
Full Version: And then one band camp.....
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Actually I was surrounded by marines and FEMALE Dominican hookers. But thank you for your concern my friend.
Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
Actually I was surrounded by marines and FEMALE Dominican hookers. But thank you for your concern my friend.
How do you know for sure if they were female is you said you passed out? Wink
Cause I gots the pictures to prove it...but none with my butt in the air...sorry all you pervs out there.
Quote:I took a shit in a bathtub once.
Quote:Originally posted by vampchick
Quote:I took a shit in a bathtub once.
Don't make me break out the pictures missy. Tongue
Quote:Don't make me break out the pictures missy.
i dont know what is more disturbing the fact that you shit in the tub or that you took pictures of it
I took the pictures.
Quote:Originally posted by IrishAlkey
I took the pictures.

Give 'em back, fag.
I photographed the event.

I'd say something, but my penis draped over your shoulder says so much more.
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