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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - So MTV is 20...

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: So MTV is 20...
I Rooned It
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 12:12 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
If anyone saw the 20th year special, post your thoughts here.

Personally I thought it was just a celebration of how it destroyed the music industry since '81. It seems that because of them every band that's not their standard of radio friendly, demographic focusing, and blatant commercializing is going to remain underground or, in a way, blacklisted. MTV kind of reminds me of the music mafia.

In order for a band to make it these days they have to use image over actual talent. Some of the best bands out there may not look video friendly, but they blow away MTV music in terms of creativity and talent.

Also, if you look around it seems obvious that too many high school/college kids depend on this station to think for them and it creates a huge social barrier.

MTV seems like the perfect station for the "in-crowd" who stuck their noses in the air to the "outcasts". If a guy doesn't look like he came from a boy band and if a girl doesn't make herself look all "high maintanence" like Christina or Brittney, then neither will be accepted.

Bottom line: It makes me sick!

Feel free to tell me what you think.
AolIm: SuckaMC26

You Give Me Head, It Makes it Worse. Take out Your Fucking Retainer, put it in Your Purse. ---Jello Biafra
Received my GED at Tequila's Academy for "special" children.

This message was edited by I Rooned It on 8-2-01 @ 12:15 AM

posted on 08-02-2001 @ 12:15 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Although this is the 3rd thread on the subject this is necesary to post. Funny how Jello Biafra saw it coming.

M.T.V.-Get off the Air
Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
Flame up the herb
Woof down the beer

I'm your video DJ
I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes
I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

My job is to help destroy
What's left of your imagination
By feeding you endless doses
Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

So don't create
Be sedate
Be a vegetable at home
And thwack on that dial
If we have our way even you will believe
This is the future of rock and roll

How far will you go
How low will you stoop
To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill

You've turned rock and roll rebellion
Into Pat Boone sedation
Making sure nothing's left to the imagination M.T.V. Get off the M.T.V. Get off the


Get off the air
Get off the air See the latest rejects from the muppet show
Wag their tits and their dicks
As they lip-synch on screen

There's something I don't like
About a band who always smiles
Another tax write-off
For some schmuck who doesn't care M.T.V. Get off the air And so it was
Our beloved corporate gods
Claimed they created rock video
Allowing it to sink as low in one year
As commercial TV has in 25

"It's the new frontier," they say
It's wide open, anything can happen
But you've got a lot of nerve
To call yourself a pioneer
When you're too god-damn conservative
To take real chances.

Graph-paper brained accountants
Instead of music fans
Call all the shots at giant record companies now

The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game

But sales are slumping
And no one will say why
Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!? M.T.V.-Get off the air! NOW

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here
IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought into the International
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 12:35 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
fuck eMpTVy

I love all types of music (except for country). It sickens me that MTV only will play what is popular for the moment. (ie, Grunge early 90's, Gangsta Rap mid 90's, sugar pop, late 90's, 2000, some rock now)

It makes me even more ill that MTV virtually controls EVERY video channel. MTV2(formerly the excellent channel the box), VH1, and even BET!

Diversity is the key to variety. So in response to MTV support your local artists, download mp3s, and all of that shit.

--Lent, the poster formerly known as Rowelentless--

2 Slots (huh huh I said slots) are now open in the LENT's school of enlightenment.
I Rooned It
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 12:46 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
AM, good song choice. I almost forgot about that song. From "Frankenchrist" if I remember.

DK, that's band you will never find on MTV, because they have decency!

You Give Me Head, It Makes it Worse. Take out Your Fucking Retainer, put it in Your Purse. ---Jello Biafra
Received my GED at Tequila's Academy for "special" children.

fuggin moron
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 6:29 AM      
Registered: Aug. 00

DK, that's band you will never find on MTV, because they have decency!
Yeah, because Jello has the decency NOT to put the band (DK's) back together for any reason...especially money...

From Jello Biafra on his Alternative Tentacles site:
I think that people know that [a Dead Kennedys reformation] is out of the question. There was one local fly-by-nighter who offered $100,000 for ten days but I didn't dignify that call with a reply. The most ridiculous offer of all was from Gene Simmons of KISS calling me up wanting movie rights to Frankenchrist trial...

click on my sig pic to view my photo albums

I try to sleep, they're wide awake, they won't leave me alone.
They don't get paid to take vacations, or let me alone.
They spy on me, I try to hide, they won't let me alone.
They persecute me, they're the judge and jury all in one.
Heroin Bob
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 10:35 AM      
Registered: May. 01
In response to Lent, "The Box" was hardly excellent.

Absolutely spectacular, and 1337 as hell.
posted on 08-02-2001 @ 1:19 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
I never liked "The Box" much either. Mtv is a media empire, which is horrible! They have control over what music gets listened to and becomes popular. Shouldn't we all have that right? I also love all types of music (even country) yet Mtv cannot accomodate me. I think it has something to do with the fact that they play every popular song over and over again, til you would rather lick your own asshole than hear it again. By the way, I am just ranting and raving so forgive gramatical errors...but God, Mtv does piss me off!

Displaying 1-7 of 7 messages in this thread.