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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - GOP - Ya tool! You didn't learn your lesson the first time.

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: GOP - Ya tool! You didn't learn your lesson the first time.
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 6:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01
How about this, Grumpy: Your name is not copyrighted,
and I think you are a raging asshole. I can say your
name and talk about you all I want. Here you go: You're
a megalomaniacal faggot with a hard-on for anything
that doesn't agree with your rationale, and you
chastise Kid Afrika for that attitude, while you in
actuality are the only one that possesses it.
Un-cowardly enough for you? He jokes about you, and
since you have no sense of humor, you want to fight
about it. You're married, this I know, but I don't know if
you have kids. So, technically, you are an adult. "I
heard you talked about me behind my back." Is this
grade school? Be an adult, for Christ's sake. Drop the
holer-than-thou bullshit that you tried to ream me for
having in the first Fight Club thread, and stop whining.
You can't stop people from talking about you, Chumpy,
so learn to live with it. But if not being on the board for
a couple of days or not sitting here waiting for you to
respond equals being a coward in your book, I am sure
we could come up with a much more satisfactory test of
bravery. Hell, why don't you email me if you are too
impatient to wait for me too respond. I may spend a lot
of time on the board, but my life certainly does NOT
revolve around you and your childish insults. Jesus,
who the hell gets mad when someone talks behind
their back anymore? Are you sure you're not 5?

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


I have a little Wick.
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 7:37 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Aren't we brave, you know what Gop ya tool, everything you touch seems to become infected. You rag on GRKQT, problem #1
You rag on Grumpy, problem #2
If you didn't come off as such an ass, maybe, he wouldn't bother with you. You ignore me when I respond to you most of the time. You wanna be a big man, eff with me, I dare you.

You may think your posting style is original, but trust me, it's not. I/We have seen it all before, in fact more than one of us has been in your shoes. You are a negative influence on this board IMHO. No one is going to eff with you if you don't deserve it, but, it appears you do.


After the fire the fire still burns
The heart grows older but never ever learns
The memories smoulder and the soul always yearns
After the fire the fire still burns

Adopted TonySoprano, if he disrespects you, let me know, I'll find a nice place for him to sleep with the fishes.

E-Mail Me
Kid Afrika
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 7:52 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
and if "if" was a fifth, we'd all be drunk.

Me and you, yo mama and yo cousin too,
rollin' down the strip on Vogues.
Comin' up slammin' Cadillac do's."

Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Consciousness UFC
(I'm a dick and I like to ruin people's plans)
posted on 06-30-2001 @ 11:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00


Busted ya bastard

I should have never strayed from my Gonzo love, even if it was just as a backup

Funny how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns

Write To Me Here

Oh, I believe in yesterday's
got nothing for me

posted on 07-06-2001 @ 10:52 AM      
Registered: May. 01
I would just like to make something clear. My status may say Grumpy's personal bitch, but this thread seems to contradict that. I am not, nor will I ever be Grumpy's personal ANYTHING. This thread apparently ended without a conclusion to it. And things NEED to be finished in this matter. I need closure, dammit!

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 07-06-2001 @ 11:31 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

Now get your ass back in the barrel
before I bitch slap you again.

If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

If with age comes wisdom, I should have been a fucking sage by now!

posted on 07-08-2001 @ 10:51 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I can do it, too, Clumpy you little Willow-wannabe.
Hey, did you hit that casting call for 'The Hobbit' movies? I hear it was the biggest need for midgets since the Wizard of Oz and Willow combined.

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


I have a little Wick.
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:00 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Now GOP, you never were one to follow suit, were you???????

After the fire the fire still burns
The heart grows older but never ever learns
The memories smoulder and the soul always yearns
After the fire the fire still burns

Adopted TonySoprano, if he disrespects you, let me know, I'll find a nice place for him to sleep with the fishes.

E-Mail Me

This message was edited by Kingpin on 7-8-01 @ 11:08 PM
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 2:56 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
Oh look, my bitch tried to be funny again. hah! Hah! the retard made a joke. He said Hobbit. He said midget. that's funny. and original too!

Where DO YOU come up with them GOP?

Now, once again from the top:

Drop Dead Bitch!

If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

If with age comes wisdom, I should have been a fucking sage by now!

posted on 07-10-2001 @ 1:16 AM      
Registered: May. 01
It's too bad, Chumpy. You're now MY bitch. Unfortunately, no mods have recognized this. Someday, though, your favor will fail and you will then truly be MY BITCH. By the way, you stole GrkQT's Drop Dead thing, Mr. Originality. So stop calling the kettle black, you fat little pot. I am sure she will say anyone can use it as long as it is against me, but it's still HER line. DROP DEAD, YOU 3-FOOT HOMO!
P.S. - You're still a midget, and your pillow has deep teethmarks.

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-10-2001 @ 1:21 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

It's too bad, Chumpy. You're now MY bitch. Unfortunately, no mods have recognized this

Bwa.. Bwa-ha... BWA-HAHAHAHA!!!
GoP.. I'm not taking sides in this fight.. but I REALLY need to clarify.. no mods "have recognized" that Grumpy's your bitch because HE ISN'T

We now return you to your regularly scheduled fight club.. allready in progress....

