registered. What you want put in the handbook?

The purpose would be so that new posters would not do some of the things that drive everyone insane.

I have a few ideas but I've written too much already and will add them later. What are some of the things that you would put in this imaginary handbook that would direct the new posters to fit in to the flow of things quicker, be able to contribute faster, and maybe create a better stick rate for new members?

**edit 1** I'm not saying that people don't read the FAQ, I'm saying what else in addition to the FAQ do you think new posters should know...

**edit 2** I singled out newbies becuas I wanted to. Existing posters might start stupid threads, but the sheer magnitude of the newbie threads was what made me think of this

**edit 3** I said why I named it the way I did. There are so few new topics, that people will probably read it no matter what the title says.

**edit 4** This is imaginary, I'n not suggesting that some handbook be emailed to new registrants like a homework assignment. I'm just trying to find out what adopters would have taught their adoptees if it were still around.

This message was edited by OAAWITE on 2-13-02 @ 11:54 AM
Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:11 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Good thoughts, great points...and I agree and am curious to see other thoughts

But just an FYI: Carol wasn't a real newbie.

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:11 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

What are some of the things that you would put in this imaginary handbook

Let the mods moderate and the posters post. Now take a number, get to the back of the line and shut the fuck up

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow.
Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:14 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Yeah well, you're doing a bang up job Facey. I can see how you would so insulted by someone starting a topic like this.

i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:16 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
maybe bring back adopting, that was working for a while

but i would suggest to new members to read things very careful before they post
go through the board and actually see how it is and how each member acts and what posts are there

and just think before posting, i know it hurts sometimes



FROSTY IS MY HERO and AUSTIN DESERVES AN OSCARMy Bitches: THE HEAD BITCH Tequila & the HNIC The Brain followed by AntsInMyPants, Av8er In His Own Room, IrishAlkey, and Slackjaw ((The Baldies Club)) Skitchr4u along with Hybrid...fbdlingfrg, Austin, and HardCoreDave (TvvisTofFaTe)((The Youngans Club))
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:16 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
ok Kidwite, whatever you say

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow.
Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:20 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

What I'm trying to find out is how do we make the new posters less stupid
The problem is, there really isn't much of a way to do this without holding their hands every step that they take here (initially).

The concept of a message board is not a hard one to understand - nor is OA.Com the only message board in existence - there are several others boards, each with the same problem. I hang on a DVD mb as well, and the most action that goes on there is when someone gets banned or warned for using the word "shit" in a post.

Whats my point? My point is that this mb is based off of the O&A show, and they're a pair of wise-asses, plain and simple. Therefore, the same people who come here are most likely wise-asses, or maybe wanna-be-wise-asses due to them being fans of the show, or referred to the site by fans of the show. So the "stupid-newbie" factor will always be there. On the DVD board I mentioned, you don't find people talking about sex or anything else like you would find here (even in their OTHER forums, etc.) because the people that joined that board and that hang there regularly are not looking for T&A postings.

Its easy to say that maybe the Veterans (myself included) could use a little more restraint in pulling the "get in the coffin & die" trigger, but so many people come back under other names after getting banned, it's hard to tell if the newbie is for real or just starting shit.

The only thing I can think of (right now) that can be done to help the new guys is to stress lurking for a while and getting a feel for how the board is before trying to interact with it - unless they're that confident that they can do it just fine right out of the gate (which most of them aren't).

Other than that, we can always send hit-squads to their house after they post something stupid. Harsh, maybe, but of what fun that could be!

This week's quote : A true hero is master of all manner of tools - whatever suits his needs. The power known to you as "Excalibur" is, in fact, only the burning echo of your very soul...

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

Ha Ha! Made you look, hammer!!

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:21 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Unlike Kid, I'm not complaining about the board owner or the mods. Most of them aren't reactionary dicks. I'm trying to start a thread that will get some replies and be positive.

If you don't have anything productive to add to the thread, just give me my Superbowl custom status and move on.

This message was edited by OAAWITE on 2-13-02 @ 11:24 AM
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:23 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Watch what OAWITE does and do the opposite.

Never start threads about words spelled backwards.

"how do you make people less stupid." Dude if you figure that one out please use it in the real world not on a fuckin message board. The majority of people in today's society are gullable, stupid and will believe almost anything that is fed to them like mindless drones. You'd sooner decipher hyrogliphics before you figure out the answer to this, but it might be interesting to see the ideas.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:25 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

I'm trying to start a thread that will get some replies and be positive.

Let me humor you for a second...

First, do you think you are the first person who tried to make this board safe from stupid newbies? It's been tried and tried and tried but people will post what they wan. No faq or handbook or whatever is going to change that.

