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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Hypocrisy Of Religion

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Hypocrisy Of Religion
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01
I saw this in the "Wanna know what a good thread is?" thread, and decided to blatantly rip it off and attempt to get a discussion going.

Now I for one have never believed in God. Even as a little kid going to sunday school I always had a ton of questions when I got home. About two years ago I met a kid who became a very good friend of mine. Him and his family are very religious. I've talk to his father numerous times and he was always trying to get me to believe. I decided to give it a try, but I ended up believing even less.

The main thing that jumped out at me was the hypocrisy of God himself. I don't know where in the bible it is said or the exact quote, but somewhere in the bible God says: Do not worship any false idols for I am a jealous God. Now correct me if I'm wrong but jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins. So how can God, who is supposed to be infallible, be capable of commiting one of the seven deadly sins. Now seeing as he is capable of commiting this sin himself, where does he get the balls to tell us, mere humans, that we are not to commit these sins or else we go to hell. We(humans) are obviously far from perfect, so how does he expect us to live up to standards that he himself cannot live up to?

Also what about the 40 days and 40 nights flood? Was that really anything more than mass murder? Because people were not obeying the incredibly strict laws that he layed down, he decides that they are not even worthy to live? And he is so quick to casually send us to hell were we will burn and be tortured for eternity, yet he loves us like children? Bullshit, unless a father is a complete and utter scumbag he will never want to see harm come upon any of his children no matter what they do or have done. Yet God, who supposedly loves us like children, would condemn us to an eternity of damnation if we simply say his name in vain?

There are many other problems I have with religion, but I cannot think of them right now.

I believe all religion is bullshit. God was manufactured by man and I will never be convinced otherwise. What are all your thoughts on the subject?

This message was edited by YellowDiscipline on 2-23-02 @ 11:56 PM
I have no fucking clue what happened to Sluggo667.
VinnyWS6: chicks? they dont have the penis so why would i care about them
VinnyWS6: froy is quite hansome
VinnyWS6: I want froys cock!
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:03 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I do not belive in god. Thats it.

posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 01

I believe all religion is bullshit.

I believe you made some good points. However, to dismiss religion completely as "bullshit" isn't very opened minded. While the ideals that religious groups espouse may seem strange or even ridiculous to some of us, I believe they deserve some respect. The people who have developed these ideas (or "pass them on from God" as they might believe) are not stupid. They struggle with the same questions we all have: Why are we here? etc.

Is what they are saying really that crazy? Floods? Miracles? are they fuckin nuts or what? Just look at yourself for example, your body (relax, I'm trying to be serious here), the objects around you, your computer screen. Why are you where you are over there now (couldn't resist, sorry)? How are these objects there? Why am I looking at this thing? These are questions that are pretty tough if considered from a purely fundamental level. It's, in a sense "miraculous", that someone could put together an explaination for life, existence, or whatever (however selective and short sighted it may seem to us). Science may be able to give you answers to certain questions. But others remain in the realm of religion, philosophy, etc.

I am not a religious person or some holy roller, so relax. I won't be sending you any pamphlets or bibles or anything. Just thought I'd give you something to chew on.

Nobody fucks with Dice, Dice does the fuckin!
I got into a fight in FU one time and this guy sez "F you man" so I sez "F you right back, sir, get it? In an hour? Back?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was great! Then he sez "You're a semon slurper". So I sez "Yeah, off your mom's butt". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was a good one I tell you. Well, later that evening another guy joined the fracus. So he sez, "Go f yourself DIG!" So I sez "Yeah, swallow my banna juice." I was LMAOSLINSMOD!! What a wonderful and memoriable fight that was. I stole this scrolling mindless banter idea off of someone's sig. It has a kind of ring to it that reminds me of the way men did things when the were dinosaurs. Poop is nice too but I don't want to step in any anytime soon. LMAO! I find such messages more interesting than many of the posts I read on this board, including my own. I suck. BLAH BLAH BLAH POOP!
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:21 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
I have said this before and I will say it again...

Religion is man's worst invention.

Organized religion is a business, plain and simple. 'Pope' is just a fancy title that means CEO.

The church is the most powerful and most wealthy establishment in the world, yet it does nothing but try to control people's lives instead of enrich them. With the power, influence, and money it has, the church could help make great strides in the humanities, science, or any other field of study. Instead it seeks to dominate the way people live and create a set of subjective standards and rules to guide them by.

It takes the form of everything it is supposed to oppose.

I am an atheist. I hate religion.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

Over The Limit
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:36 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Gonzo 2:15 ~
"thou shalt not, double post."

