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Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 12-18-2001 @ 2:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Animal experimentation for human purposes should be abolished. Humans should be used instead.

Hunting should not be done with guns. Hunters should have the same advantages as the animal being hunted. They should be stripped naked and sent into the woods to find thier own resources to capture whatever animal they seek to kill.

I Love the Brokenjaw
I Love the Psycho B*

posted on 12-18-2001 @ 2:48 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Hey Gonzo..of course Peurto Rico isnt a state.

It's a floating prison. In which the prisoners are allowed to leave and commit more crime. And give everyone good deals on car stereos.
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 2:53 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
One man's opinion holds no more weight than another's.


Now I'm having a problem with my balls. Are they supposed to hang so low, or is there more gravity in my pants than I originally thought?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All my girlfriends have been blind.
Ants's brain fart/Seph's ninja/robot's creation
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 2:58 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01

As a jew i do not agree with that statement, as a human being I think it's kinda dumb
Did you mean that Germans SHOULD never be allowed to live down WWII? Either way, as a German I don't agree with your statement, but as a human I can understand it.

*Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they're any smarter.

*If people are going to get married, they should commit to it and not bail when they hit a bump in the road - case in point - Tom Green on his application for divorce from Drew Barrymore - "Drew is a wonderful woman. I love her very much. I wish our marriage could have worked out. I wish her much happiness." Douche bag, you were married for 5 months, it probably could work out if you put in some effort, but then it's probably likely that you didn't put in any effort into thinking about getting married before you did.

*People should think before they act

*Good manners go a long way, would it kill everyone to at least be polite to each other?

*It's not a thyroid condition, you eat too much and don't exercise enough.

*Spandex doesn't look good on anyone

*Do unto is the golden rule, and if everyone lived by it, the world would be a better place

King f-tard
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
ALkey, but what about one mans ear??? :)

IM me Or E-Mail Me

Lets Go Knicks. They arent that bad, they might make the playoffs only to knocked out in the second round.
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Animal experimentation is good. I would kill a million bunnies and monkeys to save my kids life.

M-16's are not used for hunting. The are used for civil defense.

Most teens should be seen and not heard

People that don't use spaces when they type should be banned for the day

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
14) Guys want their balls sucked, and if you don't swallow, you are a worthless cunt that won't be eaten out. Reciprocate or die, bitch! =)

15) Girls that don't kiss when they fuck are two-bit whores.

16) Guys, if you are 35 and still live with your Mom, you are either a serial killer or a homosexual in denial.

17) Olsen Twins should be de-virgined together and on Pay-Per-View

18) There should be a cap on how much you can spend on lawyers in court (OJ-effect). Therefore, economical status should not affect the law system in place. Once that total is met (say 1 million tops) that's it.

19) You should be able to get Law Insurance, which will protect you when you do have to go to court, and start to unifie the out-of-control lawyer costs in this country. Their prices should be capped, and like health insurance, they should lower their rates by incentive when they get more work by accepting insurance.

20) Friends online does not mean friends in real life. People persona's online does not mean they are swell or accurate in real life...if you can't get this thru your thick skulls, you should not be allowed online more than 2 hours per week. Online buddies does not count as social life. Sorry. And if you have sex based on online relations, etc, you should have no expectations besides just getting your rocks off.

21) GonzoStyle is right on the Beatles. They are the greatest, ever. Nobody comes close.

22) If you listen to 80's music, you should be on a list that the gov't keeps to track your migration habits, b/c you people should have your breeding habits controlled.

23) The Right to Bear Arms does not mean you have the right to carry weapons...during the time it was made, it meant that you have the right to take up arms when attacked. (ie: British attack, Indians, etc) Stop trying to make it different than what it is meant for b/c you are an insecure fuck. Bear does not mean carry or have it when you want...get a fucking clue.

24) Drinking age should be the same age you can be drafted. 18 or 21, I couldn't give a shit, but be consistent.

25) Anyone who has made more than a million from cigarettes, alocohol or gambling should have to give back at least 1/4 to support groups and programs for those addicted.

26) Any parent who doesn't monitor what their child watches on TV, plays as game or internet use, then complains about content, supports censorship, etc...should be fined.

27) Teachers should be paid the median average of that cities/localities population/corporations just to start.

