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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Why Kurt? Why?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Why Kurt? Why?
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 9:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01


Probably the only choice since Angle has heel experience


Not so. The Rock was a member of the Nation of Domination.

And let's not forget Y2J he was great in WCW....I use to think the whole Rufus thing was hilarous.

Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 10:43 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Ralphus, but why be picky. I like the move of Angle to the alliance, and see a lot of talent on that side of the roster. Of course, i also enjoyed watching Nitro every week too so...sure the guys are younger, and greener, but they are also hungry. Give them the time to mature on the big stage and they will prove it. as for what is gonna happen at the ppv...

On the smackdown prior to the ppv, vince's lawyer (or perhaps vince himself) will announce that if the wwf should lose by some miracle, the shows will not be transfered over to the alliance due to legal mumbo jumbo, so the alliance will still have no place to be on the stips will change...the alliance will get a show if they win (saturday night slot) while the wwf will keep its 2 shows...just an idea

AIM: SkiT4you
what's a status?
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 10:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I do not see the Alliance getting their own show.

If the ratings are bad for the entire roster being on the show, how would the ratings do any better for another show on a Saturday night where not too many people watch. And why would guys like Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Dudleys, RVD want to be on what really is a 2nd rate show. I cannot imagin a Raw or a Smackdown with these big guys not on it. I think it would hurt the ratings for both.

They need to get rid of the Alliance period. They need to combine the workers. Use a storyline, that when the Alliance loses they can come work for the WWF but have to start from the bottom up and Austin and others have to wrestle guys like Scottie 2 Hottie and Steve Blackman.

They than need to either get rid of all the guys who have no current storyline and are just throw ins or use these guys for the Saturday night Show and Sunday Night Heat and throw a mid carder to upper superstar every now and than tog et ratings.

Austin needs to be bad ass good guy and Vince has to be the bad guy. Turn either Jericho or Rock the bad guy already.

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 11-01-2001 @ 7:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
the WWF needs a spark, they didn't get it in the Angle defecting storyline, Austin or RVD turning to the WWF will be what they need, i am predicting seperate shows for the time being, with WWF stars interfering sometimes, and 1 or 2 matches on PPV being mixed, i heard somewhere that Vince plans on selling the WCW and/or ECW around mid-february

I have had enough with Sig Pics, I should have gotten adopted!


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