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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Hypocrisy Of Religion
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 4:16 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I getcha...I see the light...

Well, it had to be OK even before Noah...

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posted on 02-25-2002 @ 4:42 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
YD, take your point even further. Go back to Adam and Eve. They had two kids both boys. One of them kiled the other. They had another child after that....another son. How did they populate the earth?

Most intelligent religous people will realize that the Bible is not necessarily 100% accurate and complete. You're not going to find many people who believe it word for word. I mean hell, read Genesis, there are two different creation stories within that chapter. For instance, One says that God made Eve from Adam's rib. One said that God made her from dirt. They can't BOTH be right obviously.

However, those that do, will simply say that "well since it's not in the bible it does't mean that God didn't create more life and more people". There was like 20 years of Jesus' life that is missing in the Bible. He goes from being a 12 year old preacher, to being an early thirties hippy-guy. Just becuase the Bible doesn't cover those years, does it mean that they didn't occur, and that Jesus didn't perform some cool miracles there?

And irishcros, the first time I heard that "yellow/green" theory was by the lovely Molly Buchanan when I was like 12 years old. Even then she had luscious cans and I wanted to have PVI with her. And I might be wrong, but I think I've seen that in a movie too as some stoned guy being deep (maybe Daze and Confused?)

HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, BITCH??!! Keep hacking, I'll keep posting
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Confirmed Kills: Foundry Music Jeff.

This message was edited by OAAWITE on 2-25-02 @ 4:51 PM
crx girl
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ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 4:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
well, if you're gonna question the incest after noah, shouldn't you first go back and question how the hell did cain and abel reproduce? did they both fuck their mother? or just cain after he murdered his brother?

incidentally, while attempting to make sure i spelled their names right, i found this site Visit this Websitei kinda just skimmed over it but from the looks of it, it's a christian site that rates movies and they're rating genesis, and there's a list of unpunished incidents in genesis. it's kinda interesting, although it took me a while to figure out whether it's pro christian or against it...

"cheer up, things could be worse - you could have been born british!";) seph rocks
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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 5:10 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Let me also ask this- how much does the Bible leave out? Seriously, in class today we read in GEnesis when Abraham allegedly sacrifices Isaac and it immediately cuts from Isaac asking Abraham who is going to provide the lamb for the sacrifice and Abraham replies "God is" to Isaac TIED TO THE FUCKING ALTAR!!! Don't you think Isaac realizes some weird fucking shit is going on?

And crx, CAPALERT always funny. Read the Harry Potter review, magnificent.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Monday 2/25: CBS: Queens, Dear, Raymond, Becker...NBC: Fear, Watch, Jordan...FOX: Public (the most special episode of the year), McBeal...UPN: Care?...WB: 7th Heaven, Angel
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
Gameshark Thinktank
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 5:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Well think of it this way. You have nothing to lose if you believe in god. You only gain. Its just a thought in your head, and if there really is a god you'll go to hevean.

graduated from the adolescentmasturbator school of newbies

Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.--- F.D.R
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 5:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 01

Its just a thought in your head, and if there really is a god you'll go to hevean.

Actually I believe catholisism preaches that you can only go to heaven if you TRULEY believe in God and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. So just having a thought floating around in the back of your head won't get you into heaven.

This message was edited by YellowDiscipline on 2-25-02 @ 5:56 PM
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 5:53 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

You have nothing to lose if you believe in god.
You lose free will, you lose the ability to think for yourself.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Monday 2/25: CBS: Queens, Dear, Raymond, Becker...NBC: Fear, Watch, Jordan...FOX: Public (the most special episode of the year), McBeal...UPN: Care?...WB: 7th Heaven, Angel
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 9:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

For those who believe and take the bible for what it is, I have a question for you. I have asked this question, along with the two in my first post, to many people but have never gotten a straight answer.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but after the flood there were only eight people left on the Earth. I believe these eight people were Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. Since they were the only poeple left it was up to them to repopulate the Earth. In order to do this they would have to commit incest. I believe it is a proven fact that incest causes retardation. So how is it that they were able to repopulate the world through incest. Wouldn't everyone be retarded?(No jokes please) Also, does this mean that incest was okay in God's eyes back then?