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 2-23-02 @ 5:38 PM
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:36 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I saw this in the "Wanna know what a good thread is?" thread, and decided to blatantly rip it off and attempt to get a discussion going.

Bastard, lol atleast you followed the rules.

God didn't create man, man created God. God is nothing more than a security blanket for people. God is like our big momma, whenever you were scared as a child you always wanted your mom, even the thought made you feel better. Same with god it's the thought that makes us feel more secure. Mostly for people who don't want reason or to think, who else to blame something on? God's will. God wanted it that way, God wanted 6 million jews to die, God wanted Dallas to win 3 superbowls, & God wanted you to get home from work without any traffic.

Hey I made it home just in time there was no traffic, whew thank god. Hurricanes, act of god. Earthquake, act of god.

Mostly it's cause we are scared, scared of death. We need that reassurance that it will go on, it scares us to think we will no longer exist. It scares us only cause we can actually think about it. But think of it like this, you won't fuckin know. Hey if something happens great, if not too bad what can I do?

I do believe that maybe there is something out there, God, Vishnu, Buddah whatever you wanna call it. It makes me feel content that maybe there is something we can not explain, but I refuse to live my life by old fashioned rules.

Not picking up the phone on the sabbath or not eating pork will not secure my place in heaven.

The bible is nothing but an out dated collection of some cool stories that sound like made for tv drama's i can catch on lifetime. They are not to be worshiped because they were written centuries after the death of jesus and the so called word of god was written by men. Namely horny monks who drank lots of wine.

It's a book that protects farmers and cattle.

Religion itself is also something that is so accidental. What if my whore of a mom decided to fuck some dot head and move to india? Today I'd go to hell for eating a burger. It's nothing more than a dick measuring contest, "My gods better than yours."

Believe what you want, I believe in what is right and wrong and what I feel in my heart, not what I am told to believe. A human beings first and most cherished right is that of Free will and thought.

Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a genuinely revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product. The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. Nay, more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history. If, by chance, they are revolutionary, they are only so in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat; they thus defend not their present, but their future interests; they desert their own standpoint to place themselves at that of the proletariat. The "dangerous class", the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue.

posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01

Why are you where you are over there now (couldn't resist, sorry)? How are these objects there? Why am I looking at this thing?

But why does there have to be an explanation? Why don't people accept the fact the there is no purpose to life? We are born to live our lives then die.

It's like death. People use religion to make themsleves feel better about death. When a loved one dies everyone wants to believe that they are going to a better place and will be happy in heaven as they look down upon us. No one wants to believe that their loved ones are just going to be buried and wither away.

About a month ago my grandmother died. Sure it made me feel better to think that she was going to heaven and will always be with us spiritually, but I just don't really believe that, but it's also hard to accept that she will just wither away.

I think people just need to accept the grim reality of life. It sucks.

posted on 02-23-2002 @ 5:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 01

But why does there have to be an explanation? Why don't people accept the fact the there is no purpose to life? We are born to live our lives then die.

There really doesn't have to be, and it all may well be purposeless. But I'm a pretty pissy and picky customer. I pretty much insist I have an explaination about all of this. If I told you there was (hypothetically), then you'd probably be pretty fucking interested right quick as would anyone else.

You said it yourself..

I think people just need to accept the grim reality of life. It sucks.

Well, the majority of the population doesn't agree with you (I do, however). Otherwise, we'd all know better than to breed. All I'm saying is that we take what we know and we form an explanation to justify our existence. Some find their "truths" in religion, some science, some O&A. Some explanations may seem stupid to some but not to others. Religion is well respected field in society. Some may not agree with it, but nevertheless, IT IS responsible for the current state of our civilization. That's no trivial feat. So I believe it would be in most people's interests to take it seriously and treat it with some respect, if one ever wishes to discover their own "truths" about existence. But some people don't give a shit, that's fine. But if you don't give a shit and shit on people that do, I believe, you futher pave the way for tragidies such as 9/11. Ignorance and prejudice, I believe, are the true problems of life not religion.

Nobody fucks with Dice, Dice does the fuckin!
I got into a fight in FU one time and this guy sez "F you man" so I sez "F you right back, sir, get it? In an hour? Back?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was great! Then he sez "You're a semon slurper". So I sez "Yeah, off your mom's butt". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It was a good one I tell you. Well, later that evening another guy joined the fracus. So he sez, "Go f yourself DIG!" So I sez "Yeah, swallow my banna juice." I was LMAOSLINSMOD!! What a wonderful and memoriable fight that was. I stole this scrolling mindless banter idea off of someone's sig. It has a kind of ring to it that reminds me of the way men did things when the were dinosaurs. Poop is nice too but I don't want to step in any anytime soon. LMAO! I find such messages more interesting than many of the posts I read on this board, including my own. I suck. BLAH BLAH BLAH POOP!
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 6:03 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
The problem with discussing religion is that you can't debate it rationally. People who deny reason, can't be conquered by it, and there's no rationality in mysticism.