Second, why are you singling out newbies? Shit I've seen threads started by veterans that are stupider than any of these "Hi, I'm "insert name here"" threads. If you look around ot and the rest of the board, you will know what I mean. So should this handbook of yours only apply to them or to the board as a whole?

3rd, I am a reactionary dick? Thanks, I haven't been complimented like that in a long time from someone who's opinion is highly valued in my eyes.

4th, you say the newbies don't read the faq, what makes you think they will read a handbook or this thread for that matter?

5th, if you wanted to be really productive and helpful, why did you name your thread after what was considered a stupid thread? Why not, "The handbook" or "How can we help newbies?" or "The help-a-newbie thread"? Do you really think the people you are trying to help know who the fuck carol is? Then why would they pick this thread to open?

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow.
Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.

This message was edited by Faceman on 2-13-02 @ 11:39 AM
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:37 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
well im glad i replied to this thread seriously



FROSTY IS MY HERO and AUSTIN DESERVES AN OSCARMy Bitches: THE HEAD BITCH Tequila & the HNIC The Brain followed by AntsInMyPants, Av8er In His Own Room, IrishAlkey, and Slackjaw ((The Baldies Club)) Skitchr4u along with Hybrid...fbdlingfrg, Austin, and HardCoreDave (TvvisTofFaTe)((The Youngans Club))

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:41 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
All you need to do is have everyone read The Care and Feeding of Moderators, copyright Buttmunch 2002.

That should answer all the questions and eliminate any problem likely to occur.

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:41 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
something i've seen elsewhere that seems to help is "sticky" threads

no, not the DNA kind.

the ones that stay at the top of board and have the new posts come just under them.

so sticky the "official" threads and maybe there won't be 10 diffent naughty nighty threads.

oh, and no one reads the faq

[email protected]
Norton's Victim
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:45 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I haven't exactly been posting that long. However, I have read the boards for month, just never felt so inclined to say anything back. There have been a lot of stupid things started by new people and it really interupts the flow of how things work. My only idea is to not let people start new threads until they have had a certain amounts of post. Now of course I have no idea if this is possible and not all threads started by new people are worthless. Just a thought.

The Rules of being Steve:
1) Be desireless
2) Be excellent
3) Be gone
-The Tao of Steve
The barch gots lots a dick
Theoretically, if I were to smack you in the face with my penis, it would leave a bruise in the shape of a mushroom.
I kind of enjoy my anonymity on the board
WOW Forum Ambassador
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:46 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jul. 00
Hmm... maybe it's not the "newbies"?

The problem you're complaining about is not going to be solved with a manual or FAQ for newbies. The people you're talking about aren't going to read either.

Maybe if we weren't so abrupt with responses to their early posts things would be different. Obviously there are some people are that just assholes and nothing is going to change that.

When newbies are instructed in a polite & curtious manner they more often than not post an apology and move on.

When 5 or 6 regulars jump on them screaming obsceneties, they're natural instinct is to defend themselves.


I've seen threads started by veterans that are stupider than any of these "Hi, I'm "insert name here"" threads.
I direct your attention to exhibit "A": Visit this Website :D

Long Live the "Syndication Underground"

This message was edited by barch97 on 2-13-02 @ 12:25 PM
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:49 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Here is another point to consider. Is a thread that is considered stupid, considered that way because of who started it? I genuinely like Alkey, he's a good guy, for the most part but his "spoo" thread had to be the stupidest thread I've ever seen on this message board! Was it bashed? Nope. People joined in and it turned into every post revolving around the word spoo. Let me ask you a question though, if a newbie started something like that, how fast would people start a.) bashing him, b.) telling the mods to lock it and c.) start questioning on the board, "why isn't this poster banned yet?" i.e. like oagirl21. Let that roll around your brain for a minute

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow.
Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.

This message was edited by Faceman on 2-13-02 @ 11:55 AM
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:51 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I figure it like this, I done it and given up. Maybe and unfortunatly the cold hard truth is, this is the best it can be and will be. Most of us vets are chasing a lost dream. I say lets cut the trying to save threads and wanting 'the old days' back. Hell 90% of you have no idea what the old days were, unless you joined prior to atleast november 2000. The old days were great and they're gone and face facts that this is the best it is going to be. Because we have been trying to bring it back to the old days for over a year now and I think common sense says that this is and has been what the board is and will be for better or worse.

