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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - O&A--Fake Radio Bit

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: O&A--Fake Radio Bit
posted on 02-05-2002 @ 11:44 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
nice to see all the lawyers getting involved in spirited discussions. tools!

"great poets die in steaming pots of shit"
posted on 02-05-2002 @ 11:48 PM      
Registered: Feb. 02
actually brah, I'm just a regular guy...but the F-Boston guy I suspect is some pissed off, gambling degenerate, on retainer from CBS/Westinghouse, who's getting his ass layed out by a regular joe.

and, get a better bukowski quote...

and mods, I am a commie, I don't fear the commies...


posted on 02-05-2002 @ 11:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
What the hell do you care if it was fake or not anyway? Were you entertained? Isn't that all that matters? You bring up the WWF...yes, it's fake...but millions of people around the world tune in every week to see thier heroes perform.

I'm not saying it was fake, but here's a fucking newsflash for all of you idiots who object to fake radio: People do it all the time. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as its sold well and holds entertainment value.

That said, let's remember who we're talking about here. Opie & Anthony have tested the boundaries of legality too many times to count, putting thier jobs on the line for your amusement. Fuck, they were even fired for the Mayor Menino bit. They've fucking earned the right to stretch the truth a bit...and besides...who the fuck cares about something so inocuous as eating puked clam chowder? Why don't you save your gripes for the bits with broader repercussions than someone getting a little queasy from ingesting a fucking SPOONFUL of someone else's puke.

Oh, and by the way, Steve has uncut video of the entire thing, so suck a dick.

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:26 AM      
Registered: Oct. 01

A waiver is nothing more than a contract. You'll give me that.

does one have to be mentally fit, or be of legal contractual age to enter into a legally, binding, contractual agreement...such as a waiver of indemnity?

Yes I will, and yes they do.

And there is always an assumption that criminal activity will not be entered into. But that's the same for everyone, contractual obligation or not. However, we're not talking about anything criminal here. They're not forcing the contestants to eat!

What I am saying to you is that 1. there is nothing criminal about eating vomit. 2. as long as the conditions i mentioned before are met, O&A may not be held liable for negligence. They have met their burden of due care by providing the contestants with the knowledge that puke can be dangerous.

The waiver, while it does not prove that they actually ate puke, does indemnify the company from any negligence based claim. End of story.


posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:29 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02

First, I like O and A, I don't want them to be doing the same stupid radio bullshit, and when they do, I don't want them to lie to their loyal listeners about it. A lie is a lie. Credibilty is just that. Street? Forgetaboutit. I thought they were above the DJ bits?

If someone has the video, put it up. It's funny how Opie, when he took time out of his NATIONAL RADIO SHOW to BLAST RadioRakim, as a liar? Yet, you come out and say, that a lot of radio might be fake, but that this stunt isn't. Bullshit.

The problem I see here, is that there is no "good" way for this to end. O and A loose MAD street cred on this, being it their first documented stupid DJ stunt. But, someone does have the video? Maybe that makes it okay. Have "someone" email me...

FoundryMusicJeff, they claim they're above all this garbage. They don't sneak off the billboard...when they do, what are the fans supposed to say?

Fake is Fake brah.


posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:30 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Will Faceman have a category in the next end-of-the-year awards for most boring thread where two people try and trump each other and impress everyone else with their rapier wit and Clarence Darrow-like knowledge of the law?

Just fucking end this retardedness already.

How much can you guys bench?

This message was edited by OAAWITE on 2-6-02 @ 12:38 AM
Paper Boy
I want my two dollars!
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:33 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Go here and click on video and animation. It has a big NEW next to it. They have the clips for download.

F/K/A Imapervert
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:43 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02

you're a smart guy (or girl) and you know that if someone walked into your office after getting Hep C from a radio gig, you'd hop out of your chair with joy.

And here's the point, that neither of us know (although, I am beginning to suspect you are a lawyer for Infinity/Viacom/CBS/Westinghouse, althogh I will never know) what exactly that waiver states. But, I would bet long and hard on a case where serious infections arose from injestations of aforementioned vomit.

