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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - bye bye to a good friend............

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: bye bye to a good friend............
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 1:44 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
damn i just found out last night this dude was moving but i didnt know it wa so far til right now

yes our very own darth ziggy is leaving us
hes going up up up into the catskills
i dont care if none of you people care, cause i do
hes been a good friend to me for most of my time on here

i remember the first time we started talking, he posted a post just for us to chat together, it was pretty funny

every time we wanted to get together my mom wouldnt let me or something got in the way, but hes been cool

im sure gonna miss the little bugger ::sniff sniff::
if only he told me sooner, i wouldve thrown a goin away party for him so we could say our goodbyes, maybe pappa ziggy wouldve stopped by

well bye bye bryan
have fun up in nowhere land

duh how could i forget
"You may be psycho, but sometimes you know what you're talking about" thanks a lot
i may be psycho and not show that i care, but i do
im gonna miss ya lots



Famous Giant Hot Dog Molester
"The best lessons in life are also the most painful"
I love Danilo!
Black as Snow
Dont hate me because I'm different...
Hate me because I like to piss people like you off

This message was edited by WNEWs GIRL on 6-30-01 @ 2:01 PM
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 1:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
goodbye and good luck to you ziggy...the couple times i met you, you were a real cool guy...hope to see you drop by the board every once in a while

Here's a toast, to all those who hear me all too well
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye, tomorrow is gonna come too soon...

My adopted mini-critic is The Zodiak Killer
Anyone wanting to be adopted IM me at Jemo123

8 weeks and counting
Isles fan for life
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 1:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Thanks for the tribute amy. it sure has been fun hanging on the board, wasting away all those afternoons, chilling at the parties. i'll miss it all.
i'll be online shortly after i get up there, so i should be able to check in on all you dudes soon. the party circuit may be done for me, since i'm only coming back a few times over the summer and then it's off to college in new hampshire. anyone who wants to talk my e-mail and aim sn are readily available, so don't hesitate.
Thanks to all the mods for their hospitality.
(had to throw that in, just to stay in somewhat good favor ;) )
Thank you to all of my friends, who are too numerous to list w/out leaving someone out - and that'd make me feel like a tool.
See you soon.

[email protected]
My unofficial adopted newbie: devil's a-hole, when he decides to post that is
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 2:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Darth, I think we chatted in the old chat room about the new Fuel Cd and how great you said it was. I think you had the flu... a-l-l-e-g-d-ly LOL

Anyway, good luck with your move and in college.

Any friend of Amy's is a friend of mine. Wait, what am I saying?

All of you...

Go sit on a bicycle sprocket11

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

Oh, I believe in yesterday's
got nothing for me

NIGGA PLEASE! All the bitches in here are crazy!
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 6:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well, it was definately a pleasure to meet you and best of luck at college.

Guess there is only one last thing to add...'Want a drink?' :)

Sig Pic Under Construction
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 6:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Ziggy i don't think i know you but good luck in college any way

enjoy College its fun. you don't want the real world to come to soon. just enjoy this time 7 party as much as possible.


E-Mail Me
METS will go ALL THE WAY THIS YEAR !!!!!!!!!!! (ok maybe not this year but i aint chainging this)
Yankees & the Braves SUCK !!!!!!!!

Resident Strip Club Pimp
Isles fan for life
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 7:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
mashed, thanks for everything at the parties, including the non-existent thing that i got in the mail awhile ago ;) ;)
slash, it's been real dude. i'll keep in touch. baloon not, thanks for the farewell, maybe during all of my time in college i'll try to get to know you better.

[email protected]
My unofficial adopted newbie: devil's a-hole, when he decides to post that is
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 12:43 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Ziggy -- what is this??? you move and the Islanders are getting real good???

Keep play'n hockey -- even if it is only pick up games, not like NH dosen't have many rinks :)

Keep check'n and post'n -- and Best of luck MY FRIEND

if need E-Mail Me
"We all need... a haven. A sanctuary. A place to hide. A place to escape. A place to dream and hope. A place... where the darkness won't be so frightening. But for some, the darkness is a relentless enemy. It cannot be eluded. And once the darkness senses your fear; once it senses your pain, it is never far behind. I can empathize with these people. I can understand their futility. I can forgive their hopelessness. I feel their pain. Quote the Raven, nevermore."
I'm so blonde, I think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone company
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 1:38 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
bye bye

crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 4:17 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
awww g'bye kiddo, and good luck with all that college stuff, don't do what i did. say hi to papa zig, and keep in touch. hey, maybe now your mysterious one and only adoptee will start posting...;) i'm sure there'll be some holiday time type get togethers and we'll see you again :)

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) and if you need adoption, i'm an available foster mummy
Fez claims this land in the name of Portugal!
Why worry about the train if it never makes it around the tracks?? IrishAlkey wuz here!!!
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 11:22 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
Ziggy wish you the best of luck in college.