So what made the old days fun? Well many things, one of them actually was the dimwitted morons, who can say they didn't love and pray for Danadillon to start a thread just to rip the everloving shit out of her. Also people have to stop trying to be funny, everyone has their own forte. Some people are mean, funny, smart, etc. Do what you do best, do not try to fall into a cliche or a mix, just be what you are. When it's truthful then it is funnier. Also barring having 30 of the same chat threads in OT, people need to stop judging what is good or bad posting or telling others how to post. Sometimes it is warranted and most times it is not. Just like newbie bashing, if someone is asking for a link to foundry or something that doesn't warrant a bashing, but if they are dicks then bash em. But people saying "ban this guy" or "close this thread", why? Cause someone disagrees with you? Remember one thing what is beauty to you is ugly to someone else, vice versa.

Overall just stop trying to "save" and ride it out till it either gets better or burns to the ground.

In closing stop bitching there is no more fun here and how stale it is. You fuckin complain there is no fun, yet you don't do anything to make it fun. Negativity only breeds more negativity, if you want fun then make some you spoiled cunts what do you want it served to you on a platter? I for example just stopped caring about saving the board and now try to entertain myself, that's it man.

Then again that's just my opinion.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 2-13-02 @ 11:55 AM

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 11:57 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Also people have to stop trying to be funny, everyone has their own forte. Some people are mean, funny, smart, etc. Do what you do best, do not try to fall into a cliche or a mix, just be what you are. When it's truthful then it is funnier

Although I might have said it differently, I couldn't have said it better. (And it was said much better by GS than that reactionary prick Faceman!) :D

The real problem with this Board, and it's been said many times, is the total incomprehension of Sarcasm.

Teh Sarcasm = Teh Funney

Back in the old days, people "got it" and if they didn't, they had the balls to argue without picking up their ball and running home.

While it is good to have many new members and it makes for a more lively board, I won't try and coddle each and every one of them, in the hopes that they can become my newest, bestest poster friend.

Just keep doing YOUR thing and the board will become more funnier. More funnier will lead to more enjoyment for all.

I'm going to take a napsky now.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 02-13-2002 @ 12:06 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Know what would make this board more better? More FU Buttmunch threads

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow.
Sometimes our choices are made for us.
And sometimes we have no choice at all.

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 12:12 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Exactly stop taking it so fuckin personally when someone makes a joke at your expense. People who fuckin bash and bash and bash, yet when they get fucked with they don't respond back they just throw a tantrum like a spoiled and make a stink like a rotten berry. Learn to take it as good as you give it, doesn't mean you need to sit there and take it, fight back but don't fight back like a fuckin 2 year old.... well unless you are sleeper and you actually are 2.

BM what napsky? Aren't you filing the restraining order against face like I asked?

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.


Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 12:15 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Stature of an Oompa Loompa!
JBA's Stalker.
Post Whore One Week, Fart In The Wind The Next
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 12:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
FU Buttmunch!!!11 :P

I used to post on
but I lost my bookmark
and now I can't find the site.

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 1:38 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Lots of energy spent on what? Trying to make this board "perfect??" Gimme a break! By who's definition would that be? You got over 17000* members - at least it appears that way - when's the last time any of you got even 6 people to agree with you?

In any case, most new threads (ergo most stupid threads) fall off the top screen as fast as they appear. This might be incentive for some of us to try and craft a thread that won't.

And a big FU to all you who think because you've been here longer than someone else, your shit doesn't stink. Were you also the same guys who took your football and went home because you didn't like the way somebody else was playing?

* If you aren't already, you might try limiting registration to a few months out of the year and clean house every so often. You might also try limiting members to only one registration.
av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 02-13-2002 @ 1:38 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Av8er Radio
[AIM] [ICQ] [E-Mail]

Let's take a blast to the moon baby

I sit around wishing you well

How I'm craving you, yeah!

Every time I'm near you

I always wanna swallow you down

I'll be right here if ya' need me

In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why

I'll never disappear

Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?

Let's take a trip to the stars far away

Where were you when I was down?

Staring into the dead

My pain is caused by my pleasure

My soul mate lives in your body

I can't get you out of my head

It never goes away

In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why

I'll never disappear

In your eyes you can bid me farewell

But don't ever try to understand the situation

Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?

posted on 02-13-2002 @ 1:51 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

And a big FU to all you who think because you've been here longer than someone else, your shit doesn't stink. Were you also the same guys who took your football and went home because you didn't like the way somebody else was playing?

Yeah and a big FU to people who have been here a couple of months and think they know all the answers. How would you like if you're having an argument with someone and I come in 3/4 of the way into the argument and just make assumptions with only a 1/4 of the knowlege. Arrogance will get you nowhere my friend trust me.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

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