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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Can Gay Couples Adopt and Raise Normal Kids?- Bring the debate HERE

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Can Gay Couples Adopt and Raise Normal Kids?- Bring the debate HERE
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 9:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Shavinbush, I didn't state a position about the topic. Just pointed out flawed logic with the statement.

People who are opposed to it are narrow minded.

It is like a double negative. It cancels itself out. If you read into the quote, it says agree with me or you are unable to concider opposing views. That isn't logical. Narrow and closed minded are used the same way. If you think about it, you will see what I mean.

The stupid shall be punished!
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 10:59 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
No actually I think you are reading into it. You are taking two inately different phrases and trying to make them the same. You are trying to hard to read into someone else's thought when it seems to me that he was just trying to make a quick statement that says "Look if you cannot fathom the idea of Same Sex parents then you are being narrow minded" In other words open up and think about it!

I do see what you are thinking but also think you are trying to read too far into it!

This message was edited by ShavinBush on 6-29-01 @ 7:14 AM
posted on 06-28-2001 @ 11:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Interesting question here, Me being a homo myself think yes it's okay for us to adopt -- HOMOSEXUALITY is DEFINATELY genetic!!! Belive me, I didn't go "to the other side" because I wanted to try it out.. I always knew I wanted to. As far as raising "NORMAL" kids.. what the fuck is that? NORMAL?? HELLO - you guys see the hetero couples that bitch and fight on Springer? answer this question, would you rather be adopted by a nice - gay couple that would be able to provide everything for you.. or a hetero couple off the springer show? Answer that honestly... You guys do realize that us fags are VERY ambitious people.. we are shuned by society therefore we have to "prove" ourselves... of course there are the exception out there (gay marco). So yes we are capable of being great parents.. BUT -- like someone said -- what about parent teacher conferences? school plays? BIrthday parties your kids are invited to? KIDS are Mean sons of bitches.. I for one would rather NOT adopt than to put a child through that kind of "torture" at a young age.. SUcks but hey.. This is my lifestyle and I accept it.. Someone should tell ROSIE and those other lesbians raising future messed up children...

posted on 06-29-2001 @ 12:08 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

HELLO - you guys see the hetero couples that bitch and fight on Springer?

Yes...I call them actors and actresses.

Homosexuality is genetic you say? You are not born is a learned way of life. And if you put your mind to can become straight.

It's not enough that you want a have to earn it! Now I'm going on a bender to end all benders
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 12:25 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Yeah, I read about that study. It's a bunch of shit, and goes against everything plain observation will teach you. But it makes the Bible-thumpers in Mississippi feel better to think that it was true.

Moral of the story: just because someone comes out with a study doesn't mean it's believable. The whole experiment was flawed right off the bat, because the people involved WANTED BADLY to be straight. That's like people cutting out junk food and convincing themselves that they like health food better. Deep down, it's not natural for them. And trying to change someone's sexuality can really fuck their heads up (this goes double for teenagers).

But look at it this way: I prefer brunettes. Should I try to like blondes better because guys are supposed to? Should chubby chasers try to convince themselves to like thin girls instead? Why try to convince yourself that you're someone you're not?

Non sottovalutare mai lo psico fattore in mia testa!
Harry Ballzanya
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 12:28 AM      
Registered: May. 01
I don't think it would be good for the child at all, but not based on thinking that a homosexual couple wouldn't raise the child right...i dont think it would be good for him because of what kids would say and do, and that could potentially put the child in a very dangerous position.

Don't Blame Canada..Blame YOURSELF!!
"If I had just one wish, I would ask for a big enough ass for the whole world to kiss." - Eminem
"Does anybody really know the secret? Or the combination for this life and where they keep it? It's kinda sad when you don't know the meaning..but everything happens for a reason." - Limp Bizkit

Former adoptee of Sephiroth..Graduated 5/12/01
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 1:41 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
I think Matt and Trey did a good job with the people opposed to gays around children on this weeks south park so watch it and laugh. Besides I don't think gay people are cult and are out there recruiting and getting this done through adoption.

"Face it Hitler was a Genius!"
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 6:39 AM      
Registered: May. 01

Yes...I call them actors and actresses.

1. I was just using springer as an example.


Homosexuality is genetic you say? You are not born is a learned way of life. And if you put your mind to can become straight.

2. HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THIS INFORMATION? A LEARNED WAY OF LIFE? What kind of crack are you smoking? What, am I lying about it? You're telling me - because of course you, the heterosexual male, knows all - I put my mind to being gay so I went to the other side. TOOL!
Believe me, If I HAD TO CHOOSE, I WOULD OF COURSE BE HETERO! What kind of fool would put themselves through this ON PURPOSE? ? ? ? What, you think homosexuals choose this lifestyle? YEah, we all say, lets make our lives soo much more difficult ON PURPOSE .. you know.. ourlives will be boring so lets go gay for a bit-- to spice things up..

