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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Old Fat Faggots at it again

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Old Fat Faggots at it again
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:13 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Um. What board are you reading? When did I make fun of anyone's grammer? Unlike you, I don't refer to silly insults like that, in talking about Radio.

I simply made a comment, because someone wrote (I quoted it..maybe you missed it) "I'm going to post this in launguage so that even Javert can Understand".

Small little referance you overlooked.

The Truth hurts, huh? Again?

the truth hurts...
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:29 PM      
Registered: Aug. 00

Exactly which message board are you reading?

Here's one dump I found:
Visit this Website ;)

Remember "fellow children", serious questions only, since we all know how "mature" D&M and (I'm SURE) their listeners are. :)

Can't wait to finally see the end of D&M, it's about FUCKING time! :D Toodaloo ass-fuckers!


"How'd ya like to mow my lawn... ehhh?"

This message was edited by djOKterrific on 5-24-02 @ 4:41 PM

Fast Freddy
Voted Most Likey to Suck Weed! be a fucking retarded douchebag!
The next old thread I bring up officially starts the mods in a race to ban me.
Flock wins!
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:29 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

Don & Mike did what took O and A four hours to do yesterday, they got O & A good. And now, O and A don't get to retaliate until TUESDAY.

Gee, I wonder why they did it today?

War? What War? Spineless Faggots!

Eat that snatch faggot!
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:31 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
*reads posts*

Javert winz.

"there's only one way to beat us. it starts with a c and ends with a t" - shaq, 390 pound crybaby bitch.
When I hibernate my cave doubles as a dutch oven.
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:35 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

And so should you.


posted on 05-24-2002 @ 4:36 PM      
Registered: May. 02
I listen to 94 WYSP all day long. Howard, D&M, O&A; and as far as I know they are not in competition with each other. Why is everyone all of a sudden taking sides in this 'radio war' which looks to be completely unnecessary. I enjoy all three shows and don't even think to compare them to each other. Each has it's own brand of humor that I enjoy. Now D&M and O&A have to get into this He-Bitch pissing contest about whose ratings are better and whose show is better. I think all this bitching takes away something from both shows. Please remember why the four of you are even on the radio TO ENTERTAIN US-YOUR LISTENERS.Do you even think that any one of us wants to hear four hours of screaming about numbers,shares,time slots etc? Just work on making us laugh, not getting into cat fights with other DJs and other radio programs.I get enough whining and complaining at my job, then I have to turn on the radio and hear this? ENOUGH ALREADY!

Leaking Nipples
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 6:30 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
First of all, Javert is a lemming and should be treated as such.


"Who cares?". Thats always the excuse when fact strike. Anyhow, Apparently Opie and Ant do if they spent their whole show yesterday sprinkling insults at D&M. OH, so you must've thought that yesterdays O&A show was pretty bad...

Yes. That's right. Who cares. I know it MIGHT be hard to imagine, but I don't care that O&A went from a 7 to a 6.8 in 18+ in the spring part 1 ratings. I know that is riveting stuff. And yesterday's show was very funny, if you have had the displeasure of listening to Don and Mike.


Of course. Um. Virtually everyone in radio has an ego. OH, and O & A never go on about thier personal qualms. How many times can they make Rockhole referances. And to my knowledge they spent virtually a whole show talking about thier stupid article in time. Ok. Ok. Anthony likes the Ahsely twins. WE GET IT. How many times do they go on "We were in this ARticle, Ant..."...When people steal thier bits we have to hear Opie bitch and mown about Ken STevens, and people dumping out blah blah blah blah blah. Now thats funny? Of course it is. Because O & A are doing it. And thier fans can't think for themselves.

Good point. Everyone has an ego. But O&A, IMO, sometimes make it funny. I occasionally turn off the radio. But Don's sigh's and his co-hosts constant ego-stroking doesn't. It makes everyone else on the shows look like pussies.


First off, Don doesn't act superior to all callers. He just has the balls to take and continue talking to negative calls. O&A...they dont' take negative calls..but the few times that they leak through..they get INFURIATED. Don takes unscreened calls. O&A DON'T HAVE THE BALLS TO DO THAT...Plus, Don yells at callers every bit as much as O&A do when their always yelling "YOur on the Air! Tool! etc."