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:07 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

We should close the goddamn borders already. Im all for Racial Diversity, but lets get our own shit together before we let anymore people in: Mexican, Irish, European and especially Canadian.

seph, i noticed you left out asians, any reason for that?? tog!!

Remember-Laughter heals.
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:07 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00

- Brittney is hotter than Christina
- The red headed chick with the big cans from just the 10 of us is even hotter

  • Shakira is hotter than all 3 of them
  • Harry Connick Jr. being called the "Sinatra of our generation" is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard.

Happy Holidays

I don't have a heart of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's other people a lot nicer coming up -- we call them losers.

Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
i think maynerd is fucking hot!!!

Arpi Karhu Kauppias forever!!!

AIM- Arpikarhu

wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
a lot of these have been said already, but here i go
-alchahol-legal, all ages.most kids drink because they're not allowed to.let them, and they wouldnt want to parents let me drink whenever i want to, and i dont feel the need.
-abortion-illegal.make protection easily available so that accidental pregnacys wont happen.
-child molestataion should have stricter consequences
-abuse of animals is as bad as child abuse
-rape should have the slightly less bad consequences as child molestation
-U.S. foreign policy should be the monroe doctrine, slightly altered
-to enter america for more then a must, you must be fluent in english
-college edjucations should be encouraged, but only available to those who earn them
-military warfare should be more face to long range should see the person you're killing.
-after a war, the winners must eat the remains of the losers as a way to discourage war(magus, slack, comment?)
-politically correctness has gone to is wrong to call any black person a nigger, or any asian a chink, but it is ok to say those terms at times.also, if a word like "black" offends, you, you need to get the sand out of our vagina
-driving and voting should be earned, and at any age.if a 10year old shows enough maturity, he should be allowed to vote, or if you're 18 and dont show it, you shouldnt vote.
-hitting your kids if they did something wrong is ok.spank them a few times, and be done with it.beating them is wrong, but an occaisonal slap is fine
-torture is not necessarily bad
-the death penalty is not meant to be is killing a person, and should be done in a way equal to that of a crime.if you stab somebody with a knife, you get stabbed.shoot them, you get shot, ect.
-campaign finance reform
-teaching should be a highly paying job
-any human is more valuable then 100 animals
-censorship should be done by the parents.a good parent should know what their kids watch and do until at least the age of 13.burt some government censorship is should not be on network tv, but is saying "shit" really that bad?
-all lawyers should be court appointed.your protection under the law should be equal, not by how much money you have
-professional sports teams need salary caps.give all teams an equal chance
-high school classes, both accelerated and regular, should be formed by inteligence.every person in the class should be of a similar level of inteligence.if a course is nto offerend in an accelerated level, the individual classes should be put together in a way to seperate the smart from the stupid
-there is NOT some international oranization controling the world.stop with the conspiracy theories
-harry potter is NOT a good example of fantasy literature.quite frankly, it sucks
-college applications should be made without using names, only social security affirmative action, no discrimination
-hate crimes do not exist.if a white kills a black or a black kills a white, it is the same thing
-an example of faulty logic "if whites exclude blacks, its discrimination.if blacks exclude whites, its fine."some colleges and organizations practice this.if you want equal rights, you want equal rights for ALL, not just you

more to come later...


This is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

Visit Foundry Chat.Its been dead lately.

This message was edited by fbdlingfrg on 12-18-01 @ 4:29 PM
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
  • The Matrix was right-- The human race is a virus
  • Ignorance is typical
  • Men's balls are the most amusing thing ever...and they're fun to play with :)
  • Most woman are whiny, petty, caddy bitches. Women cannot be friends with each other.
  • DYFS and other "child welfare agencies" should be eliminated. They do more harm than good.
  • Beaurocracy is sucking the lifeblood out of this country. There has to be a better way to get shit done.
  • It's abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous that there's a 99 year old guy who is still a senator...term limits anyone?
  • And no clueless old Polish guy who lives in the richest city of the world (Vatican) will tell me how I should fucking live my life. The Catholic Church is a fucking joke.
  • I do not have a fat ass ;)
  • Redheads have the most fun

I'll be stoned for Christmas, You can count on me. Please have strobes and Michelobs and a place for me to pee. I'll see mom for Christmas, I'll treat her rude and crude. Oh, I'll be home for Christmas, if only for free food.
Doesn't Live Up To The Hype
I should have stayed OVER THERE
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01

22) If you listen to 80's music, you should be on a list that the gov't keeps to track your migration habits, b/c you people should have your breeding habits controlled.