DUDE, you still got a LOT TO LEARN about life.

posted on 06-29-2001 @ 10:41 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Speaking as someone who has a college degree in Biology, the whole genetic vs. lifestyle debate has holes on both sides. If it were genetic, then it's a defect. Why would nature make something that doesn't want to reproduce itself through sexual reproduction? If you strip away all the bullshit, we are on this planet for one reason - to pass our genes onto our next generation. The flaw in the lifestyle arguement is, if it's a lifestyle, why can't they change? Personally, I think it's neither. I think it's a mental illness. When I use the term "mental illness" I'm not making a personal attack on gay people either, I'm just using that term as a definition of a condition that is against the normal natural progression of life through sexual reproduction. No one will ever be able to convice me that homosexual sex is normal. We all have mental illnesses, and I don't think anyone is completely "normal". I can see how someone might be genetically predisposed for this mental illness, however, genetics isn't the cause of the problem. Just because you are predisposed for a condition doesn't mean you will develope it. Your environment contributes greatly to how you act as a human being. On a personal note, I don't have anything against gay people. I don't consider them a threat against me, or my beliefs. We all have the right to live our lives the way we see fit, as long as you are within the law. The problem I have with gay people adopting children is, there will never be a mother AND and father. Numerous studies have shown that a child will do better in life if they grow up in a household with a male and female parent. Both contibute greatly to the child's development. I believe that the love and care would be there with a gay couple, but it will never be the same as a hetrosexual couple. I am also against single parent's adopting children, whether they are gay or straight. People like Rosie totally piss me of. The only reason she has those kids is because she has money. Never mind the fact that she works so hard that she probably hardly ever sees them. I find it hard to believe that she is raising her kids. I think her nanny is more a mother than she will ever be.


Yes, I know my sig pic is disturbing.
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 12:51 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Having been a 'fag hag' for many years previous to both my marriage and the birth of my children, I can say with the utmost confidence that gay/lesbian couples are just as capable and devoted to raising "normal" children as hetero couples. In the same sense, they are just as likely to make mistakes. They are human - they eat, shit and bleed like everyone else.

The myth that homosexual people are MORE sexual and therefore more likely to commit criminal acts upon children is unfounded and illogical. How horny are you - (the strictly hetero guy/girl reading this right now) - how capable are you of sexually abusing a child?

Environment AND genetics play a huge part in who you become as an adult. Both factors, whether balanced or not, combine with life experiences to make us who we are; gay/lesbian couples who adopt are looking to raise children as productive and caring parents, just as hetero couples who adopt. And both types of adopting parents can be cruel, or loving; seeking sexual depravity or raising a child.

Other children can be and will be cruel despite who your parents are! Have you got big nose? Are you poor? Is your ethnicity or religion a rarity in your community? Are you too smart? Too pretty? Dog-butt ugly? The kids who bully will be bullies no matter what; your parents' sexual orientation, while certainly a point a bully will pick on, is no different than the color of your skin, the religious beliefs of your family, the monetary class you hail from.

Anyone willing to take in a child which no one else wanted or could raise, should be honored, not desputed. We cringe and scream when we hear about the assholes who beat and rape and kill their children. And as it so often appears in the headlines and new stories, those parents are almost always hetero.

Have there been horrible hetero adoptive parents? Of course! Have there been horrible gay/lesbian adoptive parents? The answer has to be yes. But the balance there is that there ARE very loving, very caring parents of both types who are successfully raising "normal" children. :)

*stepping off the soapbox*

I've got PMS and ESP - that makes me a Bitch who knows Everything

Recently and Most Graciously Adopted by FollowThisLogic

posted on 06-29-2001 @ 1:00 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

We cringe and scream when we hear about the assholes who beat and rape and kill their children. And as it so often appears in the headlines and new stories, those parents are almost always hetero.

Of course they are almost always going to be Hetro! No matter how much sperm a guy deposits in another guys ass, they aren't going to have offspring! No matter how much two lesbians go down on each other, they will never have children! Hence, there will be no children for them to abuse. Look at it this way: Maybe mother nature has a REASON why two males or two females cannot reproduce.


Yes, I know my sig pic is disturbing.
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 5:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
OK Gaysia...think about this one. You're you know how to eat, walk, talk, read, do addition or subtraction? No...these skills are taught to us. From the very first suck on your mom's tittie for milk, we are taught everything that we know. Someone had to teach you about homosexuality. You LEARNED about it and chose to try it. The only thing that we as humans are not taught is the notion of time.