But without that contract, we can blast each other in the chops for weeks, with out arriving at a conclusion. I do think that the legal protections afforded O and A do in no way out weigh the risks associated with said gag.

And I do think they are smart enough not to put a multi-million dollar contract in jeopardy over it.


posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:46 AM      
Registered: Oct. 01

i'm done with the explainations tonight. believe whatever you want to.

and no, I certainly dont work for any of those companies, or anybody for that matter.


posted on 02-06-2002 @ 12:51 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
" Just fucking end this retardedness already.
how much can you guys bench?

Thanks for admitting you are stupid, and can't follow a legitimate argument.

Take my pin. Be my Bitch.
Trust me Chango, I'm going deep.

By general protocal, does he have to follow me around, holding my belt-loop?


posted on 02-06-2002 @ 1:55 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
at this point, i don't get what the fuck you're talking about. i thought we were all trying to have fun. you fucking tools!

"great poets die in steaming pots of shit"
Mr. Brownstone
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 3:22 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

you're a smart guy (or girl) and you know that if someone walked into your office after
getting Hep C from a radio gig, you'd hop out of your chair with joy.

And here's the point, that neither of us know (although, I am beginning to suspect
you are a lawyer for Infinity/Viacom/CBS/Westinghouse, althogh I will never know)
what exactly that waiver states. But, I would bet long and hard on a case where
serious infections arose from injestations of aforementioned vomit.

Hep C is transmitted by blood. What, pray tell, can you get from eating vomit?

This space for sale.

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

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posted on 02-06-2002 @ 3:50 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01
Well, brah, seems to me, brah, nobody here, brah, really gives a fuck, brah, what the fuck, brah, you have to say, brah.
I refuse to waist intelligent thought on this.
Oh yeah, ste, you should really refrain from typing anything ever again. Everything you say is absolutely fucking stupid.

I don't let idiots in my bar.
Now I'm having a problem with my balls. Are they supposed to hang so low, or is there more gravity in my pants than I originally thought?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. All my girlfriends have been blind.
Avoiding the gauntlet.
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 4:11 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Hep C is transmitted by blood. What, pray tell, can you get from eating vomit?

You bring up a good point. I'm not a doctor, but I assume there's only a handful of potentially dangerous illnesses one can contract through ingestion, and considering they only had a small spoonful, I doubt there's any serious cause for alarm. G-d knows I've eaten worse at Hooters. But I'm not really gonna go into them because I just don't have the facts.

I think you're forgetting something that lends even more to the credibility to the bit. The spur-of-the-moment nature of it. They never advertised people would be eating vomit. O&A had some extra tickets, and somebody, I believe Norton, suggested the idea of eating the vomit...prompting Stinky to go get the bag. This wasn't a preconcieved bit.

Look, I'm not an idiot, I know fake when I hear it. The thought of people eating vomit made me cringe. Hell, it made Fez Whatley cringe...he mentioned it on the air and he is a 10 year radio veteran. Even if it was fake, I doubt you could fill a closet with the amount of people who gave a shit. Nobody lost "mad cred" except you and whoever else supported this idiotic thread.

Post your stupidity somewhere else, Matlock...and consider refraining from asking your lawyer friend/cousin/uncle for cool legal buzz words you can use in your posts.

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat

This message was edited by FoundryMusicJeff on 2-6-02 @ 4:21 AM
Mr. Brownstone
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 6:00 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

The thought of people eating vomit made me cringe.

It made me turn off my radio.

This space for sale.

I see stupid people...They're everywhere...They don't know they're stupid...
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 7:27 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
This thread went from Accusing O&A of being Rocko and Matty by a Hee-haw DC Pigfucker hick, to two liberals trying o twist the truth around so they can whine like little girls.
Raheem, I want you to prove it, with concrete evidence, because apparently, the odds are against you, liberal.
And as for you Opus, Yo're just pissed because we're proving you wrong.
Someone lock this thread, I'm off to work.