Die a slow fucking death.

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00


22) If you listen to 80's music, you should be on a list that the gov't keeps to track your migration habits, b/c you people should have your breeding habits controlled.

Die a slow fucking death.

That too! =)

I should have put in 80's "Top 40", but oh well.

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:56 PM      
Registered: Sep. 01
If you can't afford it,don't buy it on fucking credit...I don't want to wind up paying off your fucking debt when you declare bankruptcy because you just had to have it.

Most woman are whiny, petty, caddy bitches. Women cannot be friends with each other

I totally disagree with that. Personally I think that women say this so that the guys will like them. Either that or you're hanging out in the wrong places ;) Oops, I just noticed something Seph said

Dont Argue with what everyone says, just post what you think
Sorry Seph and spit, I won't argue anymore *uncrosses finger* :)
And unlike the rest of you, I think drugs should be illegal. For those of you that think drugs should be legal, are you saying all drugs or only certain types? Just curious.

This message was edited by MomYou'dLikeToF' on 12-18-01 @ 4:10 PM
The sky is blue
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:57 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Right wingers are full of shit. They are pro life yet they are pro hunting.

Pro lifers are full of shit. Especially the ones who protest. They probably killed more cells by stepping on a blade of grass than aborted fetuses had altogether.

Fez® blah blah blah ©2001 blah blah blah. Fez™ blah blah

Email me at [email protected]
Alkey gave me my bonus points back.
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 3:59 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
-athletes should make as much as they do as long as ticket prices keep going up and we continue to pay the prices. better they get it then the already billionaire owners.

-radiohead blows, as does dave mathews band - people who think that music such as that, as well as music like bjork, is 'amazing' annoy me

-people argue to much about things like religion, keep it to yourself, i dont give a fuck, i have my opinion you have yours. you're not going to blow me away with some new information that hasn't been mentioned a billion times over the last 2000 years

-fat people should be gathered up, sent to alaska, have the fat sucked out of them, then forced to eat the fat that was sucked out

-there should be an easier way to tell people who don't realize you don't give a fuck about them that you dont give a fuck about them. but since there isn't they shouldn't be offended when you tell them you dont care

-why do people have to leave away messages that describe every little thing you plan on doing while away. again, i do not care. just say you're not there, is that so hard?

-some people just shouldn't be allowed to talk about sports

-if a million puppies have to be killed to find a way to stop my balls from itching, so be it

-i miss hearing about froys adventures at the gym

posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
---The events of 9-11 were setup, and a way for the illuminiati to bring in the New World Order.

You can fool some people sometimes. But you cant fool all the people all the time. So now you see the light. Stand up for your right.
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

  • Parents should spend more time with their children and not be so quick to pawn them off to daycare services and nannies. And if your child has a problem, try being there for him/her and not so fast to shove a cure-all pill down his/her mouth!
  • People should be held equally accountable for their crimes - you take a life, you forfeit your own. You rape someone, you get raped (anally or otherwise).
  • The human race as a whole needs to realize that we are all PEOPLE. A Jew isn't a Catcholic, and an african isn't a chinese, but we are all PEOPLE. There might be a little less tension in the world if we started to think like that.
  • George Carlin may give a lot of laughs, but what he says really does make a hell of a lot of sense!
  • Ladies, hot and wild sex is always better than "making love". Sure, guys enjoy romance - but not all the time! Don't be afraid to let your hair down!
  • This country's views on sex and sexuality is horrible. There is nothing wrong with seeing a naked body - its natural, we all see it when we look in the mirror. And rather than hide sex from kids, why don't we try talking to them and explaining it to them - they might be more responsible about it in their futures and avoid getting knoecked up by Johnny Jock in high school!
  • Chia Pets - worst fucking gift to give/get for any occassion!!
  • If you have a belief you feel strongly about in your life - religion, way of life, how to dress, whatever - here's a tip : keep it tio yourself and don't try to push it on other people. I like who I am and how I live.
  • I think group sex should make a comeback.

Thats it for now, possibly more to follow....

Sig Pic Under Construction

The mind is like a works best when it is open

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:14 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

22) If you listen to 80's music, you should be on a list that the gov't keeps to track your migration habits, b/c you people should have your breeding habits controlled.

