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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FUCK IT ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FUCK IT ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shelle Bink
True star of the celebrity softball game: the redhead in section 101.
posted on 09-03-2001 @ 11:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
I'm reading all of this and taking it all in. Call me a child, call me whatever, but i'm crying like a fucking baby because of it. I don't care, I've been quiet about this for almost 2 months and I"m sick of it.

Back at Bar 9 in July, you Kevin, were bothering me some. Yeah, okay, we all were having a great time, and I was WOWing and stuff... drinking, and getting high. Big f'n deal. ((This was before Froy put in the whole 'no underage drinking' thing)) But you wouldn't stop. When we were all sitting around talking with Ant, Roger, and all the rest, you wouldn't leave me alone. I was telling you no. I was incredibly inhebriated but so very very uncomfortable. I'm even more uncomfortable remembering all of this. People were even more uncomfortable watching all of it, and said on numerous occasions that if they had heard me, they would have taken matters into their own hands.

You scared me to the point where I never wanted to speak to you again. That is why I have avoided you. The times I have spoken to you, I was trying to but the situation out of mind, but I didn't know how long you could keep your hands off me, or any female in the room.

I'm not comfortable at board events when you are there unless you are on the otherside of the room... I don't know what to do about that. I thought you had attempted to change, and now story after story are coming out. It saddens me.

You remind me too much of my first boyfriend... same name, same mannerisms. And I want to be as far away from the both of you as I can. I'm just sorry it has to come to this.

Hokey Pokey In The Butt

WOWing Gets You Things...
Listen To The PennyRoyals
It's better to burn out than fade away
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:04 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Mama, i respect every thing you & all the others have said & i am letting it all sink in. but the incidents you are talking about are not entirely stated.
first the night i met you @ bar 9 when you did wow yes i did have a wow sticker on my chest & so did others. i did ask for it again & you did it on u'r own free will. i was also standing there most of the night alng time before you wowed i was there with Gaggootz. (he was on couch & i was next to pillar)

BN i was right infront of you at the time talking to mike denacola and the brain was near me. I saw you come up behind Caz, yes that is true. But when you lifted her she did laugh but she yelled to put her down and all you did was glare at her with some moronic expression on your face for about 10 seconds.

Plus after that bar 9 you replied you were drunk and you didn't remember much and you aplogized. Yet now you remember and you remember all these details. You couldn't remember the day after but yet several months after the fact you remember as if it happened yesterday. The pillar and the post and the couch and gagootz, wtf man? I saw you picking up caz and then i saw you do it that final time when she yelled put me down.

You also went up to other girls and was asking them to wow and you wouldn't move. Someitmes girls don't wanna say no. Not because they mean yes but because they feel bad. I have asked many girls "why don't you say something to BN?" and several girls said "i felt bad for him" And girls are not as blunt as guys and not too many are as blunt as myself. BUt any normal guy takes a girls silence as a no and he stops.

You will not go to a doctor and we don't care where you post, but as far as coming out get a clue. Time will tell i guess.

I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound
I wanna push my face in and feel the swoon
My wormwood meets your pesticide
You'll never get out, coz you were never alive
I am infinite, I am the infant finite
Come a little closer and I'll show you why

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:21 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
BN, I hate you. You are the worst kind of man. You are someone that takes advantage of anothers weakness, wether it be that they are drunk, or that they are afraid to say no. You are a vile human being and a poor excuse for a man. You really make me sick. When I see the FU's to other men, or women complaining about their man in threads, I now can only think of you. I have posted other places that I don't condone violence. But in your case, I'd make an exception. If I saw you again, I would need to be restrained.

Anyone who thinks that I am jumping on the bandwagon, I DONT GIVE A FUCK. Say what you want, say what you will. Too many of my friends have posted, and spoken to me in IM's about you. You have cause REAL pain to some people, and for that you will NEVER be forgiven. God teaches us to forgive. Lets hope that when your day comes, he will do the same for you. May you rot in hell.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors
DR. Buster Hymen
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:27 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00

...go to a doctor ...