YD, It says that noah was the most rightous of his generation. but before that It says that God seperated the people into 70 nations (re: the tower of babel). then God brought the flood. so, as far as i believe, God warned the people before he brought the flood. as for incest, they might have had children before the flood. but marrying your cousin isn't nearly as bad as marrying your sister/brother!


Let me also ask this- how much does the Bible leave out? Seriously, in class today we read in GEnesis when Abraham allegedly sacrifices Isaac and it immediately cuts from Isaac asking Abraham who is going to provide the lamb for the sacrifice and Abraham replies "God is" to Isaac TIED TO THE FUCKING ALTAR!!! Don't you think Isaac realizes some weird fucking shit is going on?

i learned that it was a test to abraham. but no one asked who's ganna bring the lamb, it appeared as abraham was lowering the knife to isaac.

there's a saying in the jewish religion that "there are 70 faces to the torah" meaning that not everyone will agree on the interpretations of the bible, but you understand it according to your ability.

posted on 02-25-2002 @ 9:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01

You are aware that every subsequent post from you makes less and less sense, right

Maybe you should read my posts a little better...

I said that it seems to be the general ideology of the board and this thread in particular that if you do believe in god and religion you are the minority.

Tell me where I don't make sense....I think that I am stating a fact.


Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 10:30 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
What I was referring to Vorhees is your John Walker comment.

and cunt twat my problem is this. from my Biblical interpretation I got this "He[Isaac] said, "The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" Abraham said, "God himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering, my son." So the two of them walked on together. When they came to the place that God had shown him, Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in ordcer. He bound the son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood." I mean COME ON, how can't the son realize some weird shit was going on. At least reference it in the flipping book.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Monday 2/25: CBS: Queens, Dear, Raymond, Becker...NBC: Fear, Watch, Jordan...FOX: Public (the most special episode of the year), McBeal...UPN: Care?...WB: 7th Heaven, Angel
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
posted on 02-25-2002 @ 11:39 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Gods(plural) exist.They are archetypes in the collective unconscious of man;they are strengthened by the faith of their followers.
They exist in the excluded middle of things;things which aren't 0 or 1;;I or not I;as beings of this region,they aren't readily discernible or are their actions easily understood in black/white terms.

Similarly,anti-gods exist.The real bad boy,I'm sure you know his name,is a sum of the collective "shadow" existent in everyone's character;all the hatred,jealousy etc feed him.Can you see him in today's world?I certainly can.

Even the old Norse gods are still kicking around;you strengthen them simply by mentioning the days of the week:

Wednesday=Wodenstag=the day of Woden or Odin,the chief Norse god;the christians who trashed the old ways were so wary of the peasants veneration of him,they name-changed Wednesday(Wodenstag) to Mittwoch(Midweek) in Germany.

Thursday=Thors-day,the warrior with the big hammer.

Friday=Freias-Day or Friggas-day,a fertile and horny girlfriend of the gods;To frigg means to fuck;so technically Friday=Fuck Day.Can you get behind this one?

So,you ask,what does this garbage mean to me?A feedback loop exists between a "god" and a faithful follower that allows the ff access to a little of the particular "gods" power or attributes.

Try this,if you are of no particular religion.On Wednesdays,say a little prayer to Woden,his primary attribute being wisdom.Ask for his help and guidance;to be wise and sagacious in your dealings.If it works,does it matter if he "really" exists?

posted on 02-25-2002 @ 11:47 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
My collective respect for the rationality of mankind just went down yet another notch.

HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, BITCH??!! Keep hacking, I'll keep posting
New Poster with a question? AIM me

Confirmed Kills: Foundry Music Jeff.
Bloody Anus
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 7:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00
I have literally lost sleep over this whole issue many times, this will be another..

I really don't know crap about most of the Bible/Jesus/Noah stuff. I sometimes wish I did, it would make me look smarter when I debate this stuff. I have a bunch of stuff to get off my chest that's been lingering in my fucked up head for months, so this will probably be some incoherent babbling.

I remember at some point in my life believing in god. I don't know when I stopped, there was no "moment of truth" or anything, just living my meaningless life day by day, witnessing what goes on in the world, and gradually working my way into my own conclusion that there is no god. I decided by myself, based on what took place in my life, in the world, that there is no god. I did once belive, but after taking an objective, open-minded look at everything, I came to the conclusion that there is no god. Just because when I was younger I believed in god, this did not "seal my fate" (i just punched myself for that pun) as forever believing in god.

There are several things that seriously piss me off about "god" and religion in general. I'm a person that believes in what I see. I trust my senses. I have never seen/heard/smelled/touched/tasted god. Thus then, if you follow this logic, I do not believe in god. A few weeks ago my dad told me there was an ad in the paper for a 100gig hard drive on sale for $120. That's a great deal. I said, "really?" and proceeded to look at the ad for myself. Upon seeing it, I came to the conclusion that, yes, indeed the hard drive was on sale. Not to say I don't trust my father, but seeing something with my own eyes tends to help its credibility.


It is scientfically and philosophically IMPOSSIBLE to prove that something doesn't exist. Go ahead: try. Prove that dogs can't dance, that aliens don't exist, that what I see as green you don't see as yellow. You just can't do it. You just can't PROVE a negative. Also, just becuase you can't prove something isn't one way, doesn't make it the other.

Absolutely. However, in the case of god, it can't be proven that he DOES exist, either. Using another dumbass analogy: Some dude says he can eat 200 Giggles cookies in 10 minutes. I say prove it, but he can't because Giggles cookies are no longer marketed. SO, it can not be proven that he can eat 200 Giggles cookies in 10 minutes, nor can it be proven that he can't eat 200 Giggles cookies in 10 minutes. Until I actually see him eat 200 Giggles cookies in 10 minutes, I will continue to believe that he can't eat 200 Giggles cookies in 10 minutes (sorry, I've had an urge for Giggles for the last 10 years)

I almost put a hole in my hand and my TV when I saw this: A few days after 9/11, the news did a little interview with a priest or reverand or whatever, asking him about how to "comfort" people questioning their faith and questiong the existence of god. His response was, and I quote,

...pain and suffering is a part of everyday life.
And then they cut back to the faggit anchors. So by that logic, I can go out, go door to door around the neighborhood, kill everyone I can as fast as I can until I get caught, and when asked why I did it, I could just say "pain and suffering are a part of everyday life. Deal with it." Or another mindset that pisses me off, it was "god's will". god has a divine plan, and obviously part of it was for me to go on a killing spree, otherwise I never would have done it, right? So what's the problem? (Lickass voice) COME ON! One of the few things that made me happy immediately after 9/11 was the fact that many people were questioning god. GOOD. If god could let something so horrid happen, 5000 people killed in the name of god himself (ok not the same god, but a god nonetheless), then you SHOULD question his existence, or at least question why he's such a fucking assfuck.

As far as the bible, like I said I don't know crap about it, but it seems ridiculous to me to live your life based on a book written 2000(?) years ago. Think of all that has happened and how much has changed since the bible was written, however long ago it was: Electricity, cars, computers, socks, pornography, toenail clippers, light bulbs, toothpaste, blah blah blah etc etc. Hell, if you were to follow a book written just 200 years ago, you'd have to go out and get yourself a nice colored boy to get your cotton. Fact is, things change over hundreds of years. Same thing with the Constitution. Some things just don't apply anymore in this lifetime.


