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I don't believe it.
He was awesome and this fucking sucks.

That's all i have to say.
R.I.P Johnny
Poor guy died of a broken heart. He only lost his wife what six months ago?? Sad day for music.
Last night, I went out to dinner with a couple of my friends. Over dinner we had a conversation about great Johnny Cash is. We got deeper into talking and said how badly he looks and that it was his time to go be reunited with June.
Oddly enough, at ten this morning my mother awoke me to tell me that Johnny had passed on. It was so eerie but in a way I was glad to know he wasn't suffering anymore.
He left behind his legacy of music that spanned over 5 decades. I will sorely miss "The Man in Black".
Wonder how long those wackos in Kansas will say he is in hell, for being a fag enabler or some stupid shit like that.
They do it with every celebrity.
Spinner is running a Johnny Cash tribute station tonight for anyone who cares. Good stuff.

I only recently (last year or so) started listening to some Johnny Cash and realizing how great he is. This is a sad day for music, but he will live on through all of us who listen, and especially all of us who hear songs he wrote and discover them as if they were brand new.

Stay Black, Johnny.