Hey Gonzo, you rang???

BTW, how's your genital herpes & penile smegma???

Sorry to interrupt. Carry on.

DOC Buster

DR. Buster Hymen
"Spread Your Legs & Say Aahhh"
[email protected]
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:48 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
You know i been on this board a long time and one of the funniest things i noticed is how newer members when they sign on are like children. What i mean by that is this, when we are kids we feel we are smarter than our parents and when a parent says "hey don't think i don't know what you are doing or thinking, i've seen and done it all." We think they are full of shit. Because we view them as parents we never think of them as being teens and doing what we do.

Same goes for newbies and members who i have seen mature here. They come here and think we've never seen what they are doing, we never experienced what they are bringing. Like we haven't seen a bash on howards or a wlecome thread or a post about something. Same goes for actions on the board and at parties, i have seen all types of people come and go from the party scene here. Hell from the very first party we had to the very last one, i've seen them all. And Many have come and gone, hell from the original ESPN zone maybe 10% of the people are left if that out of the 50 or 60 who were there.

And Balloon Not is no different from them, i have seen your type here wether it be Fingerbang, Drax, Wallsttycoon, or saotome.

We have disposed of people such as yourself with our observations and words. I wrote this a while ago to someone who was smiliar to you. I am gonna quote myself cause as i have stated, I've already met you under other names and as other people and it still aplies sadly. You aren't the first nor the last.

I edited it down to remove the persons name and other aspects, here it is.


I have held back from saying certain things to you only cause it wasn't the time.

I think i am at wits end on this one. I thought of you as a friend at one point i won't lie. BUt more and more i not only don't think of you as a friend i wanna hurt you. I wanna make you know what it is to feel the pain you put others through. What scumbags like you put women through like the lady in question like my mom and like other women. Cum guzzling motherfuckers like you prey off the fear and dependancy of women like a vulture stalking its prey. But i am not a woman and i am not fearful of anything but the almighty himself.

Don't deny that you abuse mentally and physically and that.

I tried to understand and i did feel your pain for a while. Cause see now you don't have to worry about me protecting you, you have to worry who will be the one to keep me off you if i see you and if i even hear you say one crooked word

You've out stayed your welcome, think it's time for you to hit the road before the road hits you.

Don't like what i said? retort it my friend.

I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound
I wanna push my face in and feel the swoon
My wormwood meets your pesticide
You'll never get out, coz you were never alive
I am infinite, I am the infant finite
Come a little closer and I'll show you why

She-Mail Me Here

Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

i will not be coming out to any events for a while but i will be back

OK.. so not only are you a stalker but you're a dense or stupid stalker at that? GOD DAMN son read the F'ing replies!!!!!
Look at this god damn thread and think... it's no longer a matter of simply "improving your behavior".. judging by the response.. of which I think there are nearly 20 outright complaint or angry sentiments from SEPERATE individuals.. not just 1 or 2 people, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME PERIOD!!! You've been to bar nine.... from what I'm reading here I'ld have to say Sandy Kane would be involved in more social activity at the next gathering then you would. At this point it's a waste of time for you to EVER come out again. Next to no one will talk to you... probably none of the women will let you get near them.. you'll be left sitting in a corner alone..
As Arthur Dent said... "Ostracise".. that is what's happening to you now. Make it easy on yourself and just go away. I refrained from an outright judgement because I hadn't heard anything from the ladies in question until this thread. Well sir.. you have now OFFICIALLY made my shit list, along with such luminaries as HKFC/Tenbats

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"

This message was edited by Lord Magus on 9-4-01 @ 12:56 AM
Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 09-04-2001 @ 5:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
To quote myself, if I may...

Apparently he needs somewhat more of a sledge-hammer-type reaction to make it sink in.

I rest my case, Your Honour.