Talk all you want about evolution but you can't get something from nothing. At some point, you had to have had a creator - call him/her what you want - "God" perhaps?

So where did god come from? If you can't get something from nothing, and god is clearly something, then where did he come from? I hate that question and the whole topic of creation itself, yet sometimes I spend days thinking about it. It pisses me off because there is no answer, and there never ever ever will be one. I DESPISE people that can say, with such confidence, that god created life. How fucking ignorant do you have to be to say and to believe for a fact what happened 6 BILLION years ago?!!? I feel the same way about people that say without a doubt that it was a Big Bang or evolution or something scientific like that. It's 6 BILLION years ago. Nobody will ever have the slightest clue what happened. Was it god? maybe. Big Bang? maybe. Who the hell knows? Reverting back to that earlier quote that you can't get something from nothing: If the world is 6 billion years old, what was going on 7 billion years ago? or 10 billion years ago? Obviously there once was nothing. NOTHING. No god, no air, no land, no planets, NOTHING. So what and when was the first ever sign of life, of existence. god? maybe. I just think that's too easy an answer. Where did he come from? Wait a second, I've already been there...

I thought this was from this thread but it was from another:

The best thing that could happen to us is a fucking nuclear war.

I actually applauded when I read this. Then I looked around, realized I was applauding, stopped, slapped myself, and continued reading. It's good to know I'm not the only one that would look forward to this. I'd embrace it. Human beings are the most advanced, sophisticated, intelligent species to walk this planet. Because of this also the most disgusting, ignorant, dangerous, unpredictable things to ever exist. Human beings have existed for what, a million years, give or take? And in that time we've fucked up each other, fucked up the planet more than dinosaurs did in the 65 million(?) years they existed. There will never be peace on earth as long as human beings inhabit it. Religion has nothing to do with it either. Humans are dangerous and unpredictable. We will wipe ourselves off the face of the Earth way before the year 3000.

Ok this post is too damn long, and I've gotten a bit off topic. I can go on and on but no one really cares, I'm tired, I'm getting sick of seeing that N'Sync banner (too lazy to scroll)and life is meaningless.

posted on 02-26-2002 @ 8:59 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02

Friday=Fuck Day

TGIF And I do mean Thank God.


This message was edited by Donny on 2-26-02 @ 9:00 AM
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 9:15 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02
For all you non-believers out there....

I once got lectured by a lawyer on the definition of circumstanstial evidence and its application to a murder trial I was a jurist on. He said we know you didn't see the actual murder but you have plenty of circumstantial evidence that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that this bastard killed his fellow worker. He went on and said, "Suppose you go to sleep one night. You look out the window and see a clear night. You wake up the next morn and notice a fresh coat of snow covering the ground. You look up and see a clear sky. Did you see it snow? No. But you know it snowed beyond a reasonable doubt."

So I look around and wonder about the big picture. I see a new life "created" only (simply put) when two people make it happen. I don't see it evolving around me.

Am I to believe that this is random? I don't think so.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 1:28 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

I really don't know crap about most of the Bible/Jesus/Noah stuff. I sometimes wish I did, it would make me look smarter when I debate this stuff. NetBible - you can't go to a better place than this to find out all you need to know. You can read the entire Bible here, both testaments AND the Apocrypha. So if you want to know all you can about the pro-god end of the debate, there it is.


"Suppose you go to sleep one night. You look out the window and see a clear night. You wake up the next morn and notice a fresh coat of snow covering the ground. You look up and see a clear sky. Did you see it snow? No. But you know it snowed beyond a reasonable doubt."

So I look around and wonder about the big picture. I see a new life "created" only (simply put) when two people make it happen. I don't see it evolving around me.

The snow argument just deflates your entire point. I can use the SAME EXACT argument. Did you see life evolve? No. But you know we are here, and there is a fossil record that shows more primitive versions of humans in the past, so we know evolution happened.