Religious people aren't religios becuase of using reason or facts. So whenever you try and debate people and point out contradictions, innacuracies, or bigotry in their religion, the can just pull out the magic Trump card of "faith" and the debate is over. You can't get past it.

Sir Okonwo said it in the Controversial Opinions thread (and I'm losely quoting) World peace would be possible were it not for organized religion.

One thing that I've always felt, and was reminded by YD's post, is the wrongosity of the seven deadly sins. I'm sure from watching the movie we can list them all by memory. But two have always jumped out at me as "Those aren't sins. In fact, they're great qualities to have". Of the seven: greed and pride are such great qualities to have.

With ethics, greed is one of the most honorable qualities a person can have. To clarify. Greed in my mind means that you can never have enough. If you are lying, cheating, stealing, or otherwise fucking-over your customers and associates that is not good. Greed, (stealing from the great Gordon Gekko) in all of its forms, greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind.

Pride? Well shit. You work at something to excel in that field. It would be wrong NOT to be proud about your successes.

The worst thing about religion is that the core of its message is the weakness of the human mind. Ignore facts, ignore your thoughts. Just use faith and do what we tell you. Bad things man, bad things.

I'm sure many of us could make a infinate paged thread pointing out many of the horrifibly damaging stances that major religions take on various issues.

HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, BITCH??!! Keep hacking, I'll keep posting
New Poster with a question? AIM me

Confirmed Kills: Foundry Music Jeff.
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 6:48 PM      
Registered: Feb. 02
i could rant about this for hours...but instead i'll just say that i've always found it funny that accoring to the bible (which of course is the word of god himself) on the first day he said "let there be light"...but then he didn't create the sun, moon, and stars until the 4th day...where did all this fucking light come from? and after he was done creating he rested...lazy ass...& apparently the begnning of wisdom is fear of the lord...what a power hungry god...anyway..i love those fundamentalists who take every word of "the good book" literally...they make me laugh...

i've always hated rowan atkinson, but jello wrestling, however, is still a-okay in my book
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 9:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I pretty much agree with everything that has been explained in this thread.
Personally, I think Religon is a tool used to cow and weaken the human being so we cannot progress wth science and accept what goes on in the world.
You want to know how we got here? Go ask a scientist, he/she seems to have a logical solution, and strangely enough, it soothing to hear it.
Unlike some people who will be scrambling around when the end of the world is coming, feaing that they will go to hell when they die, I'll be waiting where the bomb is gonna drop, with a carton of smokes, a 12-pack of Sam Adams, and my girlfriend on my lap with a pair of sunglasses on sitting in a deck chair.
Feel free to join me if you want. Noone should be afriad of death. that's how nature works.

As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing.
~George Carlin,
Napalm and Silly Putty

[Email][email protected][/Email]
No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 9:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
i think i'm alone here, but i believe in religion. as a jew i believe in god, and yeah i question things every now and then, but i spent my entire life learning and living the jewish way of life.

Sexiest flower in the garden
Garden my ass! That's a bush!

I Like to suck dick
I suck it all day long
I like to suck dick
Nothing like a great big wong.
I like to suck dick
I'll do it till the day I croak
Just don't ask me to swallow.
Cause I'll probably choke
Subzero316 makes me hot!
JYD-4-LIFE's HBIC now i suck a mod's dick too!
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 11:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 02
I think that "organized religion" as it is being practiced (or abused) is not what was truly intended. There are however, universal truths that transcend all religions and that we as humans try to live by. It is what makes us value our lives and our actions. Each religion has different methods by which they attempt to implore its followers to honor their codes and customs, either by the promises of an afterlife or the threat of punishment.

For me, the afterlife symbolizes the memories I've left and the happiness I have been able to bring to those around me. Maybe I'll continue to live symbolically in my children and theirs. I hope that there is a point to all of this, and a reason for everything, because life needs meaning.

In the end, each of us as individuals are responsible for the manner in which we conduct ourselves, and if religion were practiced free of jealousies or fingerpointing we could all possibly coexist.

Delta Sigma Phuk Ups
posted on 02-23-2002 @ 11:25 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I've always thought that if you believe in religion that is fine but it is absolutely fucked up to impose your views on other people. If you wanna believe in whatever you want that is fine and you will not be stopped, but to force others to do it sucks.