~ Graduate of the Brokenjaw School for Newbies~

Why do I cringe when I click this "Reply to Topic" button?
Nana's Precious
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 9:28 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Kindred - the reason i gave you a price quote of air fare is because earlier that afternoon i was looking @ air fares to Europe & i was curious how much differant it was gonna be. Ex. it is gonna cost me 1200 to fly to europe & only about 6 - 800 to fly accross the country. i was not planning to come see you. think what you want. & if that bothered you so much why did you talk to me after that??? you coujld have said that you didn't want to talk or any tihng else. (reading this thread you would think that is not what i would do - leave you alone after being asked - but acctually i would have)

"Hey kindred I'm planning on flying to Fla. from Newark, I found out Cali. is on the way so where did you say your street was?"

"what, I thought we were all just having fun..."

guardian of f_tarded
i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 11:21 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00

Amy @ the Anny party the only thing i did was fuck with the gun as you sat ontop of the game. & put my arm around you for a pic. (#10 in the anni pics - i think). as for bar 9's i have never touched you & never would i just gave you a hug hello or good bye but for obvious reasons (the last FU thread) i let you come give me a hug instead of giving you a hug.

no kevin thats not all
as i recall u had me pinned against one of the arcade games
i tried to get away
you held onto me
mike dinecola watched on as i tried to get away
dont fuckin tell me different
my fuckin b/f saw it



"The best lessons in life are also the most painful"
I love Danilo!
Longest "Regular" Standing Member
i lost count of the days til im fucking legal

This message was edited by WNEWs GIRL on 9-4-01 @ 11:33 AM
New Fan
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 11:39 AM      
Registered: Aug. 01
OK teriffic
Ive read all of the posts

Now come on people--lets hear how you really feel.
Let the dirt fly. No holds barred.
Balloon -Please respond , Im dying to hear you say something .

Its funny cause its not me
I too know what its like to be a tool

Forgotten but not gone(Im still here-God damn it)
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 12:13 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01

"Hey kindred I'm planning on flying to Fla. from Newark, I found out Cali. is on the way so where did you say your street was?"

LMAO!!! You mean you don't remember? You didn't write it down? I'
VERY funny, Nana....

Thanks to Austin for the sig pict

Proud graduate of JJ's School of Board Basics and Higher Learning
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 09-04-2001 @ 1:12 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
some motherfuckers always seem to ice skate uphill.

Eat motherfuckers alive who cross us
I know you're all tired of the same ol' bosses
Let me tell you how it's gonna be
I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me-Slipknot

Now with a new and improved AIM name. IM Faceman713 for all your needs:)
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 2:33 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
I have further comments regarding this matter.

BN, instead of laying low for a while you should really stay away from all board events Permenantly From what I've have read, you've been given numerous chances to clean up your act, but to no avail.

Who knows what else could have happened if you kept on going. I cringe at the thought of having the police intervene at one of our events.

When I first met you, you seemed like a cool person. But why I was so oblivious to all of this now?

I thought "treats all board parties like your own puerto rican parades" in your staus was a joke!

Touching grown women is one thing bad. Doing the same to minors like Amy and Shelle really crosses the line. You don't realize you can go to jail for your actions. Just consider your self lucky (if you want to).

And to all of the ladies, I sincerely apologize for my digital camera being involved in this.
I will remove any photo at your prompt request.

Next time, I'll use my camera in more of a tasteful manner.

BN, you can apologize all you want. But you can't regain the trust from me and many other people here.

And I'm now back to preparing for school, already in progress.

--Lent, the poster formerly known as Rowelentless--

2 Slots (huh huh I said slots) are now open in the LENT's school of enlightenment.

posted on 09-04-2001 @ 4:45 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

enjoy u'r BN free Board events in the Future every one

I don't think that we have to be told to do this.

"I won't be active in the day to day operations of the club at all." --George Steinbrenner 1973.
I have a little Wick.
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 4:49 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Lent said:

When I first met you, you seemed like a cool person. But why I was so oblivious to all of this now?