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
posted on 07-10-2001 @ 4:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Hey, i know HTML too. Can I play? This seems like a very fun game.

In all seriousness, maybe you should take a break from the board, for a month or 2. I never had any interaction with you, so i got nothing against you. In all honesty, i have been ignoring you because i see the shit-storms that seem to follow you around. But if this many people dont like you, maybe you should step back and take a moment to think why. At this point, i dont think anything can change Grumpy's, Kingpin's, or Grk's opinion of you. Maybe with some introspection and meditation on your past posts, you can avoid making new enemies.

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate The whole human race
And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"
-The Misfits

I hate you. I hate everything you stand for. Please, for the love of christ, do not send me a E-mail
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 2:02 AM      
Registered: May. 01
A break from the board? Why? Because several people dislike me? I could give less of a shit, except for maybe Grk, spitfire, and Fez, all of whom have legitimate and justified grievances. As for Stumpy, well, he just likes to act big, and Magus has a personal dislike for me. Anyone else you mentioned isn't worth my mentioning, because they were just bandwagoneers to begin with. I can't be liked by everyone, but there are people here who DON'T have a problem with me. Don't tell ME to take a break just because someone else has a sideways watermelon lodged in their anus. I am a productive poster, whether you like it or not. A lot of people on here don't like me because they feel I may have challenged the whole communal aspect of this board. While I may have slighted a couple of people, I do not disavow knowledge of it and will continue to ackowledge and apologize for these discrepancies. Anyone else who WASN'T slighted, and dislikes me for slighting someone else out of loyalty, well, that I can't get rid of. And why should I? I like the communal aspect of this board and welcome it, but I will not kiss ass. I will not be quelled by any threats, either. I am here to get along as well as I know, and have fun. Rules are made to be followed, which I do. You people don't even all get along amongst yourselves WITHOUT my presence, so me being here isn't adding any unnecessary kindling to the flames.

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 9:49 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

First the retard says:
Anyone else you mentioned isn't worth my mentioning

And then he says:
I may have challenged the whole communal aspect of this board.

Then retard boy goes on to say:
I like the communal aspect of this board and welcome it

Okay retard - do you not see your own contradiction here. You don't give a shit about people but yet you like the communal aspect of the board? Communal means that everyone tries to get along and respect each other. From the start of your postings here, you did nothing but disrespect people. Do you not understand that that's the reason why people got on your shit? Please tell me that you are not THAT fucking dense.


then he babbles about:
Rules are made to be followed, which I do.

If that were true, you wouldn't have two strikes against you.

At this point, you've become a joke on the board. Congratulations - you even have your own tag line. Your reputation on the board has already been scarred and you've become nothing more than an annoying oddity. GrkQt's line is now your own personal identity.

I was more than willing to let this whole thing go after you apologized to Spit but you INSISTED on reviving it. That's fine. Every village needs an idiot. You seem to fit the role perfectly. At this point, your comments are no longer significant. Your words are no more than useless blabber. At first my rants on you were personal for your attacks on Spit. Now my rants exist because you're too fucking dense to just let it go and go on with your life. When you realize the fact that if you let this go, people will actually ignore you and may even like you eventually. Until you do, you are doomed to hear y our tag line over and over and over and over again.

Have a nice day!

Oh and Drop Dead!

If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

If with age comes wisdom, I should have been a fucking sage by now!

posted on 07-11-2001 @ 9:55 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
This may be the longest no-win fight ever. This fucker just won't die. Damn.

Dana Dillon
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 10:13 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
LMFAO Maynard!!This is keeping me entertained.Better than reading The Post :)

And many "Thanks" for the Sig Pic Just Jon!
One World.One Soul.
Time Pass.The River Roll.
If your considering being adopted e-mail me @ [email protected]
Original NYC Listener
I have room for 2 more Dillon's
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 2:41 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Magus has a personal dislike for me.

Actually... I don't. You pissed me off a while ago BUT you were able to calm down and behave to the point that I wasn't looking for an excuse to ban you.. and I'm STILL not. I'm sorry but the bitch statement you made was just outright stupid.. and I felt the need to point it out. This fight is entirely between you and Grumpy, I could care less about it.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
King f-tard
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 3:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
I want to interject my opinion here, because that is what I do. GOP, you have been a tool for quite some time, and you seemed to have calmed down for a while, but then you start up again.

Just this statement alone :


Because several people dislike me? I could give less of a shit, except for maybe Grk, spitfire, and Fez, all of whom have legitimate and justified grievances

3 regular board members all have problems with you? Thats amazing. I have been around for a little while, and have no-one who has a problem with me. Thats the way, you shouldnt even have a list of people who have legitimate problems. I agree with Seph, in that you need to relax and chill for a while and just drop it. You will never win. Grumpy may be a Midget :) but one thing he does is not lose.