But this time it's not science fiction, it's science fact. You're the kind of person that argues that the universe is so perfect, and so vast, it must have been created by a higher power. Just cause we're too primitive and too small to know why it's all here, does NOT mean it must have been a higher power by default. Such an idea is preposterous.

Also, with the universe as INFINITELY HUGE as it is, you'd think that MAYBE they would have mentioned something about its creation in the Bible, right? But no, in the Bible, God (and this is the only time I'll capitalize the name as I see "God" as a Bible character) created the sun and the moon... oh and by the way threw in the stars for good measure. All after creating the Earth first.


Because the Bible was written by people who DID NOT KNOW ANY BETTER - they thought the Earth was the center of the universe. They thought the sun and the stars went around the Earth. Hell, they didn't even know that the stars were more then little points of light in the sky, that they are actually as big or bigger than the sun, just millions, billions of miles away.

To such an INCREDIBLY primitive culture, of course there's no better explanation than god. But you live 1500 years later. We know about evolution. We know a hell of a lot more about stars and the universe as a whole. If you seriously think there can't be a scientific explanation for it all (whether or not humans will ever find it, who knows), you belong with the monks that wrote the book.

Here's another question for the god-crazy folk of the thread. What if there are other planets with life on them out there? Wouldn't god have had to create them too? So why weren't they mentioned in the Bible? Or what if they have never had the belief in a higher power? What if all this god talk seems crazy to them, because they know they evolved? Are you going to try to tell them, "Nope, you didn't evolve, god created you. Here, read a Bible." And if they ask, "If god created us, why aren't we IN the Bible?" - what will you say?

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.
"dream yourself awake" he calls

"an eternity awaits us all

open your eyes

and be with me forever.."


posted on 02-26-2002 @ 2:16 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02

Here's another question for the god-crazy folk of the thread.

First of all, I haven't seen or heard from any God-crazy folks in this thread, certainly not I. I'll give you the evolution point you make. But please answer me this - how did it all start? The big bang? gases create a universe? Where did the gas come from? DOn't say Mexican food.

I've left the bible out of my discussions - I'm interested in whether God exists not so much that the bible is exact.

No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 2:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
ikea, abraham and isaac had a certain trust in god that you or i, or anyone else on this board, don't have. they were able to speak directly to god himself, and he answered them. as far as i can tell, that hasn't happened lately. knowing that there was no lamb, isaac still willingly continued walking with his father, and allowed him to be tied down to tha alter.

btw, happy purim to all the jews on the board!!

Bloody Anus
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 2:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00

"Suppose you go to sleep one night. You look out the window and see a clear night. You wake up the next morn and notice a fresh coat of snow covering the ground. You look up and see a clear sky. Did you see it snow? No. But you know it snowed beyond a reasonable doubt."

You didn't see it snow, but you have, in the past, seen it snow, so you know what snow is. what it looks like, what it feels like, and thus, what it is. On the other hand, if I wake up one morning and see the ground covered with 2 feet of cheddar cheese, then I will not know what happened, since I'd never seen 2 feet of cheddar covering the ground before.

I believe in what I see.

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 8:12 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Cunt- what I'm saying is that Abraham never told Isaac exactly what the point of the travel was.

And the snow argument is useless. Everyone has pretty much defeated it so I don't have any reason to speak on it.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Tuesday 2/26- CBS: JAG, Guardian, Amy...NBC: Frasier (R), Watching Ellie (the Julia Lewis Dreyfus show- pemiere), frasier, Scrubs....FOX: 70s Show, 70s Show (R), 24...ABC: The Chair, NYPD Blue, Philly...UPN: Buffy, Roswell...WB: Gilmore, Smallville...
I've purchased illegal substances once- i guess i caused the death of a baby- i wish i could have killed that fucker with my own hands. "Dude, Terrorism is so not cool. "- an RF.neter
posted on 02-26-2002 @ 8:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Once again, I come to the debate at a late date.