Spit what if you are listening to Guns and Roses, Soundgarden and U2.

I'm Deep Inside Your Children.
They Will Betray You In MY Name.

She-Mail Me Here

Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:19 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01

Men's balls are the most amusing thing ever...and they're fun to play with

  • Spit is cool


Now I'm having a problem with my balls. Are they supposed to hang so low, or is there more gravity in my pants than I originally thought?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All my girlfriends have been blind.
Ants's brain fart/Seph's ninja/robot's creation
Teh cute.
Look at that. You could bounce quarters off of it. Incredible.
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01
*Except for self defense, no one has the right to take someone else's life. If you kill, you should be killed. Juveniles count.
*Abortion is not murder.
*I don't give a SHIT what you think, MEN have absolutely NO say in abortions. You can have an opinion, but until you grow a womb, keep it to yourself.
*Drugs should be legalized.
*In lieu of the SAT's, a general knowledge/common sense test should be administered. The passes can go into the work force. The failures repeat h.s.
*In case you didn't follow, college is pointless.
*Rapists, pedophiles and all sexual offenders are to be put to death.
*Parents who teach thier children bigotry will have said children taken away from them and raised in an environment that teaches tolerance.
*Atheists are people whose lives haven't gone quite the way they expected them to and have become disillusioned.
*Mandatory tests before procreation.
*Britney Spears - a pig who should be forced into skin flicks as punishment for stealing money from millions of parents, lip synching entire concerts (Who DOES that?!?) and being a cock tease.
*Athletes aren't worth 127 mill for seven years. Everyone who actually WORKS gets paid dick: teachers, police officers, firefighters
*The only non black people (I'm still iffy on hispanics) allowed to listen to rap music are jews.

One Nation...Indivisible.
NYPD & FDNY: All give some - some give all.
I could never turn my back away.
11. 2. 01.

"I'm not saying that one is better, but c'mon...a little story about not having enough oil, or a virgin giving birth to a child that'll save us decide."
I won the last Sig contest & all I got was this cheesey status...
Who is driving? Oh my God! Bear is Driving! How can that be?!?
Kickflip b/s Tailslide Strike Team
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:23 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
try to stay with young and stupid...

  • sales tax ... bah! i cant afford another $25 bucks tacked onto the price of a PS2
  • rap sucks, rap-rock sucks, pop sucks, pop-punk sucks, mtv sucks
  • No one should dedicate their lives to reading and analyzing books and then making kids write essays on them. We dont care, we never will, and if my english teacher has a cat, i hope that when she wakes up on XMAS morning, it appears dead on that saggy mess she calls a face. (And dont think your hip and cool because you put a george harrison quote on the board)
  • if you can save an innocent life, go ahead and do so
  • people as a whole dont play enough video games.
  • if you commit a crime that hurts anyone other than yourself, you should take a bullet in each of your limbs.

My grandmother always said, "Why buy the cow, when you can get the sex for free?"
Despite all my RAGE, i am still just a rat in a cage.
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:29 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
my first double post - I fuckin' hate dialup connections...

This message was edited by hornygoatweed on 12-18-01 @ 4:48 PM
I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 12-18-2001 @ 4:29 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
some more...

  • People shouldn't fear that which they don't understand.
  • Stop blaming movies, music and video games for violence among teens and young adolescents. Instead try to fix the problem.
  • Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.
  • Holidays are more commercial than ever, and people are more concerned about getting that "big gift" than they are about living in the true spirit of the holiday.
  • Anything in excess is never a good thing - period.
  • People who complain that they don't like the way the government works should either try to do something or deal with it - especially you fuckers that don't vote but are the first ones to complain if your taxes go up or your funding goes down.
  • America needs to start seriously looking out for itself above and beyond any other country. Do you see anyone else looking out for us? The world is becoming increasingly more tense, and its just a matter of time before everythng just ends up going to hell.
  • Women should wear more leather during sex - especially boots - and I don't wanna hear how four inch heels are impossible to walk in - who's asking you to walk during sex????

Sig Pic Under Construction

The mind is like a works best when it is open

You can reach me through AIM or email. Don't be shy, drop a line and say Hi!

This message was edited by hornygoatweed on 12-18-01 @ 4:50 PM

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