Dont forget to stop around the board on occasion.

LET GO ISLANDERS!!!!!!!!!!11

E-Mail Me
1 Tequila, 2 Tequila, 3 Tequila floor
E-Mail Me
AOL/AIM - oanda1027fm

I have adopted "I Rooned It" any problems let me know
Always will bow down to the power of the Faceman!!!!
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 2:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
Ziggy good luck in college.

It was nice meeting you at the pool tournament.
Papa Ziggy is a cool dude too. Have fun and good luck.


No sun coming through my windows.
Feel like I’m living at the bottom of a grave.
I wish you’d hurry up and execute me
So I can be on my miserable way
I don’t live today.

Proud adoptor of fuh-q-2

Elite Ninja Gaiden Infiltration Unit
posted on 07-01-2001 @ 9:33 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I never got a chance to get to know you ziggy, but just today I saw your sig pic and felt a connection... see the status?
Good luck!

"I know I'm homophobic, but not about gay guys; they don't bother me at all. It's straight guys who don't know they're gay -- they fuck my shit right up."
-- King Missile - "Gay, not gay"

Adopted by danked. Nicey nice!

Just Jon
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 1:04 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Bye zigster. We'll miss ya. And we'll miss having Papa Ziggy at the parties!


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: whodawhatawhata and MamA CaZ
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 7:23 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ziggy I dont know you but if you're a fan of the show and your leaving the nest then good luck and enjoy college those will be the best years of your life.:)

posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:01 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Ziggy I don't know you either but good luck at whatever you do.

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I am currently looking for newbies to bring into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:06 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
well its official
the zigmyster left yesterday
he was my lil buddy at the board parties
CLS is the last TEEN guy and hes leavin in august
then ill be all bymyself :(



Famous Giant Hot Dog Molester
"The best lessons in life are also the most painful"
I love Danilo!
Black as Snow
Dont hate me because I'm different...
Hate me because I like to piss people like you off
The sky is blue
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:09 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

CLS is the last TEEN guy

Yes he is not.

I'm still saved....

Tune in next week for Gooch's creative works on my status!
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:24 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Um ClS isn't the last teen guy on the board. Far from it.

Resident Board Socialist

Email me here

IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

I am currently looking for newbies to bring into the International

It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
The sky is blue
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:27 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Hell, Ikeaboy is 10. Half the goddamn board is under the age of 23

I'm still saved....

Tune in next week for Gooch's creative works on my status!
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:28 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
i \didnt say left on the board, i know there are a lot mor on the board
but who goes out to the parties???
none of them BUT cls



Famous Giant Hot Dog Molester
"The best lessons in life are also the most painful"
I love Danilo!
Black as Snow
Dont hate me because I'm different...
Hate me because I like to piss people like you off
The sky is blue
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:37 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

i \didnt say left on the board


Amy said:
CLS is the last TEEN guy

I'm still saved....

Tune in next week for Gooch's creative works on my status!
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:44 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00

he was my lil buddy at the board parties
CLS is the last TEEN guy

ok i ddint say it very clear but what i was trying to say is that hes the last teen guy at the parties
ill be more specific next time



Famous Giant Hot Dog Molester
"The best lessons in life are also the most painful"
I love Danilo!
Black as Snow
Dont hate me because I'm different...
Hate me because I like to piss people like you off
Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
I thought the maximum length of a wake was 3 days... LOL

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

Oh, I believe in yesterday's
got nothing for me

This message was edited by SLASH on 7-3-01 @ 11:59 AM
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 07-03-2001 @ 11:58 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
awwww....well its nice to know that i'll be missed by at least one person when i go :)

Here's a toast, to all those who hear me all too well
Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye, tomorrow is gonna come too soon...

My adopted mini-critic is The Zodiak Killer
Anyone wanting to be adopted IM me at Jemo123

8 weeks and counting

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Displaying 1-25 of 28 messages in this thread.