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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Hey Milkdud boy

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Hey Milkdud boy
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 2:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Spit, don't bogart that beer now....

E-Mail Me

"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach...So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants
Drunken GW
I Pissed on a Church to get this Status.
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 2:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Thanx Spit...Might as well spark up a fatty....

- roles up a fat blunt -

I guess this will be the sacrifice for a good weekend....

- passes blunt to Spit -

Sorry Metal, ladies first.

Friend of Pedro Guerrero.

Adopted by Calm Your Nut.
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 2:36 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Okay. Where the hell it the fuckin retard known as Knock Knock. I'm gonna fuckin knock his head off in one clean sweep then go rape all the females in his family.

Gahhhhhhhhdamn it, I told him to keep that operation a secret.

Hey assfuck, come here, I gotta nice present for ya. It's a boot. I think it'll fit. Bend over and let me see if I can make it fit up that tunnel known as your ass.


::walks over to fez and kicks the box of milkduds::

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 2:55 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Here I am baby bitch,why dont ya hop off that pig and come over here so I can slap the taste outta yer mouth.

Oh no wait Don't get off that pig yet I want to be able to look you in the eye when I smack ya in your teeth.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 2:59 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Hey bitch, that was a great pic you did. In your honor, I'm reviving a classic Grumpy pic. I found the pic I took of you. Remember this one?

Now get your fuckin head out of your ass. If you don't know that I eat asswipes like you for breakfast and shit them for lunch, then you're about to find out.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

This message was edited by Grumpy on 3-9-01 @ 3:04 PM
The sky is blue
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:02 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Does he have my duds?


See My Sig Pics!
Froy's going to ban me so if you have any last words.... ;)
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:03 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Fez, I believe that's what he's looking for.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:06 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
God damn thats a good one. I thought about that pic for you when i was at


I must say that you definatly are a worthy opponent But I dont scare that easy. so while Im looking for my those duds fez let me take this time to allow Grumpy a tour of my asshole.

I want him to get a good look at his new residence.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:15 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I think I may be the only one who hasn't been in your asshole. You get more traffic in that pipe than the lincoln tunnel at rush hour.

By the way - How's that "skin condition" on your lip doin? Are you sure the doctor said it was Herpe... I mean a cold sore?

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:20 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
What ya mean the one i got from your Mom.
Yeah I went over there last week to see about the money she owed me for working my corner, and she was 500 short. So she made up by giving me a blow job. Then she aked if id give her one and I told her NO Iam not into chicks with dicks.

This message was edited by knock411 on 3-9-01 @ 5:16 PM
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:25 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Bzzzzzzz.... wrong. Try again dumbass. That's your sister that you pimp. You really should tell her to ease on the suckin when giving smaple blowjobs. It's wreckin her jaw.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:25 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Hey what do you say there ankle biter. While I was at your moms she gave me this Picture of your and your freinds from school. She said you always liked to hang around guys your own size.

Hey look Grump You had red hair in your younger days.
Maybe Dice could use you in one of his acts.

This message was edited by knock411 on 3-9-01 @ 4:27 PM
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:29 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I found your favorite picture of yourself. How is your bladder condition doing anyway? is the medication helping?

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:34 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Oh hey one more thing I forgot to give ya Wee Man.
A little heads up for ya before your heads down on the ground.

Sears Stepladders Recalled
WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 8) -- Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, III. in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), today announced the continuing recall of approximately 7,500 five-foot household aluminum stepladders sold in 20 states from January 2000 to March 2001. This second notice of the recall, first announced by Sears on March 8,2001, has been issued in hopes of receiving a better return of the ladders.

Sears said that the ladders may pose a potential hazard for little people because under certain conditions the top cap may split, causing the ladder to collapse.And the little guys to be come hurt. No accidents or injuries have been reported, but owners are cautioned against using the affected ladders and are urged to return them to any Sears store for exchange or refund.

The ladders being recalled sold for about $13, have green feet and carry either model number 133.42435 or stock number 42435 on the upper end of the side rail. They were sold in Sears retail stores in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wyoming and parts of Iowa and Kentucky,And any other Inbred state we failed to mention.

Anyone needing to verify model numbers on the recalled ladders should call Grmpy's toll-free Hotline at 1-800-shortshit. Or email him @ [email protected]

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission protects the public from unreasonable risk of injury or death from 15,000 types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:37 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Hey Dick Knock, thanks for the update but I stopped shopping at sears since your dad took a shit in the tool section and swam in it singing "Sailing, Sailing, over the bounty main". I told you to put him on medication, but you wouldn't listen. Just like when you didn't listen when I told you that your mom was really a man. Did you get it when she stood up when she pee'd?

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:52 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I always wondered why.

Anyway speaking of moms This is the damn reason why the bitch aint making me any money on the corner.

I told ya to get her to a specialist for this now look.

This message was edited by knock411 on 3-9-01 @ 3:54 PM
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 3:54 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I have a question for you. Did the doctors ever figure out which two genes you're missing that make you bark? (Obscure Brian Regan Reference).
And why the hell do you put on so much makeup?

You look so much better without. You may be a flaming faggot who enjoys stuffing telephone books up your ass, but you should lay off the make-up. You'll get more guys to let you suck them off that way.

How do you hide your junk like that? oh wait, I forgot, you had it cut off. That's right. Too bad you ran out of money to finish the operation.

This message was edited by Grumpy on 3-9-01 @ 3:59 PM
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:02 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Now thats low Grumpy yousaid that you like me in that outfit.

Hey did they ever stop your dad from running around the neighbor hood in his torn underpants hollering at the little kids to look at his winke.

I remember last time he got out he was rubbing his bare ass on a fire hydrant trying to scratch his hemmoroids. Good thing your a good son and chewed them off for him.

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:08 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I guess this says it all on how you were conceived Grump.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:29 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

Hey Knock Knock - is everyone in your family retarded or are you the only lucky one?

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:38 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
We are all retarded. Don't you remember we competed against each others familys in the special olympics. I do belive my family beat yours. So that would give us one up on ya.

SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:41 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Okay dipshit - I'm goin home for the weekend now. We can continue this later, okay asshole?

By the way - Tell your mom I won't be by this weekend to give her an enema. Your dad hid the tube up his ass again. Unless you're willing to suck the fluids out like last time, I'm not gonna come by. But you can tell your sister to shave her snatch. I'll be by to get my weekly hummer from her.

Have a shitty weekend turd breathe!

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your bullshit!

The sky is blue
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 4:46 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
Gwad damn this is funny


See My Sig Pics!
Froy's going to ban me so if you have any last words.... ;)
posted on 03-09-2001 @ 5:04 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ok well tell your cross dressing dad to bring back my moms dress. she said he could try it on not keep it. And there better not be any cum stains on it either. Like the last time. Oh and could you show me that trick again on orally getting the fluids out. I know you normally like to do it but if your going to be away for the weekend I'll need to show your mom how to do it.

That is after I beat her with the ugly stick for a few hours and Knock the rest of her damn teeth out. This way here she can keep them all in one spot in her pocket. Besides I like Gummers anyway.

Ok Forest Grump Its been Fun Playing with ya, have a shitty weekend and remember when your done fucking your pig leave him alone for a half hour as he is still having his orgasm.

And whoever told you Insest is best they were wrong stay out of yer moms box I want a fresh peice when i see her. I dont need your juice to lube the hole.

Oh yeah I forgot your dick is so small you pee on your nuts.

Grumpys so short he plays hand ball on curbs
And he needs a step later to get up them

This message was edited by knock411 on 3-9-01 @ 5:13 PM

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