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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Howard Stern: INSANE?

Displaying 1-19 of 19 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Howard Stern: INSANE?
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 8:29 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Wow, there are actually quite a few things to talk about after listening to the Stern show on the way into work this morning - things that indirectly or directly reference O&A, so I think it's pretty relevant.

First, I guess they were talking about Don Imus rehiring ("Sports Guy!") Sid Rosenberg after the whole Williams sisters debacle. Howard once again told his story about how the I-man called some secretary the vaunted "N" word. They then played a clip (over and over and over) of Larry King interviewing Imus and talking about it, Imus admitted to it, Larry King, the "King" of softball interviews didn't follow up on it, and blah blah blah, that meant some chit chat between Robin and Fred and Howard for a couple of minutes.

They made an amusing (in a hypocritical way) reference to how Imus had a gag order in place and back in the WNNNNNNNBC days, Robin wasn't allowed to talk about Imus. Apparently gag orders are restrictive, stifling and counter to the First Amendment only when they effect Stern himself.

Well that sort of stuff has been discussed before, but the "fireworks" started when Howie has his special announcement that they have now been syndicated in Sacramento on "The Talk that Rocks."

Well... Howard once again just goes OFF on how everyone is ripping him off. He pioneered the format and now he's going to a station built upon his immitators and he's the last one to get there blah blah blah. He's going to be competing in the morning against Mark & Brian who also ripped him off, and it's not right because he pioneered the format and no one's recognizing him and he should have more money for it and be in the radio hall of fame and he's a horrible human being but has accomplished a lot in radio, love me daddy, blah blah blah!

Then, and this is where I really start to think, he starts going on about how Rush Limbaugh ripped him off.


Mark & Brian - okay maybe. Hell, you could make a case that Opie & Anthony's format is pretty similar to Stern's, it's definitely in the genre. I could see how he could be petty and worry about that sort of stuff, fine. But Rush Limbaugh?

I think I started listening to Limbaugh in the late 80's I would say - so I mean I've heard all the shows that he's talking about. Where does he come up with this stuff? He claims that Limbaugh can thank Howard because Howard Stern pioneered telling people your thoughts and what you think about something!!! That's right! I couldn't BELIEVE what I was hearing! Political talk radio, you know where the host makes a political observation and then callers call in and debate the point, has been around for AGES. But beyond that, the ability to speak your mind, to say what you want - correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Howard Stern wasn't alive when they were writing the Constitution?

I don't even listen to Limbaugh anymore, I haven't for years, but it's just sad to see how whacked out of his skull Howard has become. He's going on about how Limbaugh was fat (seems a little juvenile to make that the basis of your attack, but whatever) and that he has a corporate jet. That's because Rush Limbaugh makes MORE MONEY than Stern. He's on more stations, he has more listeners. He IS more successful. Ooofah!

The big highlight for me though was when, what can only be described as a member of the O&A army decided to call in to the show, this caller in all his glory asked if Howard was around when Marconi invented the radio. Classic stuff. He stuck right in there as Stern spoke over him, and when at the end Howard called him a dick, he came right back at him and called him a TOOL. Great stuff!

I really can't even fully express what I heard this morning because I can't believe it! I've got a long commute, and the Stern show is entertaining, I do listen to it. I'll even say that there is definitely stuff that Stern pioneered. Great. Okay, terrific! There's nothing wrong with that. But Stern has clearly gone koo koo for cocoa puffs here.

It's pretty cool from an O&A standpoint though because he indirectly referenced them a couple of times and you can TELL his is tortured over their syndication deal. It's driving him INSANE if he wasn't there already.

He has seen the future, and he knows it ain't him.

So did anyone else hear this stuff?

Graduated and Rooned by Rone on 6/16/01
what's a status?
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 8:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I heard it too. I loved when the guy called Howard a tool. Did you see than how Howard said, he invented live reads and now everyone is doing them.

I don't know, maybe the station wants their personalities to do live reads and that they really don't want to do it.