Stinky, who most certainly does not rule - J.Norton

This message was edited by Delta Sigma Phuk Ups on 2-23-02 @ 11:27 PM
NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 3:20 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
all i have to say is the phrase that i hate hearing the most without a doubht is "god's will"
i will actually punch someone in the face if they try to say something like that this is gods will or this isnt gods will.
i use to believe in god, but what can i say people ruined it for me, not only the people ultra religious assholes who impose like hell, but the people who constantly question everything about religion, so im just floating in the void

See you space cowboy...

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 8:46 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
I too don't believe in religion, I was 'raised' Jewish and the way Judaism was founded automatically made me realize that religion was bullshit. We were 'taught' that abraham smashed idols, told his father that the idols smashed themselves and the father said 'how can they do that, they were only idols' and everything fell into place. That was such a lame ass origin story I couldn't believe it.

And yes, religion, as many people have pointed out, is a great way to keep order. If you want to keep your group inline what's scarier than a man who sees what you're doing at all time and if you screw up once you're going to be suffering for all eternity?

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Sunday 2/24- CBS: Bickford, Rosa Parks story...NBC: Olympics...FOX: 7- KitH(R), Kith, Simpsons, Malcolm (R), Simpsons (R), Bernie (R)...ABC: 7- TArzan, Alias, Practice...UPN: Buffy, Practice...WB: Jamie, Center(R), Center, Love...TBS: Unforgiven...TNT: Interview with the vampire
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 1:06 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I don't beleive in the bible at all. For all i know the bible could just be a story that some unimportant person wrote because they were bored one day.

I really don't like all of the religious extremists... you know, the ones that always talk about how god is great and how they have to be great so they can go to heaven. Am i the only person who has noticed that these people are usually the rudest people around??? Why do they feel the need to push their beliefs on me? I dont do it to them!!!

Fat chicks try harder!!!
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 9:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01
By reading this, I am apalled at some of these comments. That is my opinion of course. I believe in religion, creation and everything that goes along with it.

The true Hypocrate is the person that celebrates Christmas and then claims to be aethiest or agnostic. Atheist does not believe in a "GOD" or higher being, an Agnostic is someone that doesn't follow an organized religion.

The majority of this board, I'm sure, by looking at the demographic of the O and A show are young adults. Some may not even be parents yet.

So please tell me how you will raise your children?

It is sadly, "In style" to be agnostic or atheist right now. Almost trendy....

I wish the hijackers had been agnostic or atheist, instead they did it for Allah. They considered themselves Islamic fundamentalists.

I guess if you don't believe in a god or organized religion, you really aren't spiritual.

Isn't that a double standard?


Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 9:41 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

The true Hypocrate is the person that celebrates Christmas and then claims to be aethiest or agnostic.
You're the naive one if you really think that Christmas has anything to do with religion any more. Christmas Season celebrates commercialism and marketing more than JC. And people who are atheist/agnostic who "celebrate" by giving people gifts, big deal, let them give.

So please tell me how you will raise your children?
Are you saying you can't raise children well without believing in religion?

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Sunday 2/24- CBS: Bickford, Rosa Parks story...NBC: Olympics...FOX: 7- KitH(R), Kith, Simpsons, Malcolm (R), Simpsons (R), Bernie (R)...ABC: 7- TArzan, Alias, Practice...UPN: Buffy, Practice...WB: Jamie, Center(R), Center, Love...TBS: Unforgiven...TNT: Interview with the vampire
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 9:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

So please tell me how you will raise your children?

I'm surely not going to pollute their minds with religious crap.

I've said it before and I'll always say it when asked my opinion. Religion is a crutch for weak minded people. People who believe in the bible are merely sheep, and they admit it every sunday in church by declaring the 'lord' as their 'shepard'.

Av8er Radio
[AIM] [ICQ] [E-Mail]

Let's take a blast to the moon baby

I sit around wishing you well

How I'm craving you, yeah!

Every time I'm near you

I always wanna swallow you down

I'll be right here if ya' need me

In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why

I'll never disappear

Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?

Let's take a trip to the stars far away

Where were you when I was down?

Staring into the dead

My pain is caused by my pleasure

My soul mate lives in your body

I can't get you out of my head

It never goes away

In my life, I'll need you here, don't ask why

I'll never disappear

In your eyes you can bid me farewell

But don't ever try to understand the situation

Why is it everyday that I feel the pain?

