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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Welcome our newest member, Baby Raven

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Welcome our newest member, Baby Raven
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 1:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
Congratulations ... Send my best wishes to Wifey #1...

God Bless All Three Of You.

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 2:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Congrats Raven

You got me a little worried when I saw the title of the thread and did the mental math (OK, so I used a calculator) as to it still being a little early. I'm glad to know that both mom and Raven Jr. are doing fine.

It's nice to know that some things can still make us happy in these shitty-ass times. I guess life goes on no matter what.

Congrats bro, that kid is going to grow up with a great father :)

If I ever had twins
I'd use one for parts
posted on 09-14-2001 @ 3:05 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Congrats Raven. Have you sharpened the baby's skates yet? Some wonderfull news amongst a ton of shit news. Protect and cherish your new son.

Before you meet Allah, get ready to meet some good old American whoop ass.

Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Hey... Buckaroo! Yes, everyone knows I type in a unique manner. No need to comment.
posted on 09-15-2001 @ 1:01 AM      
Registered: Mar. 01
AwwW mistEr raveN siR...... miss ma caZ showEd me ThE amzAinG picS and i had to OpeN theM again ... suCh a wonderfuL thinG soo adorablE congrateS anD * :)chEErS to Your New daddY HooD my deaR :) :)

posted on 09-16-2001 @ 4:25 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
congrats raven...peace and love be with your family,.....

RIP RESCUE 1 AND LADDER are truly heroes of hell's kitchen......
posted on 09-17-2001 @ 10:48 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
What wonderful news -- God Bless the new Raven Family. May little Ryan bring you happiness, love and laughter all the days of his life.

Congratulations and God Bless all of you!
DR. Buster Hymen
posted on 09-18-2001 @ 12:08 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Sorry I'm a little late.

Raven, Mrs. Raven, congrats on your bundle of joy in the midst of all this. Thanks for sharing.

BTW, I hope you have weeks of sleep saved up.

DR. Buster Hymen
[email protected]

posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:05 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Just found out have # 2 on the way now -- due is mid Dec --- Dam my family is growing :-D

E-Mail Me
I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
Didn't waste anytime did you....

Joey BigArms
I Need An Old Priest And A Young Priest
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I am making Raven the Official Old Thread To The Fist Page Person.

Congrats.; Like a retarded yoyo, you will keep coming back.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" Charles Dickens
Over The Limit
The Dark Enforcer/Angry Stoned Pimp
New World Order Secret Police Chief
Proud Inventor of the "Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jelly" sandwich
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

Just found out have # 2 on the way now -- due is mid Dec --- Dam my family is growing

Wow, Congrats once again Raven. :)

I love the Wnew's Girl, Irish Alkey, Kindredbabe, RapeFantasizer, SLASH, FTL, ClusterF@#$, Flock of Moosen, Lunababe, Brokenjaw and my brother in Rage!

Have a Question? Or Just wondering why I'm so angry?
AIM | E-mail

Scenes are changing…

You collect the sand on our souls…

You can make it okay...

if you pave your own way…

Bear down and reach the higher ground…

Your momentum has swayed…

From all the shit in the world today…

Climb aboard, strap yourself in…

And wait for the ride of life to begin...

The Brain
He's good at teh rhyming questions
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
CONGRATS, Raven. :)


I think so, Brain...

I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"
Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...
I won the last Sig contest & all I got was this cheesey status...
Who is driving? Oh my God! Bear is Driving! How can that be?!?
Kickflip b/s Tailslide Strike Team
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 3:57 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
congrats there, raven :-D

I've got the Dungeon Master's Guide. I've got a 12-sided die. I've got Kitty Pryde, and Nightcrawler too. Waiting there for me, Yes I do, I do. I've got posters on the wall - My favorite rock group Kiss. I've got Ace Frehley. I've got Peter Criss. Waiting there for me, Yes I do,I do. In the garage I feel safe. No one cares about my ways. In the garage - Where I belong, No one hears me sing this song. In the garage. I've got an electric guitar. I play my stupid songs. I write these stupid words, and I love every one. Waiting there for me, yes I do, I do
Mrs. Moosen
You think Flock is the real mod?
Ha! Think again.
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 4:10 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Congrats to you and Mrs. Raven!

Tell me where it hurts

Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 4:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
congrats raven, best of luck

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
Congrats Raven, have fun wit them :-D

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
Congrats Raven, have fun raising them :-D

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


Jack Meehoff
Teh funny blah blah absent blah blah teh blah
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:18 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
Congratulations... Starting up a flock now huh?


All Post's Imply That Actual Thought Went Into Them. Take That With A Grain Of Salt.

Mr. Croup
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:21 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Congrats for both!

Mr. Croup
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:21 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Congrats for both!

Mr. Croup
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:21 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Congrats for both!

wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
are we sure your name is raven and not rabbit?

My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

Mr. Croup
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:24 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
whoops, sorry for being a fucking idiot

Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
This status is sponsored by:
P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 5:28 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
Quote the Raven: "My sperm is good."

Killer Bee
That ain't honey on my pants! seen through the eyes of a German Shepard.
i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 04-26-2002 @ 6:12 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Congrats Raven! good luck with everything :-D

I'm never speaking up again, it only hurts me
I'd rather be a mystery than she desert me
Oh I'm never speaking up again
Starting Now...

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