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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What happened around here?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What happened around here?
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 7:52 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
The drop in any message board is due to the amount of time and priorities we have in our lives. When we first come on a board and are having fun, we tend to get really caught up in the board and make it a priority in our life to be there all the time. Then as we move on in time, people realize that reality is out there and not in here and even though the people here are all people we communicate with, they are not the people we have to be with all the time. Then other things in life become priorities and we tend to slow down our postings and move on to other priorities. It is called life and hey, IT HAPPENS. But hey, if you want to participate in something fun...go back to the Opak and Mendi threads and join in...let's liven up the board...

If you want to make this place a fun place that people want to come to, then make it fun. Make the excitement happen and keep it happening. It is up to all of us to make this place fun.

Besides, a topic about how many marbles a girl can fit in her twat or a topic about how far you can blow a booger out your nose may just be the topics we need to get the entertainment rolling here.

Beter yet,put up a picture of youself so we can all have a good laugh. That might work! Just kidding there, btw.
I guess what I am saying is that we all need to participate to make this a place that we can enjoy. It is a place for all of us, by all of us. Let the entertainment begin. Now about that nude pic of you.....


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av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 7:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
perfect example of what I was thinking when I opened this thread. It got moved to off topic. Why doesn't this thread belong in GD? I think it's a general discussion topic. If adopt a newbie threads belong there why wouldn't this? My personal opinion is now there are too many rules and regulations here I think it's scaring people away. I think when it was total pandermonium people had more fun....or not.

But why? I did it right the first time! - Orson Welles
Long Live Syndication Underground!!

The sky is blue
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:02 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
No, avi8ter, GD is anything that has to do with Opie and Anthony It's that simple

See My Sig Pics!

If you want to be adopted by me IM me at fezoanda and email me at [email protected]

Currently I've adopted giraffe raper and drkn2forget

Visit the best of the Hell Hole here
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:06 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Another factor is after you have been here a have pretty much seen it all...

Some of the magic goes away and it isnt as much fun as it used to be...

And does it really matter if a thread is in off topic or general discussion...its can still read it...

Anyway...enough board for one day...g'night

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:08 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Well I for one stopped posting alot due to the constant bashing. I know that I have asked for a lot of it in the past. But the thing that got to me was whats good for one was not good for another.

Now I like this board very much. And now I avoid posting because my point will get misunderstood and Ill get bashed. The bashing I dont mind its being told Im going to be banned for something so stupid. So to avoid al of that and to let you guys that dont like what I have to say get a break from me I just Lurk.

BUT If I may I would lke to say that its not the fault of the mods that some of you feel this way. The board only appeals to certain kinds of humor. And all kinds of people enjoy the O&A show. I know this is an O&A board but its also a little too O&A. If you keep the O&A stuff toatally seperate from the rest of the topics you may find that some of the poeple who lurk may post more. Now that just my opinion.

Some poeple find O&A funny and they want to visit the board they just get tired of seeing a lot of people constantly being goofy. it gets kinda of old after a while. Spice things up with some new topics. Maybe a thread holder for you guys that are in College. A whole topic devoted to school work and related assignments or a tech thread with tech info on braindumps for those about to take exams study tips and help. And a whole seperate O&A thread to keep the folks that dig that kind of humor there.

Now I know this is an O&A MESSAGE BOARD. But It may be hard to get all 11,000 plus memebers active with just this off the wall humor that not everybody will undersatnd without getting offended.

Now some will disagree with me but thats fine this is just my opinion. If I was able to talk verbally to you it would be a lot easier for me to make my point clearer.

Kid Afrika
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:09 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

The drop in any message board is due to the amount of time and priorities we have in our lives.

So you are saying that hundreds of people became inundated with priorties simultaneously? Your logic is ill-conceived. There has been a steady decline in activity for several months. I hardly think that we can chalk that up to priorities.


Beter yet,put up a picture of youself so we can all have a good laugh.

My picture has been posted here, and I'm sure people did have a good laugh. But hey, that's cool. I went to a party to support the board, and people were taking pictures. I didn't have to be there.

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

This message was edited by Kid Afrika on 4-13-01 @ 8:15 PM
av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

No, avi8ter, GD is anything that has to do with Opie and Anthony It's that simple

If that's the case why weren't these topics that are STILL up in GD moved?

The decline of america
adopt a newbie
wnew's melissa
froy's guest appearance
graduation day
how to improve the chains

I'm not trying to be a dick here. It's just that the mods want people to adhere to the rules when they don't do it themselves. I was just merely asking a question and other members brought up other points that were sensitive so it was moved.

It all just seems strnge to me. Don't get me wrong I love coming to this bored and hanging out with all of you. I was just stating an observation.

But why? I did it right the first time! - Orson Welles
Long Live Syndication Underground!!