Did you hear, how they were interviewing Buddy Epsen. O&A have interviewed him the last 2 years hoping he would die on their show. This actually came from Howard though as Anthony even said that because Dana Plato died right after Howards show.

posted on 06-18-2001 @ 9:13 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
I think I may have listened right when you did TW, because that was the exact 2 things that I heard. The Live reads, and the Buddy Epson thing. It seemed that every referecnce they were making was about O&A and how he was pissed at them for being on the air. He said so many times that he was pissed because everyone was copying what he invented and it makes him look like the imitator.

What a fucking ass-f.
Then I shut it off and listened to the Deak Kennedys. Thats what usually happens with his show. I listen for 15 minutes then can't stand those unfunny fucks and I shut it off. I haven't heard 1 funny thing on his show in months.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Ahlexus is the newest castaway on Gilligan's Island. If she pisses in your wheaties, let me know.
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 10:11 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Spork, great post!! I heard Stern this morning, and I have to say that he is definitely molding the facts to suit his psychosis.

Few thoughts:

1. Imus admitted he used the word "nigger". He did it off air, and if NBC didn't see fit that Imus should be fired for his actions, too bad. The statute of limitations is over. What's the problem, Stern? Imus admitted you are funny, he also admitted he used the word "nigger". Is Stern running out of things to say that will bother Imus?? It's also funny how Imus's gag order on Stern is "disgusting", and Stern's gag order on O&A is "proper".

2. For the sake of argument, let's say that Stern invented the format. Also, let's say that everybody took the format that Stern invented and is currently using it.

What is the gripe? Was Stern expecting to be the only person using his new format? Stern had to expect that somebody would take his format and use it. Perhaps it's the "Johnny-come-latelies" are not kissing Stern's ass as the forefather of the format? Perhaps Stern would like to rest on his laurels, and all of the newcomers are making him prove himself over and over again?


O&A - radio crack - now available nationwide.
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 11:27 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Yeah, I had an early start on the day and started picking up the discussion at 6:30. I figured that not everyone's up that early and might be interested to hear how it all developed.

It's like a window into psychosis, that show!

Graduated and Rooned by Rone on 6/16/01
beer lover
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 11:59 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
The thing I think is so funny is how he mentions everyone else except for O&A. He obviously knows they are good but doesn't want to give them the publicity.
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 12:19 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Here's the problem with Howard "pioneering" the
format, and other people ripping him off. He has no
right to complain, simpy because of what the word
Pioneer means.
piáoáneer - One who opens up
new areas of thought, research, or development: a
pioneer in aviation.

This suggests then that other people may come along
and use this knowledge, and ALSO go into these areas
and open them up even more. Just because you were
the first one on the scene (which he wasn't), doesn't
mean you then own the scene. He is bitter because he
didn't patent the format. And of course, he couldn't,
because it wasn't his to begin with. Which makes his
complaining even more ridiculous. Take the pioneers
of aviation. Does that mean the Wright Brothers and
their descendants would be the only ones allowed to
use the theories and practices of flight? Does that
mean that those who discovered America would be the
only ones allowed to live in America?

I miss Douglas Adams
a really lot.

This message was edited by GOD of PHUK on 6-18-01 @ 12:38 PM
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 5:09 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Stern saying everyone is copying him is like saying you refuse to watch Friends, because it was done already with I Love Lucy. It is a format, a genre, just like with music. You have Country, Blues, Pop, categories and subgenres. Howard is just nervous he is fully aware of the ratings and popularity of O & A. He is afraid it is all going down very fast. The only thing he could do is to keep telling his listeners that everyone is stealing from him, so this way they won't go off and listen to the "imposters."

posted on 06-18-2001 @ 5:31 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Spork...where do you get all this free time to make a post like that about nothing?


Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 06-18-2001 @ 7:34 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Yeah I think he's lost it spork.
I want you all to think about this and think about it long and hard...
Is Stern upset because There is other stations out there that will give him a run for the money and/or possibly defeat him, or is it after all that he's been through has finally reached to him, and now you're hearing him crack day by day, little by little as some of us listen on?
This is what happens when people begin to blow smoke up your ass and you become one of the beautiful people. I'm glad that I'm blue collared, and listen to whatever I want to listen to. I don't think I'd be able to handle what hollywood goes through everyday.'s headhunter and veteran
Did I forget to mention I quit smoking? Bear with me folks.

Headhunters in training: Nineinchhammer

posted on 06-18-2001 @ 11:06 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
(First, to I GOT IT FROM A NEGRO, my apologies if you don't find my posts informative and/or entertaining in general. I certainly don't feel that the post that started this thread was a post about "nothing." Au contraire mon frere, I thought it was quite topical. I happen to be able to type rather quickly, and generally tend to type well though-out sentences and even use neato paragraphs and stuff. One can do that sort of thing when one is a procrastinator who used to enjoy waiting until the last possible minute to start 20-page-long college papers on the merits of flat-rate taxation. So I don't actually have gobs of "free time," I am simply gifted with the ability to get out there what I want to say somewhat quickly)

Okay, terrific! Now, as to what Filzy is saying - yes, Stern is slowly cracking and it's a gradual process. He's getting more and more paranoid, doing more and more checking over that shoulder.

The things he's saying are becoming sillier and sillier every day and I can barely keep track of them. I don't mind saying that I listen to Stern and O&A. If I had to pick between them and they were in the same time slot, O&A wins by a country mile and most people exposed to both would agree on that point.

But as a listener of Stern's, I'll be damned if I'm going to drink his fucking poisoned Kool Aid or be a robot and just shovel in all that shit he's trying to dish out to his listening audience ("I am not a MOOK!").

A couple more thoughts on this - he also said today that not only was he pioneering in the radio field, which is fine, to a degree he DID, but he also said that he is pioneering in the TV field?

Uhhhh, buttplug?

He's hardly doing pioneering TV, it's his radio show ON TV with some animation thrown in for good measure. Wasn't Imus simulcasting on MSNBC around the same time Howard's E! show came out? Didn't *gasp* Rush Limbaugh have a syndicated TV show before Howard did? Didn't *gasp* Rush Limbaugh have a NY Times best selling book before Howard did? Egads!

The bigger debacle in my opinion is Howard Stern's stance on the Internet.

Howard Stern has no real presence on the Internet. He seems to despise the technology and is far from willing to embrace it. He claims that he has a "vision" for the Internet and what he wants to do with it, but that the Internet is not ready for what he wants to do with it.

Uhhh, okay, this is from the self-proclaimed "King of ALL Media"? Last I checked, the good old I-net was a rather significant portion of the media in the latter half of the 90's and today.

Stern is to the Internet what Metallica is to Napster. Stern rails against HIS OWN FANS because they put bits of his up on websites in the popular MP3 format. "It's stealing" he says, "I'm not making money off it." Never mind that there might be people in markets not able to get the guy who might be fans of what he's doing on the radio. Stern wants to shut down his own fans.

Opie and Anthony are just way cooler with their FANS and they just like to have their stuff out there. They're creative guys and they just think it's cool that people are into them. It's refreshing. No one wants to take money away from "the talent", but it looks like this attitude from Ope and Ant haven't really killed their wallets the last time I checked.

Look at foundrymusic which is basically part of their show, look at the site which is a big part of their show. Look at INSTANT FEEDBACK! Look at THIS board and others like it? Imagine that from time to time our fearless hosts read what their fans think and aren't just wondering how long it will be before they can bypass the lines into 5-star restaurants!

Then take a look at what other radio people like Ron & Fez do with their website. Hell, look at Rush Limbaugh's website. It's got a lot of thought behind it too.

Then I got to and what do I see? His frickin' logo. That's it. It's OH so telling!

I just dislike that no one can really challenge the guy on this stuff, so I am VERY MUCH glad that the gag order has been listed, and if the time is right and the place is right and the planets are aligned, some folks can let fly with how things REALLY are.

