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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - For the Ladies of the board.

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: For the Ladies of the board.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 1:32 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ladies In an interesting conversation of another thread. I became curious of what your veiws are.

If the guys were to turn the favor and give a contest for the ladies to have fun with what would you rather them do.

The biggest bulge contest, Best C or Hard Body Contest. I guess that's all we really have to offer unless you dig deeper and go with muscles or charm. Anyway I was just thinking that if O&A gave a lil something back to the female listeners they may appreciate that and contibute more of their ass- sets. They could even have the female interns run the contest so they dont feel a bit on the gay side.

Also one more question for the ladies. How imprtant is the C of a man. One girl that I know won't have a serious relation ship with a man unless he is well to do down there. Other women I know dont care they say they would want that but if not it dosent matter. What is the real deal ladies answer as honestly as you can. And for the guys that read this and get annoyed this is really just for the ladies of the board to answer kind of like a poll.

Alos ladie I do not wish to ofeend any of you with these questions. I have the utmost respect for women and feel they should be more appreciated then what they are in this world. today.

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 1:48 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
The female interns don't have to run the contest rick and marco can.

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The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 1:49 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

Thats very true I never gave that a thought LOL.

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 1:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Alos ladie I do not wish to ofeend any of you with these questions. I have the utmost respect for women and feel they should be more appreciated then what they are in this world. today.

Agreed... as for you however, you should be shamelessly fag bashed and dilloned for weeks for showing so much concern for, and having given so much thought to bulges and size of C'S!!!! :)


O and A will never have a contest like this!!!!

Currently Newbieless.. inquire within - AIM CHRIS052076

This message was edited by ClusterF on 5-20-01 @ 1:53 PM
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 1:53 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Not concern for myself just curious what women really think. You guys can bash me and call me a fag all you want. I know it may sound that way to you but in all honesty It dosent bother me Im a secure male and Know my sexual role in this world. Which is to be with a woman.

Im basically curious if woman really think like men do. I know for me I think about womn all the time and I like the contest that the guys do for us very much mainly for the nudity thats involved. So what I want to know is do woman veiw us that way or do they not really care.

You know alot of guys could be crushed by a womans thoughts. If you were to have sex with a woman and you couldnt please her it would bother
you, unless of course you are a man who has selfish concerns. Also if she were to tell you that your C just dosent do it for her that could crush a man ecspecially if he is in love with her. See woman have the power sexually.

Now Im not looking to see guys post in here but if ya want to go right ahead it is mainly for the ladies to comment.

This message was edited by knock411 on 5-20-01 @ 2:05 PM
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Women that complain to O&A about the lack of a junk contest are women that seriously don't get it.

Why would two guys condone a contest where guys are encouraged to whip out their junk? I mean, you might not think twice if it was the Radio Chick maybe.... but two guys don't want to have to LOOK at junk. They want girls. Sure, a junk contest would appease the female listeners, BUT THE GUYS WOULD STILL HAVE TO LOOK AT JUNK. They don't WANT to!

Why is this hard to understand?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.

Me droogies: Two positions currently available.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
heh heh. you said "curious".


[not taken out of context]I like the contest that the guys do for us very much mainly for the nudity thats involved. [/not taken out of context]

uhm... they been running some kind of contest at the blue oyster bar or something?

Currently Newbieless.. inquire within - AIM CHRIS052076

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
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posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Also if she were to tell you that your C just dosent do it for her that could crush a man

Trying to say something Knock?


You guys can bash me and call me a fag all you want

The floodgates have oficially opened!

"OK, which one of you stole my beer?"
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:18 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Cluster F Im speaking of the woman in the contest not me Obviously you have some homo tendencies if your ready to rip into me for being curious about the most fascinating species on the planet Women.

And horny goat weed. Im not trying to say anything. If you insinuating Im just a man with a samll pecker wondering the what ifs your highly mistaken. Im a happliy Married man who has no complants from my Other half.

Still this is not the point I want to make this is a ladies only type forum and the immature men of the board are going to rooon it. At least let the ladie sanswer before you have your fun on me.

Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Knock411, all you did here was fabricate this whole contest to find out if your dick was big enough...

Why are you insulting our intelligence? hmmm??

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

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posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Knock are you asian?

Email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:24 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Oh.. yes. I forgot... you are the quintiscential posterity of post preserver. The keeper of the flame so to speak. Far be it from Mr Milk Duds himself to refrain from interjecting anything but his deepest and most sincere feelings for the matter at hand.

heh heh... I said flame.

ps.. how's about you become a little more curious about punctuation and plurality? oh, and how'd ya like to mow my lawn... huh?