When you realize the fact that if you let this go, people will actually ignore you and may even like you eventually. Until you do, you are doomed to hear your tag line over and over and over and over again.

Truer words havent been spoken since Reagan said that bombing starts in 5 minutes.

Nothing to see here - move along. And by the way, OJ did it.
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 4:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

except for maybe Grk, spitfire, and Fez, all of whom have legitimate and justified grievances

....My attitude towards you is the exact same as Magus's:

Actually... I don't. You pissed me off a while ago BUT you were able to calm down and behave......This fight is entirely between you and Grumpy, I could care less about it.

(just thought I'd clear that up)

Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man when he come in the door, man she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man.

I've adopted FN, um, I mean Fuggin Moron into the School of Altered Reality...he's a little slow so be nice :)
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 4:27 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

3 regular board members all have problems with you? Thats amazing. I have been around for a little while, and have no-one who has a problem with me.

king, if it would make you feel better, i'll start disliking you

thanks to fez for the pic
King f-tard
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Naah, but thanks for the offer. :)

Nothing to see here - move along. And by the way, OJ did it.
Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of life's problems
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 4:58 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Well, Clumpy, you see I did not mention them by NAME, which I still won't, so that blows your whole contradiction crapola right out of the proverbial water. Dumbass. Pick up a fucking 1st grade English book and READ IT. You are the LAST person who should criticize anyone else's grammar skills or word usage. And YOU, Dump Truck, are not liked by EVERYONE on the board, either. You are telling me I should be a certain way so that people will like me. Fuck that, you goddamn conformist. I conform to this board enough to stay here, but I won't change just so a circus reject and his cronies won't say "Drop Dead." Say it all you want! You think it REALLY matters to me? If it did once, it don't anymore. That is obvious by my STILL BEING here after having it said so fucking often. Ooooh, someone told me to drop dead and it's in my status! Well Holy Fucking Shitbiscuits, Batman! Your text is just that: TEXT. Typing "drop dead" is about as effective as telling a bullet to stop coming towards you. Besides, Dumpenstein, who created this thread, hmm? I let it drop when you do or when a mod gets pissed enough to want this dispute calmed down. Your whole reason for creating this thread was because I mentioned your name a few times in ways you didn't like? As I said before, asscrack, this is no schoolyard. I am perfectly able to say GRUMPY SUCKS MAMMOTH HORSE COCK.....AND LOVES IT!!!
in chat if I want. That's just because it's a true statment, you know? It's not like I'm spreading lies, you My Little Pony lover. So YOU drop it and stop getting your Rainbow Brite Underoos in a twist because I think you're a fucking clod. THAT won't change, even if the fight stops. So deal with it and go back to orally greasing your poppa's gnarled goo-rod.


Flying is actually quite simple. You take a flying leap at the ground...and miss.
I have a little Wick.
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 5:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00


Damn, guess I can't do HTML like GOP.

After the fire the fire still burns
The heart grows older but never ever learns
The memories smoulder and the soul always yearns
After the fire the fire still burns

Adopted TonySoprano, if he disrespects you, let me know, I'll find a nice place for him to sleep with the fishes.

E-Mail Me

This message was edited by Kingpin on 7-11-01 @ 5:17 PM
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 07-11-2001 @ 5:12 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00
I'm absolutely amazed at your stupidity GOP. You just don't get it, do you? You have no fucking clue. And the sad part is, you probably never will. And when you do figure it out, it'll be too late so it doesn't really matter much. I've tried to help, but you just don't seem to want to help. From me or anyone else. That's cool. I couldn't care less. Sooner or later you'll figure it out for yourself.

If you're having problems with your sig pic site host, feel free to go here: Visit this Website

If with age comes wisdom, I should have been a fucking sage by now!

posted on 07-11-2001 @ 11:52 PM      
Registered: May. 01
I don't WANT the kind of clues you have, Chumpchange. You just want me to be more like you, and I don't want to. I'll be like me, and some people here can respect that. Some can't. Oh, well. As long as I follow the rules, WRITTEN and UNWRITTEN, you can't do anything but bitch and start your little FC threads. What is comes down to:
You've got your ways, I've got mine
We can't always see eye to eye.
If you want a fight, I haven't the time
So meet me halfway..(cheesy guitar riff)..across the sky.

That's my little poem to you, Grampy. Here's a better one:

Eat me, midget, lick my ass
You're nothing but Carnie trash!
Suck my farts, you filthy slob,
And stop trying to hob my knob.
Your ass is chafed from traffic, deek,
Who's buggering you sore this week?
Your pillow has such deep teethmarks
You get reamed so hard it throws up sparks
Late at night your flog your log
While dreaming of me, you sloppy hog!
You're a boring, sleazy, old curmudgeon
Who loves it in his doody dungeon.
You take the cake, Chumpenstein.
You wish for real your ass was mine.
You're gay for me, you know it's true.
But I just don't feel that way for you.


Flying is actually quite simple. You take a flying leap at the ground...and miss.

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Displaying 51-75 of 138 messages in this thread.