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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Stern used "ruinn it!" phrase.

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Stern used "ruinn it!" phrase.
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 3:22 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
like 2 days ago at about 7am. i heard stern use
the "ruinn it" phrase in the OandA voice. then he
realized what he did, and pretended he was saying
it normal. but he did say it the same way to the
T, that o and a

on the run from jonny law,
ain't no trip to cleveland
fatty chopped meat
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 3:32 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
he has been using the word "tool" lately too when describing people.....

something that in the 10 years of listening to him i have never heard.........

hes getting very very old very very quick.

formerly adopted by OPAK
jap bike jim
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 3:50 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
i notcied that too but O&A din't invent it trey cool from green day they have been guests on both shows but O&A were more friendly like with them

"some people just don't get it"
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:02 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

Why don't you go back to the Trackstar
Message board!!


posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:05 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I think that the phrase was coined a while ago,
when Green Day were guests on O/A. Correct
me if I'm mistaken.


Arthur Dent
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:08 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
The phrase was "invented" on the O&A show IN BOSTON. It became popular here when the guys started using it as an inside joke.

And of course Stern listens to the show. We know GARY has called and bitched to K-Rock management who then called WNEW management and had a bit stopped that O&A were doing!!! And of course Gary reports EVERYTHING to Stern. I wouldn't be suprised if Stern's staff put together his very own "Worst of O&A" tapes for review along with anyojne else Sternconsiders as competition! The guy is as Machiavelian as they come!

'Anyone who is capable of being elected president should on no account be allowed to do the job' - The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Arthur smiled at him wanly and shrugged again. He turned and smiled wanly at the rest of the pub just in case any of them had heard what was going on. None of them had, and none of them could understand what he was smiling at them for.
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:13 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
The phrase was not invented by O&A
The phrase was not invented by Green Day

We've been over this before. It's older than dirt, anybody remember the movie Strange Brew with Bob & Doug MacKenzie (a.k.a. Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas)? It's from that. Green Day were doing a line from that movie, O&A were doing Green Day doing a line from that movie. It's a very old movie, 1983 I think.

Still "just lurking"

My farts have bass.
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:18 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
It seems that Stern is set to either provoke O&A during their contract negotiations (revenge for the drunk daughter bit??). Also, Stern could be rewriting history so he can say O&A are ripping him off later on. All this is very fishy, especially since O&A are on vacation this week. I can't wait 'til Monday.

Mayor Menino
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:27 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I'm so sick of coming to this board and reading posts about people complaining that they listened to howard in the morning and he was ripping off O and A. why are there still people on this board listening to that Fucker. Dont you get it? by listening to him youre supporting the enemy. I dont wanna hear you can listen to both shows bec you cant. if youre a fan of the knicks then you cant be a fan of the pacers also, it doesnt work. rangers fans cant be islanders fans also. how are the O and A gonna take him down when their loyal fans are still listening to edit. if you got nothing to listen to in the morning pop a CD in.

Kid Afrika
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:28 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
How is listening to Stern, "supporting the enemy"?Unless you have a ratings book, or you buy his sponsors' shit (most of which are the same as O&A's),
you're just listening to the only thing on the radio that's tolerable.

Stern sucks, but O&A didn't invent "tool" or "rooooon it". Worry more about content than words. Content makes a radio show, not the vernacular(sp?).

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Arthur Dent
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00
I said "invented" in quotes because that is the story that O&A told about how they came to use it and say it that way.

Besides, everybody knows only black people can invent new phrases! Yadal Doodle! ;)

'Anyone who is capable of being elected president should on no account be allowed to do the job' - The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Arthur smiled at him wanly and shrugged again. He turned and smiled wanly at the rest of the pub just in case any of them had heard what was going on. None of them had, and none of them could understand what he was smiling at them for.
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 4:46 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00

I said "invented" in quotes because that is the story that O&A told about how they came to use it and say it that way.

Backpeddling like you got caught trashing Sarah Jessica Parker and she called in or something. huh, wah. j/k Have a good weekend everyone.