In Don's words, Don't always believe what you hear. If you believe that D&M take unscreened calls, fine. I am skeptical. And, assuming they do, maybe they should consider screening. Sometimes their callers are radio kryptonite.

And Don is absolutely egotistical. [sarcasm]But I see how he doesn't get infuriated. Nice levelheaded guys give out the phone numbers of callers who upset them. You're right. My mistake. And he doesn't scream to the point of never letting a caller get a point in. You are right my friend.[/sarcasm].


I thought you didn't care about ratings. But answer your questions, from what i dunerstand D&M aren't even head to head with O&A in many markets..because the fact is O&A AREN'T SYNDICATED IN AS MUCH CITIES AS D&M!!!. HAHAHAHAAA. So you're right! One Market doesn't make everything. Think about that.

It doesn't matter to me. I'm just destroying Don's argument. And about the markets. If Don doesn't want to count being on in Chicago on tape delay as being syndicated, I think it is fair to say that being syndicated to Topeka and Des Moines doesn't count either.

One market doesn't count. But being very successful in three (NY, Boston, Philadelphia) of the top 10 markets in less than ONE YEAR of syndication is impressive. When you are building up markets for 15 FUCKING YEARS!!!!!!!! it is expceted to have high ratings and tons of markets. It is also expected to be successful in Philly, NY and Boston, but, oh well. They have another 15 years to work at it. At least they have Little Rock.

And Topeka.

And Wichita.

And Reno.

And all of their listeners in those markets added up together would be 1/8 of what O&A have in NY.

And one last thing. If you still can't stomach the truth about demograpics, go to these links and see how Westwood One sells D&M and O&A.

D&M -> Visit this Website
Click on Don and Mike Ratings link. Especially note how their #1 slot in 12+ isn't even mentioned. But their male demos sure are! THIS is how their SYNDICATOR sells them. Therefore, THIS IS WHAT MATTERS!!!
O&A -> Visit this Website

This message was edited by Leaking Nipples on 5-24-02 @ 6:43 PM
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 6:49 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Javert, I love little stupid lemmings like you....You are nothing but a walking contradiction


No stupid. You see, its' O&A fans who are thought of as dumb. I can understand English

Read your own threads before commenting, stupid....Now run along confused little child.

Trust Me!
Leaking Nipples
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 6:58 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
Me read can English!!

posted on 05-25-2002 @ 5:37 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02

First of all, Javert is a lemming and should be treated as such.

I said before I'm just as bit as an O&A fan as anyone. I'm no d&m lemming. Unlie O&A fans I can think for myself. I don't need to have my choices dictated to me by Opie and Acne. Whatever they like, fans like. Whatever they hate, fans hate. LOL. If O&A turned on R&F today (which they won't...since they don't see R&F as a threat) the fans will be right there with a "Yes Sir!!!". I've listened to them (and R&R [R&fez]) prior to syndication..which shrunk the show into 1 hour of good radio each episode. So, I know what the shows are all about, and can make my decision based on what I hear, not as a 'lemming'.


Yes. That's right. Who cares. I know it MIGHT be hard to imagine, but I don't care that O&A went from a 7 to a 6.8 in 18+ in the spring part 1 ratings. I know that is riveting stuff. And yesterday's show was very funny, if you have had the displeasure of listening to Don and Mike.

Ok. Who Cares? Listeners do. When these radio wars start...and hosts start making personal attacks, and start talking inside stuff, such as ratings. I know it MIGHT be hard to imagine, but listeners eat up at this stuff. Thats why when this stuff is brought up..LINES ARE JAMMED with supporters/enemies. And that my friend, transfers into higher ratings. The most important factor to this all.


Good point. Everyone has an ego. But O&A, IMO, sometimes make it funny. I occasionally turn off the radio. But Don's sigh's and his co-hosts constant ego-stroking doesn't. It makes everyone else on the shows look like pussies.