As far as I'm concerned, humans have not yet come up with a belief that's worth believing.
~George Carlin,
Napalm and Silly Putty

[Email][email protected][/Email]
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 8:29 AM      
Registered: Nov. 01
hey dumbass, (original poster)
since you compared O & A to don and mike. did you notice how all don and mike contestants have to be 21. and O & A have contestants who are 18 most if not all the time. there are different rules for different shows and if you are dumb enough to think that O & A wouldn't make people eat their own puke, you should stop listening. The people ate the puke on free will, no one forced them. infinity could get out of that lawsuit and be home in time for frosted flakes

i don't have a mule but i have a cock
Intercontinental Intergender Thumb Wrestling Champion
The new "third". AmyMohrBuddy

One line in my sig is absolutely fucking disgusting, see if you can find it.
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 8:38 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
lets just ignore this tool



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Norton's Victim
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 9:23 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02

I work in Boston. I have a friend that knows for a fact that that bit was totally fake

Wow. I go to school in Philly and my friend told me that all the Philly girls in the naughty nightie contest are robots. Hate to ruin it for you all.

Man, these people are really stupid.

The Rules of being Steve:
1) Be desireless
2) Be excellent
3) Be gone
-The Tao of Steve
King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 02-06-2002 @ 9:43 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
The funny thing is that now you'll find yourself listening to every show trying to figure out if things are fake, trying to catch them in the act.

I give it two months before you're hooked and have to admit that you are actually fans of O & A.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands

Over The Limit
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 10:39 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
Let me just say this -- I would admit if I felt defeated -- But I don't :-)

Y'all are getting defensive, listening to Opie's MP3 of his rant it seems as if he got defensive because he got caught off guard -- Everything that Opie screams about can easily be debated.

And it looks really bad when Mike from Don and Mike even calls his ass out on the bit! Someone mentioned Fez being a radio veteran, but what about Mike saying the bit was fake? Slap in the face, huh? By the way, if you want to hear Mike call out Opie, check it here >>

I know it hurts that you have blind love for a show that tried to sneak a fake bit past you, but trust me, it's ok. And I know it looks bad for a show that laughs at other DJ's bits :-)

posted on 02-06-2002 @ 10:51 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
LOL! This why this messageboard is so entertaining. Your Army doesn't seem to be able to read very well -- I've been fans of O&A BEFORE they came to DC...They are my favorite radio show. I was just disapointed they tried to sneak a fake bit under the radar. I will continue to listen and enjoy...And there is nothing wrong with being a critic of something you like :-)


The funny thing is that now you'll find yourself listening to every show trying to figure out if things are fake, trying to catch them in the act.

I give it two months before you're hooked and have to admit that you are actually fans of O & A.

Mullet Master Yo Gooch, Moron here... how's that for some fucked up shit... Fez is giving you status... Karma sucks, huh?
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 10:53 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Don and Mike are the most boring dullards on the air. BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING. Christ, two whiny bitches who yammer on about their pitiful lives...the only time they get modestly good is when they rip on callers. So, when you say Mike is calling out Opie, it makes me yawn. It is in the best interest for these two non-talent hacks to call out O&A, b/c maybe they can get O&A's audience to listen to their middle-aged pandering show. Maybe Casey Kasem will call out Opie next...that would be so much more exiciting. I hear Cousin Brucie says Opie is his pump-bitch...oh that would be tittilating!!!!

Here's a tip that will save you alot of grief and time...

Don't believe in and depend on anyone but yourself.
posted on 02-06-2002 @ 10:55 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
One quick question:

If these waivers will completely protect Infinity from harm, why did O&A have to sneak the vomit eating past the lawyers?

What concern do the lawyers have? They must have some kind of concern that others here say doesn't exist when eating vomit.

You can't fade RadioRaheem AKA MetaKommThaGod. Deal with it.

posted on 02-06-2002 @ 11:00 AM      
Registered: Feb. 02
I disagree. You give them too much credit.


Don and Mike are the most boring dullards on the air. BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING. Christ, two whiny bitches who yammer on about their pitiful lives...the only time they get modestly good is when they rip on callers. So, when you say Mike is calling out Opie, it makes me yawn. It is in the best interest for these two non-talent hacks to call out O&A, b/c maybe they can get O&A's audience to listen to their middle-aged pandering show.


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