Still "just lurking"

My farts have bass.
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 5:19 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
You know, I see nothing wrong with commenting on how much Stern sucks. If it makes me feel good to trash and criticize him in this thread, then so be it... I mean why else is it here for then? I personally like to talk trash about enemies of the show, it's fun, it's a way to vent. If we can't do it here, then where else can we do it? Just a suggestion...:-)

"Kyle, I'm just a stupid piece of crap..." Just some nuggets (with corn) of wisdom from the bottom of the Jersey City Sewer Department

Sig Pics of HOT CHICKS and an SU Feed... will wonders never cease?
posted on 04-06-2001 @ 10:46 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Nov. 00

I'm so sick of coming to this board and reading posts about people complaining that they listened to howard in the morning and he was ripping off O and A. why are there still people on this board listening to that Fucker. Dont you get it? by listening to him youre supporting the enemy. I dont wanna hear you can listen to both shows bec you cant. if youre a fan of the knicks then you cant be a fan of the pacers also, it doesnt work. rangers fans cant be islanders fans also. how are the O and A gonna take him down when their loyal fans are still listening to edit. if you got nothing to listen to in the morning pop a CD in

No offense, but if you are so sick of it why do you read the Enemies of the Show threads?

This message was edited by Enigma on 4-7-01 @ 11:36 AM
Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 04-11-2001 @ 10:34 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Pure boredom and a little curiosity brought me to this thread.... I feel I need to make one thing clear.


We've been over this before. It's older than dirt, anybody remember the movie Strange Brew with Bob & Doug MacKenzie (a.k.a. Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas)? It's from that. Green Day were doing a line from that movie, O&A were doing Green Day doing a line from that movie. It's a very old movie, 1983 I think.

Yes, Strange Brew is from 1983.

No, that line did not come from Strange Brew. Never, ever, ever.

Click here if you're bored enough to email me.

Me droogies: Two positions currently available.

Head Slap... Swim Move...
posted on 04-11-2001 @ 11:38 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

It's a very old movie, 1983 I think.

1983 is very old?

Chef Corpse Boyardee is bringing the food, don't worry!

Did you know that on this day in 1506 the foundation stone of the new St. Peter's Basilica was laid under the patronage of Julius II?

posted on 04-11-2001 @ 11:42 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

1983 is old?

I hope not.

Quick reality check:
Who remembers what life was like before MTV and microwave ovens?
(Please god, don't let me be the oldest person here!)

Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.
posted on 04-11-2001 @ 1:25 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
not to say your wrong or anything, but if you heard it 2 days ago? Stern is in reruns all week. Could it have possibly been maybe LAST WEEK? Otherwise, who knows how old the bit was they played with him saying that. Just wondering.

"Don't Get Run Over" - George Carlin

posted on 04-11-2001 @ 1:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Actually, the original post was made on April 6th, so the timing would have been last Wednesday.

Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.
posted on 04-11-2001 @ 1:32 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Woah woah woah woah WOAH. What do you mean, BEFORE microwave ovens? I don't understand, what before???

Backstreet Boys or N*Sync?

Both of them. Locked in a house, on fire, surrounded by trick fire extinguishers filled with gasoline.

No Adopted Newbies!!
Now taking Applications...

posted on 04-13-2001 @ 8:46 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

Who remembers what life was like before MTV and microwave ovens?
(Please god, don't let me be the oldest person here!)

Okay, how about Friday Night Videos?
Where were you when Reagan was shot?
ALF? Mork? Pinky Tuscedaro? Johnny and Roy? Scooby (without Scrappy)? Donny and Marie on Friday nights?
Where did you watch the fireworks for the Bicentennial?
Remember when Imus was actually the funniest guy on the radio? (Sad but true youngsters)

Stuck in the boonies, Forced underground, two minutes late.
The Brain
He's good at teh rhyming questions
posted on 04-23-2001 @ 11:25 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01

Why is anyone complaining about Stern supposedly "ripping off" Oand A. It's not like they don't rip him off.

That was just so not the thing to say around here, kid...
I hope you didn't honestly buy into Stern's idea that he "invented" shock radio as it is today. He was simply one of the most popular guys to do this brand of radio; it just happened that more people caught on to his show before anyone else's (it helps that he was backed by WNBC and their willingness to syndicate him quickly). There were others who were probably doing the same things he was at the exact same time. The reason we don't know them as well, or only think they came along long after he became dominant? They didn't catch the same breaks as him, plain and simple.


Displaying 1-22 of 22 messages in this thread.