Dude, Don and Mike 'sometimes' make it funny two. EVERY HOST SOMETIMES makes it funny, if your unbiased. Hell, even Don Imus' ego trips are sometimes funny (well actually the people around him make that possible....since he is literally dying.). So your comparing Don and Opies 'self serving' moments in terms of "Don's Sigh?". C'mon, Mr. Nipple. Thats like comparing Don And Mike's hilarious OA parody show bit, to Anthony saying "at least its not a .8"...over and over and over his stupid voice.


In Don's words, Don't always believe what you hear. If you believe that D&M take unscreened calls, fine. I am skeptical. And, assuming they do, maybe they should consider screening. Sometimes their callers are radio kryptonite.

ALL calls aren't unscreened. There are portions of the show where Don will just fire through a bunch of unscreen calls. Providing for a little spontanity (sp). O&A would never do this...they can't stand toe to toe with hecklers if they get through. They'll talk over him, then hang up on him. Then laugh it off, so that thier audience of 12 year old gary's will say to themselves "OH Opie and Ant are laughing. I didn't really get to hear what the other caller said....but...HAHAHAHA!!! GOT CHA!!! haha looser!"


And one last thing. If you still can't stomach the truth about demograpics, go to these links and see how Westwood One sells D&M and O&A.

I can stomach it. And I am not arguing as to who's syndicated where etc.....My point is this..Opie lies to his fans. Fans are trained to do and accept whatever Opie and Ant says. Opie hides the truth about his ratings. Its not really a big deal if you think about it...I listen to both shows. But when Opie and Anthony blast them for their horrid .8 in ny; why don't they like it when Don brings up ALL of their ratings #'s. Trends. Ratings going down in D.C. and a handful of other markets (Don't have Arbitron in front of me...but Don read the whole thing off and embarressed them on his show on Friday). They are #4 in their demographis in NY. They should stop LYING TO THEIR FANS and saying thier #1. Sean Hannity is beating O and A. Classical music is beating O and A.

I'm not saying O&A "suck", but they should 'check themselves' before they start blasting people.


Don & Mike did what took O and A four hours to do yesterday, they got O & A good. And now, O and A don't get to retaliate until TUESDAY.

Gee, I wonder why they did it today?

Um. They did it 'today' (meaning Friday of course) because it was the day after o&a's attacks..and that's the next they they worked.



Go get your walker and listen to Don and Mike.

I'm 21, in good health. I won't be needing that walker. Thanks anyway. :-D

[listening to worst of: oh its Dice. Hmm. Funny. When's 12 year old Gary gonna call?]

Tootaloo ass. :)

the truth hurts...
Fast Freddy
Voted Most Likey to Suck Weed! be a fucking retarded douchebag!
The next old thread I bring up officially starts the mods in a race to ban me.
Flock wins!
posted on 05-25-2002 @ 5:48 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

I'm 21, in good health. I won't be needing that walker. Thanks anyway.

21 and healthy - and writing a fuckin essay the size of a small book, on a message board, for a radio show, on Memorial day weekend[?]

Get a life!

Eat that snatch faggot!
Leaking Nipples
posted on 05-25-2002 @ 7:08 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01

I can stomach it. And I am not arguing as to who's syndicated where etc.....My point is this..Opie lies to his fans. Fans are trained to do and accept whatever Opie and Ant says. Opie hides the truth about his ratings. Its not really a big deal if you think about it...I listen to both shows. But when Opie and Anthony blast them for their horrid .8 in ny; why don't they like it when Don brings up ALL of their ratings #'s. Trends. Ratings going down in D.C. and a handful of other markets (Don't have Arbitron in front of me...but Don read the whole thing off and embarressed them on his show on Friday). They are #4 in their demographis in NY. They should stop LYING TO THEIR FANS and saying thier #1. Sean Hannity is beating O and A. Classical music is beating O and A.

Look. When O&A say they are #1, they always say "We are #1 in all the demos that matter." And that is the truth. According to Westwood One, O&A are #1 Men 18-34 and 25-54 in NY. But the biggest problem in this whole feud is that both sides are pulling numbers from all over the place and it is very confusing. O&A might be going down, but they ARE #1. For the record, they never denied their ratings are falling.