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:14 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Kid...if you still like it here...stay, if not...go...

Im tired of these hey the board is going to crap threads...they have popped up every month or so since the board was started with the exception of the first few mos...

People it seems are just not happy with what they have....

Did we have more people here? Yes
Is the board better or worse off without them? Neither

This board is always has been doing that since the day it started...people come...people it better or worse?

Who is to say...I still like it here...I still have fun is totally different from what it started out as...I sometimes miss the old days when we were a tight little community...but change is constant...the board will be different than it is now in a few mos....and different from that after...

Thats just the way the place is...

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:16 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

I'm not trying to be a dick here

Of course not, that is fez's job j/k. To answer about some of those questions. I think op and ant talked about talked about the decline of america although i may be wrong. The adopt a newbie and graduation day threads are there because gd gets seen the most and those need to be seen. And froy guest appearance was by Gay Marco who is show related and it was related to an article also somewhat involving O & A.

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Kid Afrika
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:22 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I think that the bottom line about posts being moved is that it's the discretion of the mods. However, it does often seem that discretion is not used when moving posts.

Apparently it is not a very glamourous position, being a mod. That said, I have often quoted "absolute power corrupts absolutely". (unknown to me)

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:23 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Ok Av modding 101...I usually dont bother to explain what we move or why...but ill make an exception in your case cuz I owe ya one...

Decline of America: Caller stated that O&A were part of it

Adopt a newbie: Easy to find for newbies

WNEW's Melissa: Someone who has been on the show and O&A have talked about at length

Froy's Guest appearance: About Marco's column...Marco is a freind of the show and is given certain mods are too...

Graduation Day: Tied in with Adopt a Newbie

Improving the chain: O&A's latest contest

Do you approve or should I tell Froy to make you a mod because you can do it better?

This message was edited by opak on 4-13-01 @ 8:29 PM
Kid Afrika
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:28 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Im tired of these hey the board is going to crap threads...they have popped up every month or so since the board was started with the exception of the first few mos...

Gee opak, you wouldn't be denying the fact that the board is changing, yet again, would you?

Is it better or worse? I guess that depends on where you see it from. I'll stay here for a while, just to try and affect a change that you obviously don't feel the board needs. You may not miss the massive amounts of activity that the board once enjoyed, but I do.

I am not going to lie down and take it. That is the reason for my return. Someone I respect asked me "how my leaving would help to change the board". That was partially responsible for my return to the board after my short hiatus.

If you don't like my "bitching", then join the cause to solve the prob... oh wait, you fail to see that there is a problem. When you do realize it, then feel free to jump on board. Until then, keep giving me strikes to your heart's fucking content, because I will not quit. This time you'll have to force me out kicking and screaming.

Oh, and one more thing, "bah, go piss on an electric fence, opak".

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:34 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
lol ok kid

...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:45 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
holy shit people, its just a fucking message board for god's sake. get the fuck over it already. im tired of the bitching and moaning about, the mods do this, the mods do that, the mods are on a power trip. but when certain people had the ears of the mods and were allowed to run rampant and say whatever the fuck it was they wanted to say,without reprisals, were they complaining??? i'll answer that, no they fucking werent. now when things change for them, they start to complain and try to champion a change for the board. well champion all the causes you want, change for the message board, homelessness, the fight against aids whatever the fuck you want. knock yourself out, i wont stop you, i wont help you either because i dont believe in your cause. you talk about inane threads and thats all that is around???? ive noticed something recently, the threads that get the most action and most looks are either bashing fez for being a dick, or for young ladies talking about their dildos or sexual positions or what ever sexual thing that they want to talk about. and ive seen these same people who bash the inane threads on this board, fucking respond to them. hows that for hypocritical huh? plain and simple, its been said before, it'll be said again. this board was here before you and it will go on long after most of you are gone. thats the nature of the beast and it wont stop now. you dont like the way we moderate???? take it up with froy, hes the one who made all of us mods. he thought that we were good enough to do the job. if you disagree talk to him please. if you can do better talk to him. if you have a better way you think we can do things, why not start a thread about it. it seems to be dead here tonight, go ahead. i for one wont stop you. now if someone else does, thats their business, not mine. and for god sake have some fun, thats what its all about over here, or at least it should be

Ogni uomo... ogni uomo deve passare con il hell raggiungere il paradise!!!

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:48 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I think it's A OK. Short and sweet. This board has come a long way. Let's not forget the old day's.

In august of 2000 there were only 300 members. There is now 11,201. Not even a year has gone by. Relax it will have it's ups and downs.

AV8er. Obviously you don't visit the board enough to keep up. So try to be more of a regular. Don't criticize the board for your lack of posting.

It has not changed. What you are trying to say is you like watching people get tooled on. So now your mad that there is not enough tooling going on. No wonder you don't post that much. Because you can watch. But you lay back and wait for a tooling so you can join in.

