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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Tony Soprano & Noa Where Will it end?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Tony Soprano & Noa Where Will it end?
posted on 04-19-2001 @ 8:39 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Tony and Noa during happier times

Humbly adopted by Dana Dillon
posted on 04-19-2001 @ 9:11 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
That's some quality work.

I really like the show but the hanging plotlines are killing me like Noah, the shrink rape, lamp, etc. It would be a better show if the producers tied up these loose ends. Noah should have died a grizzly death by now.

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This message was edited by f_tarded on 4-19-01 @ 9:19 PM
Yankee Bleacher Anthony
posted on 04-20-2001 @ 8:44 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
I hope Noa gets a bullet to the head...Why dont they finish story lines? Are they ever gonna go back o them or what?

posted on 04-20-2001 @ 8:52 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
It's how they get you to keep watching. Every week you wonder if this is the one where Ralphy is gonna get whacked, or if the shrink will ask Tony to clip the rapist, shit like that. Very smart on their part.
posted on 04-20-2001 @ 12:40 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
How about the story line with Chris' fiance and the female tennis instructor? I sure would have liked to seen that one explored :)

posted on 04-20-2001 @ 3:16 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
Don't forget Artie from the restaurant going after Adriana also, we havn't seen the last of that mess either.
posted on 04-21-2001 @ 4:30 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Im thinkin somethings gonna happen between Noah & Meadow and Jackie Jr. is gonna walk in on it, that will be the end of the mulenan.
posted on 04-21-2001 @ 4:43 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

Why dont they finish story lines? Are they ever gonna go back o them or what?

We still got 5 episodes left, they have built up all the tension and i feel the last 3 or 4 episodes will tie it all together.

This is how they have done it every season but ofocurse they are gonaa leave us hanging with some fuckin thing.

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posted on 04-21-2001 @ 4:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i read yesterday that next season might be the last year of the Sopranos...i hope thats just a bluff it would suck to see that happen to such a great show

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posted on 04-21-2001 @ 4:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Only 5 episodes left? You've got to be fucking kidding!
I was just thinking to myself that this season is very slow moving and I wish they would do something big already. Aside from 2 or 3 episodes, this season has been kinda boring to me.
Come on Tony, whack somebody already!

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posted on 04-21-2001 @ 4:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
i read that too. david chase said that he only wants to make four seasons. i really hope that isn't true though.

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