Currently Newbieless.. inquire within - AIM CHRIS052076

This message was edited by ClusterF on 5-20-01 @ 2:31 PM
Kid Afrika
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:31 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:34 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ok thanks fellas for ruining the thread I appericiate that.

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Ok thanks fellas for ruining the thread I appericiate that.

Sure no problem do it for you anytime.

Email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

The Fourth International Is At Hand. The Beautiful Hand of Socialism Will Come and Sweep Away the Imperialist Pigs. Crush Your Oppressors.
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:41 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Im sure you will.

Harry Ballzanya
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:53 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Weren't they supposed to do some contest with a bunch of naked guys in an elevator or some crap ::cringe:: what the hell was that about. Luckily after thinking it over they never let it take place.

Don't Blame Canada..Blame YOURSELF!!
Former adoptee of Sephiroth..Graduated 5/12/01
Big thanks to Sephiroth for the sig pic!
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 2:58 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I'm sort of afraid to respond at this point.
But you've been tooled on by our males posters..and I feel bad!
Any way I would love to see some guys "contests" it's about time to see what you boys have got to share!!
and yes, it's true , I believe size really does matter!!! Of course it goes beyond that to satisfy a woman . But hey, that helps a ton!!

Adopted by:PanterA.Thanks for the Sig pic!
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 3:11 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Thankyou finally an intellgent post from one of the femal board members.

Thankyou thats exactly what I wanted some informative information form the ladies.

The thing I belive about women is they have to be emotionally stimulated as well as phsyically. Where men tend to just need the phsyical aspect of the relationship.

I like to learn as much as I can about woman it helps to better understand their needs and give them exactly what it is that they want an need.

Since I got married I have learned how different things are between men and woman. Dating was more of a phsyical thing. Marrage for me anyway has showed me that there is a lot more to it than that. There are days when my wife is just upset and in a bad mood for no reason at all. Where all it takes is a few kind words and a hug to make her feel better. Years ago I would of thought all she needs is a good bangin to brighten her day.

I have learned alot form my wife but there are still days when Im confused. Like the whole cuddling VS sex issue. early in the relation ship she would want to cuddle. She wouldnt say that she would just snuggle up next to me. Naturally I would take this as a sign saying lets have sex. She would get annoyed and feel the only reason i keep her around is for sex.

Being older know and married for a while I understand some of these things. but like I said woman are still a mystery to me. One i dont think i will ever solve.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-20-2001 @ 3:27 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
hey knock


Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 3:43 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Oh im so hurt.

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 05-20-2001 @ 3:49 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

Years ago I would of thought all she needs is a good bangin to brighten her day.

i love that sentence and combined with the fact that you really respect women, makes it all the more funny.

you want to learn about women by posting something on this message board????? are you kidding me?? you havce a wife, why dont you go ask her what she thinks about your cock size and if she wants to see junk and if she wants to cuddle alot. because i dont know if you know this, but all women are different. shit on this board alone we have 15 different types of women, from girls that are mature, to girls that just like to fuck, to girls that are just totally out of their fucking mind and other types as well. each woman is different in their own way. the only way you are going to "figure out" your woman is to talk to her and not ask a bunch of people on a message board. and thats my 2 cents

Christ, you know it ain't easy,
you know how hard it can be
the way things are going
they're gonna crucify me-john lennon

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
No shit face are you serious.

That shows me your ignorance. Years ago I didnt have the respect I have today. I like to learn about woman to please them to help me impress my wife. And Actually it was my wifes idea about the male contest. She saw me checkin out the whipped cream bikini contest asked what it was I told her and she said well why dont they have one for woman. That and the fact that my cock size is not the issue. To which my wife is pleased. I may not be Johnny holmes. But I do have what she wants. Penis size is not the issue that you so called non gay men keep bringing up its a question for the ladies what they prefer. Just to talk about something interesting. A womans point of view there is nothing gay or crazy in that. taking a little intrest in the ladies ideas suggestions and preferences does not constitut one as being gay.

Its obvious that all woman are different so are men.

posted on 05-20-2001 @ 4:08 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
And one more thing Im not trying to figure my wife out. I know her already and know what she wants but There are other woman in this world that you do have to get along with in this word lets say at work. Anyway will the fellas please stay out of this and let the ladies answer for them selves. That is if you tools havent scared them all away.

Mr. Brownstone
posted on 05-20-2001 @ 7:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Doesn't anyone remember the penis wieght lifting contest?

There is a theory which states that if anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another which staes this has already happened. ---Douglas Adams

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