Maybe thats because you didn't have breasts???

E-Mail Me
Coming Soon!!! The Grand Opening of The Junkyard Bar & Grill!
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 5:33 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
OK Face thanks for taking care of the place while I've been gone, I'll take over now!!

And unicron, stay outta my territory!!;)


I swear, I can almost hear the cries of Dolphins.....

Well, well, well. Seems like being a dolphin raping twinkie eater would be better than being this fuck head!! Hey dick What part of NO LONGER WELCOME OR WANTED do you not understand!! Now while I have not been able to get to these events, after reading this whole thread I have come to the conclusion that you are lower than scum!! This behavior is digusting and you should be shot, or at least Bobbited!!! Please do the world a favor and kill yourself, thus then inbyfacto saving us taxpayers a whole ton of money by not having to pay for your imprisonment or execution!!!! You are filth. Period!! Frankly nothing anyone has suggested for what should be done to you is enough. You should be strapped into a chair and be forced to watch all the female members of your family be treated the saem say you have treated the female members of this board, but you would probably get a boner from this being the sick bastard you are!! Tell us, did your mom bring you to the place where she stripped when she could not find a babysitter for you? You are scum, just die Die DIE!!!!!!!

"...and if I offended
you well maybe you
needed to be offended.
Well, here's my apology
and one more thing....
FUCK YOU!!!"- Mike Muir
Rangers STILL SUCK!!!
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:05 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

I got $20 this fucking idiot shows up at Grk's party, any takers?

Is the goddamn grill open yet?

Here is my Email Address. Here is my IM name. It's there for a reason. Please use it. Oh god, I'm so lonely...........

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:15 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

I'd have to say Sandy Kane would be involved in more social activity at the next gathering then you would.

Why Magus? Planning on sitting down next to her again?

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
Coming Soon!!! The Grand Opening of The Junkyard Bar & Grill!
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Of course the grill is open but we are all out of dolphin flavored twinkies;)

BTW I just got in a few more kegs of grape soda GS!!

"...and if I offended
you well maybe you
needed to be offended.
Well, here's my apology
and one more thing....
FUCK YOU!!!"- Mike Muir
Rangers STILL SUCK!!!
MamA CaZ
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:24 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01

Tell us, did your mom bring you to the place where she stripped when she could not find a babysitter for you?

HEY! and whats wrong with mothers who strip?!?!?!


"All I want is food and creative love"
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:34 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

I got $20 this fucking idiot shows up at Grk's party, any takers?

In that case there's no fucking way I'm missing the party Sat nite.

i'm on the outside, i'm looking in
i can see through you, see your true colors
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:40 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Why Magus? Planning on sitting down next to her again?

Did Froy just write a joke for my ears only?

posted on 09-04-2001 @ 6:54 PM      
Registered: May. 01

HEY! and whats wrong with mothers who strip?!?!?!

NOTHING !!!! can I make the Daycare center for the Strip club? --j/k ;)

if need E-Mail Me
I have always been on the outside looking in and I have always prevailed. I will wage a war that will leave men broken and battered. Many perceive me as having no hope my victory will be an upset. But hope and perception have never ruled my life.
Quote the Raven, nevermore."
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 7:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Why Magus? Planning on sitting down next to her again?

Let me make this abundantly clear.. SHE sat down next to me.... I CLEARLY told her after she tapped my shoulder "Don't touch me ever again"!!!

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
Coming Soon!!! The Grand Opening of The Junkyard Bar & Grill!
posted on 09-04-2001 @ 7:49 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Damn Magoo we were all just kidding about the gay barrel you were in you did not have to prove that you like women(if you can call the thing that is sandy cane a woman) that way!!LMGDSSCJO!!!

"...and if I offended
you well maybe you
needed to be offended.
Well, here's my apology
and one more thing....
FUCK YOU!!!"- Mike Muir
Rangers STILL SUCK!!!

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Displaying 126-150 of 162 messages in this thread.