All hail the Emperors of all Broadcasting {wonk wonk} :)

Graduated and Rooned by Rone on 6/16/01
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 2:27 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I don't have anything to add to this thread, but rather i just wanted to praise it. I really enjoyed reading the intelligent enforcement of your ideas on this topic. Nice job spork.

"Why are the crazy ones always so damn hot? Shes pouring gas on the side of your house and meanwhile youre thinking, I gotta eff her one more time" -Ron Bennington

posted on 06-19-2001 @ 3:36 AM      
Registered: May. 01
SOMEBODY else on this board has got to be sick of these
frigging Stern threads. Here, I will put this to rest with
these statements: Stern is on in the
mornings and O&A are on in the afternoons. Can't we all
just get along?

I miss Douglas Adams
a really lot.
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 9:28 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
Spork, I have to praise you for your posts. They are not concise, but you make excellent points.

I listen to both Stern and O&A. The one point I'd like to make is that if you listen to only Stern, it is very easy to "buy into" his skewed logic and shameless self-promotion. I'd listened to Stern for years thinking he was a poor, unfortunate soul who "invented" a lot of things, but was cheated out of his invention. After listening to O&A for a while, I realized that Stern is a huge egomaniac (and megalomaniac to boot). Stern will take anything and apply his "creationist" logic to it, and convince his listening audience that it's true. Like you, Spork, I will not drink the poisoned Kool-Aid.

I hope that somebody writes an unauthorized tell-all book about Stern. I know there is so much behind the scenes that needs to be told. The all benevolent "king of all media" Stern is most likely a card-carrying lunatic. Perhaps that's why his co-workers call him "spawn of Satan"?

Jackie, hurry up.

Whackbag -- I love your sig. Ron is one funny guy.

GOD of PHUK -- I keep hearing Stern stoking the fire every morning. He just can't give it a rest. As a fan of both shows, I don't like it. When O&A pick on Stern, it's mostly done in the interest of comedy and cheap laughs. When Stern picks on O&A, he does it because "they stole his precious act". Do you see the difference, and can you understand why I'm pissed off??


O&A - radio crack - now available nationwide.
Hawaii Mapmaker
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 9:39 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Summed up very simply

Howard Stern = Hypocrite

M-O-O-N that spells O&A Rule.
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 1:36 PM      
Registered: May. 01
No, kansei, I really can't. There are much more
constructive things in life to get angry at. Nothing you
can say hasn't been said before, and if Stern really is
making you angry you need some frigging Zoloft. Come
on, man, he's controlling your emotions. Let him rant
and rave. O&A have and will continue to earn despite
his crap. So pop open a beer, light a spliff, or smack
your spumoni, but above all, chill the fuck out.

I miss Douglas Adams
a really lot.
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 1:49 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00

No, kansei, I really can't. There are much more
constructive things in life to get angry at. Nothing you
can say hasn't been said before, and if Stern really is
making you angry you need some frigging Zoloft. Come
on, man, he's controlling your emotions. Let him rant
and rave. O&A have and will continue to earn despite
his crap. So pop open a beer, light a spliff, or smack
your spumoni, but above all, chill the fuck out.

This is a passtime. I don't take it too seriously. Neither should you. Contrary to the popular belief, I do constructive things, too... :>


O&A - radio crack - now available nationwide.
Stand up straight
Stomach in
Shoulders back
posted on 06-19-2001 @ 4:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Hey hey relax everyone. This is what we do to kill the time between tending to our jobs, and goin out to have a good time in the real world.
Where can we be our alter egos?'s headhunter and veteran
Did I forget to mention I quit smoking? Bear with me folks.

Headhunters in training: Nineinchhammer

posted on 06-19-2001 @ 4:52 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00

Where can we be our alter egos?

In the underwater fight club, perhaps??


O&A - radio crack - now available nationwide.

Displaying 1-19 of 19 messages in this thread.