It's not enough that you want a have to earn it! Now I'm going on a bender to end all benders
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 6:36 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
"BZZZZZT! WRONG! Try again, dumbass!"

From birth we do know how to eat. Gather food? No. Talk? Put two infants in the crib together and watch them communicate. Speak English yet? Of course not. Add and subtract? Just watch a baby take in the world. Our brains start out wired to absorb everything, the BASIC programming is already there!!! As time goes on they get less and less able to absorb info (some people more than others).

As a fellow scientist (physicist), DasDoomper has it right. We are a cumulation of both learned and genetic traits.

Both of my parents were hippies in the 60's. Drugs, sex and all that... I, however, have never touched a drug in my life, Hell, I don't even drink!

The sex thing on the other hand... ;)

"Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battlestation."
Ben Sisko - Deep Space 9
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 6:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
please explain call me a dumbass, yet you support my very argument that everything is learned.

take two babies and seperate them completely from anything that could ignite the senses...what do they learn? Nothing

It's not enough that you want a have to earn it! Now I'm going on a bender to end all benders
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 7:31 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Having had a baby I can tell you this: the very first time I breast fed my son HE was the one who taught ME how to do it! I had no idea - tits don't come with instructions - but the moment he felt the nipple against his cheek he knew what to do. Its instinct - something we are born with, not taught or learned or observed

I've got PMS and ESP - that makes me a Bitch who knows Everything

Recently and Most Graciously Adopted by FollowThisLogic

posted on 06-29-2001 @ 9:32 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00

I didn't mean to call anyone a dumbass, just using one of my favoeite quotes in general.

My bad...


"Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battlestation."
Ben Sisko - Deep Space 9
NIGGA PLEASE! All the bitches in here are crazy!
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 11:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I think they can. I think a single parent or a couple, be they hetero or homo, can raise a normal kid or a messed up kid. I don't think sexual orientation matters when it comes to adopting kid. I take Opie's view.

Also - does getting more excited about Jim Breuer than Carmen Electra make me gay?

OK Ikeaboy - No need to beat around the bush, I think you will be able to get more than enough signatures on a petition/references so that you can adopt ;)

Sig Pic Under Construction
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 06-29-2001 @ 11:12 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Doesn't matter how many signatures I get- stupid Megan's Law ruins everyone's fun.

The narrator in Fight Club is the man we will be, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho is
the man we want to be
Eliza Dushku- Hotter Than

Mr. Brownstone
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 7:32 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Homosexuality is not normal and should be treated as such. You are deviant in the laws of nature.

Actually every mammal species has members that display homosexual tendencies, both male and female. You need to find out what it is in you that has you so pissed at gays. ::coughcoughbicuriousandashamedcoughcough::

There is a theory which states that if anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another which staes this has already happened. ---Douglas Adams

Now seeking junior Brownstones to adopt

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 2:09 PM      
Registered: May. 01

You're you know how to eat, walk, talk, read, do addition or subtraction? No...these skills are taught to us. From the very first suck on your mom's tittie for milk, we are taught everything that we know. Someone had to teach you about homosexuality. You LEARNED about it and chose to try it

Like someone perfectly put it:

Bzzzzzzzt.. WRONG TRY again DUMBASS...

You need one of your friends to come out to you bro, the you'll come to realize that we didn't "learn" it.. WHERE THE hell are you getting your education from? You actaully think someone taught me how to be gay? You think I went to a special school so I can be taught how to be gay? answer this question: WHY THE HELL WOULD SOMEONE WANT GO TO "LEARN" HOW TO BE GAY WHEN SOCIETY TELLS US THAT IT'S "NOT NORMAL" TO BE GAY? Would you voluntarily go to such a school so you can be shuned by society? Like i stated before, you think I wanted to lead a life like this? make my life more difficult?

So you're telling me your parents taught you that your favorite color will be blue, you will only like vanilla ice cream, you will only like jeans.. that's right, you learned all these..

I am a scientist myself, actually obtained my PhD from an Ivy league school... I'm actually in research now. Someone mentiond homosexuality was a form of mental illness?? Myfriend, Mental illness can be CURED... homosexuality cannot.

BROWNSTONE said it best:

"Actually every mammal species has members that display homosexual tendencies, both male and female"

Spuds_Buckley : What makes you think you know so much about how gays think and what's best for us?

This message was edited by GAYsian on 6-30-01 @ 7:54 PM
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 2:59 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
eeaaassssy folks only peeps w/consciences--gay or
straight should be raising children. every one is
missing the point: There are copious amounts of
heteros who have no business raising or giving
birth to children. any dick or cunt may have a
baby, but it takes a human being to nurture a
child w/out gender bias or perversion....

not a difficult question; just look into your
heart and soul.

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