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 10:05 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

I guess if you don't believe in a god or organized religion, you really aren't spiritual.
I just noticed this and you know I have to disagree with yet ANOTHER thing you've said. You can be spiritual without believing in God or religion. if you have an internal belief system that you believe highly in, you can be more spiritual thana Catholic who just doesn't care

Isn't that a double standard?
I still don't get it.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Sunday 2/24- CBS: Bickford, Rosa Parks story...NBC: Olympics...FOX: 7- KitH(R), Kith, Simpsons, Malcolm (R), Simpsons (R), Bernie (R)...ABC: 7- TArzan, Alias, Practice...UPN: Buffy, Practice...WB: Jamie, Center(R), Center, Love...TBS: Unforgiven...TNT: Interview with the vampire
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 10:13 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Have any of you ever seen a dog praying? Or a tree atoning for it's sins? If there were a God, why would humans be the only ones held accountable to his laws?
I've said this before, religion Is an easy Idea for weak-minded simpletons to grasp onto to explain all of their life's problems.
The only time i've ever hoped there was a God were the times I've been on a truly terrifying flight 30,000 feet over the earth, believing I was going to die.
If you really need some archaic Idea such as religion to justify your meaningless life, you might as well end it all now and save yourself some un-necessary suffering.

God loves you.It's everyone else that thinks you're an asshole.

If you think about It, taking a shit Is really reverse butt-sex.

2 tired 2 give N F
One of the Teen Tomatoe Boys is Retarted... Guess which one I am!!!
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 10:25 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Why don't people accept the fact the there is no purpose to life?

Hey man thanks for clear that up...I'm only 18 and I figure that if you're right I should kill myself then and save myself the misery of life...

There has to be a else can you explain the amazing complexity of the human brain...the vastness of the cosmos...maybe you don't believe in him...but why not? Where is there proof he doesn't exist? And you could argue there isn't proof of his existance. Don't say you don't believe in something based on the fact that the people who do and tell you about it are human...they make mistakes...they get greedy...they are just as power hungry as the next guy...they may not even believe what they tell you but don't judge someone who (in the case of the Christian religion) would sacrifice his son for you...or someone (in the case of all the other religions) who created this wonderful world for us to live in...this place was perfect...we screwed it up...all I'm saying is that if you don't think there's a point to life then why are you still here?????

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 10:32 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

There has to be a God

how else can you explain the amazing complexity of the human brain...the vastness of the cosmos...
Biology, evolution, science. Why do things get bigger? Do you think it's God who's the one who makes the sponge dinosaurs grow to thrice their size in water?

maybe you don't believe in him...but why not?
because I just always felt he was a made up guy to bring order to people. Kings die but you have an immortal who knows exactly what you're doing every second and if oyu piss him off THOU SHALT BE SMITED. Also for the higher ups to explain things they can't explain logically. How can you follow people who say "I don't know"...say "It's God's Will" and people buy it

Where is there proof he doesn't exist? And you could argue there isn't proof of his existance.
There isn't proof of his existance. That's the thing, your arguement works both ways. It's a personal belief but things used to explain God in the past have been explained with science

Don't say you don't believe in something based on the fact that the people who do and tell you about it are human...they make mistakes...they get greedy...they are just as power hungry as the next guy
Well if these are God's representatives on earth these cheaeting, stealing, sadistic, money grubbing, child raping earth worms wouldn't you think that God could pick better people?

they may not even believe what they tell you but don't judge someone who (in the case of the Christian religion) would sacrifice his son for you...or someone (in the case of all the other religions) who created this wonderful world for us to live in...this place was perfect...we screwed it up...all I'm saying is that if you don't think there's a point to life then why are you still here?????
I'm honestly too lazy to kill myself.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Sunday 2/24- CBS: Bickford, Rosa Parks story...NBC: Olympics...FOX: 7- KitH(R), Kith, Simpsons, Malcolm (R), Simpsons (R), Bernie (R)...ABC: 7- TArzan, Alias, Practice...UPN: Buffy, Practice...WB: Jamie, Center(R), Center, Love...TBS: Unforgiven...TNT: Interview with the vampire
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 2-24-02 @ 10:38 PM
2 tired 2 give N F
One of the Teen Tomatoe Boys is Retarted... Guess which one I am!!!
posted on 02-24-2002 @ 10:48 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Well if these are God's representatives on earth these cheaeting, stealing, sadistic, money grubbing, child raping earth worms wouldn't you think that God could pick better people?

Funny...I grew up in church and I never saw or heard of my pastor do any of the above...

Perhaps you're making a statement based on a single situation...the bad ones you read about in AP many kids can say that their church helped them out? I have another question though...Have you ever been in a near death situation?? I've been in 2(TWO)! Why didn't I die? I know I didn't save myself or protect myself...who did?


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