First of all, the whole debate here reminds me of something I learned way back in psych 101. People's beliefs are like building blocks. you might be able to change the top blocks (or superficial beliefs), but you'll never be able to change the foundation beliefs, because then the whole belief system collapses.

For some, religion is one of those foundation beliefs. It is the basis of their life, and you can never change their opinion, no matter what "evidence" you present. However, this isn't true for all people; otherwise there would be no religious conversions.

I don't see why religion and science need be mutually exclusive. there are plenty of interpretations that allow for both. For example evolution. If you do not take the bibel to be literal, than the 7 days could represent epochs, and not exclude dinosaurs or evolution.

There can be many good arguments for people who are agnostic, but not everything needs to be seen to be true. Remember historically people disbelieved that microbes, for example, existed because they couldn't see them. And Quantum physics - wild stuff.

Part of the problem is the way organized religions have behaved. Many people have used religion as an excuse to do horrible things. This doesn't mean religion is bad, just the people who mis use it.

Did God create man or man create god? no one can give you a definitive answer. No matter how you look at it, there can be some positive benefits to aspects of religion. Concepts that you shouldn't kill, shouldn't lie, should treat others as you wish to be treated - obviously good ideas. Jewish law prohibits eating pork. We know now that Pork often has trichinosis. That wasn't such a bad idea, was it? The idea that there is a god and/or an afterlife should help keep people following these rules.

It is not the hypocrisy of religion; it is the occasional hypocrisy of people using religion as an excuse.

red rocket
Secret Sex Chat
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 12:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
I believe that Religion is different for everyone. It depends on how involved you get in your religion too. I as I am Catholic but I do not follow the rules to a T. Does this mean I am not a Catholic or I am going to hell? I don't think so. I think the Rules and Bible in Catholic or any religion is more of a moral structure that guides us so there was not complete chaos. I do not believe that the stories in the bible are completely based on true. They are there to teach us a concept and interpret the concept as we see it. The church may interpret them totally different then you do. Religion is a very had topic to discuss since there are some many different religions and beliefs.
How do people feel about Lent. Not the board member the religious period. I don't feel like I need to give up something or not eat meat on Friday to be a good Catholic.

Our Flag always stands.
God Bless The USA.
posted on 02-28-2002 @ 12:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
I cannot believe that so many on this board have no belief in God, but you are entitled to that belief. I think what some of you fail to realize is that you do have faith in things that you cannot explain. Take one of our favorite things the computer. The computer is nothing more then wire, PCB, and circit boards, but yet it transmits data diplays amazing images, but how does it really work. Have you ever sat an tried to imagine how this computer really works? I do not understand it but I use it. I understand a type writer, or a car, but a computer to me is amzaing.

As for some of you that do not believe in the bible, one must remember that the bible was compiled not that long ago, by the order of King James, and a group of experts that he choose they put it togher and decided what should, and should not go in it(from the scrolls that where avialibe at that time). They where men so by no means where they perfect in its assembly. Even looking at the chapers of the apositles they differ in there wording but the content is the same becasue they to were men too, who are not perfect. The way I look at things is this way I believe in God, and if I am right I will be rewarded, and if I am wrong and the rest of you are right I will never know. So I choose to believe.

posted on 02-28-2002 @ 1:52 PM      
Registered: May. 01

I agree with you about believing in god, but the ass in your sig pic is much more amazing than a computer.


posted on 02-28-2002 @ 2:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

the bible was compiled not that long ago, by the order of King James

Well, to be more specific, The Bible you are referring to is the christian one, and out of that the old Testament is based on translation of the Torah (jewish bible), either directly from Hebrew or the intermediate Greek.

having said that, I don't disagree with your principle. This goes along with what I'm saying, that if there is a problem with religion, it is usually with Man's usage/interpretations, not necessarily with the concepts.

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Displaying 51-75 of 156 messages in this thread.