Your a classic case of a newbie that never grew up. If you understand the board. You can create a new topic. Although your new topic may be tooled on. That's living the board life.

We all have lives. The board is just a venting area. It's fun to vent. So some people have more to vent than others. So their post count goes up. But you. I have no respect for. You are trying to use the excuse that "I only post when I have the time"..Bla bla bla. Shut up. Cause we all have time. Your just alittle pussy.

Your scared to post cause you don't wanna be tooled on. You would rather join a tooling. Shut up and enjoy what's in front of you.

As for you Kid. What has changed so drasctically? I am dying to know.

I hate to stir up trouble. But these complaining posts need to stop. Sorry if I insulted ya AV. Just my opinions.

Kid Afrika
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:52 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Bumpkinhead, I don't know if your current membership is the only one you've had. But if it is, I think you missed the baord in one of its "hay days".

There was a time when I would hasten to come on the baord after 11:00. Because it was very easy to get sucked in, and end up staying on 'til 2 or 3 in the morning, on a week night. Those days are gone. Used to be, that you could hardly follow a topic because of the constant replies.

So, what has changed? The amount of active posters, the amount of posts by those active posters, and the content of those posts. There seems to be a general lack of interest in stimulating conversation, whether comedic or intellectual.

I agree that things like this change and evolve constantly, but there is a certain degree of change that can occur without losing forward progress.

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

Boston Fan
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I do think there has been a change, although I admit the board is constantly changing, although I dont seen any power trips or controlled threads. Some topics simply may not be as exciting because they have been covered. Some of the same characters, I say that in a good way, arent here or dont post as often.

I'm not content with just complaining, or what may seem like complaining, at this change. The decrease in activity could just be a point in the life of the board. I also dont see the problem in conflict, like kid said, it seems natural. I dont mean tooling on people either.

Long Live Syndication Underground!"How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?"

This message was edited by Boston Fan on 4-13-01 @ 9:01 PM
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:56 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Well... that sure made for intresting
bad i couldn't bring my computer into the bathroom
while i sat on the bowel.

av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:58 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

You haven't insulted me but you were wrong on SOME of what you said about me. Yes I don't post that often but it's not because I'm afraid to get tooled on, I could care less. I only post when I have somethin *I* think is relevant to say or when I think I can add some humor to a thread.

And as for being a newbie that never grew up...That's just ponderous. You did have some valid points though. I wasn't complaining when I started this thread I was just stating an observation and was looking for some thoughts from other's that simple.

Thanks for your input sir.....

But why? I did it right the first time! - Orson Welles
Long Live Syndication Underground!!

onehung lo434
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Fucking Yankees...Oh yea,This is A Very interesting thread.Continue please

Fuck the Sig pic,It'll probably offend some fucking spineless tree hugger

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:12 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
The funny thing is the nicey-nice board hasnt encouraged more visitors to post and seems to have caused some of the vets to leave or not post as much as they used to. I miss JMB telling mewbies to sit on a bicycle sprocket. I miss Up and IP. They were personalities, like them or not. And I think most of us liked them. And noone has really stepped up to replace them. Oh well, it is just a message board. I'm sorry I missed the "hey day" of the board =)

Kid Afrika
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:16 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
So, what now? We are not to complain? Should we not air our concerns on something we feel so strongly about?

I like the board, and I am willing to do anything I can to bring life back to it. If I am alone in my quest, then so be it. I'll not give up, until I have exhausted all my resources.

oh and Faceman, :p Your still the nicey nice mod. LMMFYBO

Rather die makin' money than live poor and legal
As I slang another ounce, I wish it was a kilo.
I need money in a major way.
Time to fuck my BEEEYATCH!! Hey!, and getten' paid
You other mothafuckas callin',
But me and my mothafuckin' thug niggas,
We straight ballin'!!

The sky is blue
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:17 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
::Converstation has reached lull point. Everyone is writing their three page responces::

See My Sig Pics!

If you want to be adopted by me IM me at fezoanda and email me at [email protected]

Currently I've adopted giraffe raper and drkn2forget

Visit the best of the Hell Hole here
Soldier of Fortune Spec Ops Division
posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
is it just me or does anyone else see the fed up members of the board switching boards in the future, u know from this one to R&F mb? just a thought.

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 9:19 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I was speaking from experience. I was a newbie who never grew up. I agree with alot of what KID said. KId I remember when you couldn't tear yourself away from the computer. Yet, AV if you would like to Add humor to a thread. Make your own humoress thread. I will glady reply to it. Whether it's bad or good. So in short I love the board and have always loved it. It just grew up too fast for all of us. What can you expect. Too many personalities in one place. It's hard to make things pan out all the time. Good luck. :)

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