And on Thursday, Opie said that they were #1 12+ in Cleveland. And he clearly admitted that it was the first time their show had done that anywhere. O&A are clear about their ratings. Just not specific, and I sincerely don't see any problem in that.

And D&M fans are just as bad as O&A fans. And both of them are as bad as Stern fans. All shows have lemmings.

And I wish you would admit that this whole thing is a last ditch effort by Don to get some ratings in NY, regardless of anything else.

posted on 05-26-2002 @ 12:14 AM      
Registered: Apr. 02


And I wish you would admit that this whole thing is a last ditch effort by Don to get some ratings in NY, regardless of anything else.

It is. And its going to work.


21 and healthy - and writing a fuckin essay the size of a small book, on a message board, for a radio show, on Memorial day weekend[?]
Get a life!

No...I just happened to be online for a few minutes on Memorial day weekend and decided to post. Now I'm on again...about 8 hours later...OH NO!


tootaloo, ass.

the truth hurts...
NO!!! You can't have any smiley faces in your status!!!
Missile Command
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 12:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
i really dont see how opie lies to fans about their ratings
all they care about is the male demos specifically 18-49 25-54(?)
as for bad ratings, i dont remember them hiding any, because it makes for decent radio as they rag on eachother as do the listeners, just like the flat 0 they got in DC, and how they get ousted for minor league hockey in chicago

as for don and mike, they dont have the kind of show that attracts the NY audience, and it pisses em off. they can read obscure demos that O&A dont care for, but in the end its just abstraction of facts, and both sides do it, the difference is O&A are the ones doing their job

owell its just radio

See you space cowboy...

Kid Touching Corps
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:28 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
What pissed me off about Don and Mike tooling O and A this Thursday wasnt just the ratings and the "he said this.." stuff. What I thought was disgusting was when they started threatening them physically. I dont care what you say, thretening to beat someone up over radio comments is the biggest fucking pussy thing for you to do. They hate the show? Fine, so do a lot of people. They think its not funny? Fine, a LOT of people dont think O and A are funny. But D and M, you're not 16 year old tough guys in the schoolyard anymore. You threating to punch Ant in the face if he insults your wife again is pathetic. And its even more weak to hear that yes-bitch Lea saying "I got friends in NY that could pay them a visit" or something like that. What kind of pussy shit is that? YOU ARE NOT THUGS, STOP WITH THIS TOUGH GUY CRAP. Its obvious you hate O and A, even though I'm sure Lea has no idea why. Dont be fucking cowards and challenge them to a fight. You bitch about O and A's sophmoric humor then you threaten to beat them up? Real mature. And Lea, stop with this "I'm a tough Italian girl from the hood whoes got mafia friends" attitude. It was cool when you were 14, 15, maybe 16 years old. But for Christs sake you a adult hollywood actress. Be cool. I am not a Don and Mike fan at all. I think their show is EXTREMELY boring and they are yet to make me laugh. But I have no problem with a "radio war" if it comes down to it. Ratings, fan feedback, and overall support and syndication should to decide a "winner", not a fist fight.

Thanks for the pic, Sephiroth

"Gimmy the bat, faggit"

Graduated from the ShinRa Inc. Newbie School Sanction where Sephiroth brought me in and made me what I am. We miss you.
I'm so blonde, I think Taco Bell is the Mexican phone company
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:44 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Everyone just ignore them.. all they want is attention so don't listen

How quick the sun can, drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll ever be...

E-mail me!

Hey, NovChik06!!!
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:50 AM      
Registered: May. 02

Dont be fucking cowards and challenge them to a fight.

Don't get me wrong, I like O&A, but I wish they would stop being pussies. Don continually challenges O&A to talk on the air, on either show, but they always back down and never accept the challenge. Isn't that more cowardly? Come on boys...step up to the plate!

Flock of Moosen's Bodyguard
Anger problem?
What anger problem?
I hate the fucking mud!
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:51 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I'm not going to quote the whole thing, but well said NAMBLA Prez. Very well said!

My favorite quote from D&M's show Friday, an O&A fan called in and started talking about Leah Remini. When she said "You can talk to me, I'm right here", he said "Oh, I didn't know. You haven't said a damn thing in 10 minutes."

Bottom line is she is fucking worthless on that show.

Don't make me angry.
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

This message was edited by Flock of Moosen on 5-26-02 @ 1:53 AM
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 3:29 AM      
Registered: May. 02
i just wish o&a would have not hung up on don 5 times.HAHAHAHA SO FUNNY[Sarcasm]that was so weak and everybody knows it. christ, even the very first call they took was an o&a fan calling them "bitches"
for doing that.and i totaly agree 100%

the fact of the matter is... wnew blows..not d&m or o&a.

the real war will be in philly..not ny or dc

round 3 tuesday.....if this is a ratings ploy..its working lmao

Kid Touching Corps
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:35 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
I think this is a lose-lose situation for O&A. If they spend tuesdays show retaliating, Don and Mike will say, "look, we got under their skin." If O&A say nothing, D&M will say, "look, those pussies are afraid to talk about us." From past experiences, I feel that people who run their mouth like this NEVER learn no matter how badly they are beaten. I'm sure Manqueer and Imus still think they are more successful then Stern.

Thanks for the pic, Sephiroth

"Gimmy the bat, faggit"

Graduated from the ShinRa Inc. Newbie School Sanction where Sephiroth brought me in and made me what I am. We miss you.
Fast Freddy
Voted Most Likey to Suck Weed! be a fucking retarded douchebag!
The next old thread I bring up officially starts the mods in a race to ban me.
Flock wins!
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 1:54 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

No...I just happened to be online for a few minutes on Memorial day weekend and decided to post. Now I'm on again...about 8 hours later...OH NO!


Eat that snatch faggot!
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 6:17 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01

Now these A-holes are threatening O&A with physical harm. Bad move.

Do I smell a Big-Ass Night of Fights III?

I was in Big-Ass Night of Fights 2 and would be glad to kick a little ass whenever needed.

Why, Yes! It is.
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 6:21 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01

i........... unlike straight off the boat Irish...(2 years ago) wana bee irish fuckwit....4th generation prick)

Why the fuck would you come here? I've been to Ireland 6 times in the last 4 years and if I had my way I'd move there. Go home who needs you.

BTW Your member name is fucking sick and not funny.

Why, Yes! It is.
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 7:34 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02

i just wish o&a would have not hung up on don 5 times.HAHAHAHA SO FUNNY[Sarcasm]that was so weak and everybody knows it. christ, even the very first call they took was an o&a fan calling them "bitches"
for doing that.and i totaly agree 100%

yea..and even worse is that Opie dumped out of Don when he said "If you're have so much power why don't you get me fired?"


the truth hurts...
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 11:16 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
Don't get me wrong, I like O&A, but I wish they would stop being pussies. Don continually challenges O&A to talk on the air, on either show, but they always back down and never accept the challenge. Isn't that more cowardly? Come on boys...step up to the plate!

Are you THAT dense?

Of COURSE Don wants Opie to come on his show. Cause someone would actually listen. This is a very calculated move by Don - his show sucks, it gets NO ratings outside of D.C., so the best he can do to drum up any interest in his shitty show is to throw rocks at the actual successful program in the company. Hell, if he could be doing this shit to Howard instead of O&A, he would, just to get the attention.

The sad thing is, so many of you are falling for this. You're LISTENING TO HIS SHOW. I don't care how rabid of a fan of O&A you are - if you're listening to D&M to hear what they're going to say next about the boys, than you've already fallen into the trap.

I'm from D.C. We've had to put up with 15 years of those fat, talentless fuckers, and I'm not going to give those bastards one minute of my time. I wouldn't listen to those assholes even if they were giving out their credit card numbers over the air. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. Let their pathetic attempt at a feud die. Let them call O&A pussies all they want - in a few months, it won't matter. The only ones who'll hear their O&A rants are the unfortunate souls in D.C.

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem

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