
Full Version: Challenge to the Board......
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Winner is the first person the miserable cunt of a new mod Hottie throws in the cell......

[Dr. Evil]How about no, Scott?[/Dr. Evil]

(Hawt Baux tm 2003)
If I had any idea what any of these fucking buttons did, you miserable piece of shit, I'd lock this.

Rotten, rotten, jealous prick.

But great game!!!!!!!!!!! What's not fair is that I can't follow through.

You mean a "super mod" can't toss someone in the cell.......

Maybe I am glad I am not a mod.....

if all it means is you are an impotent piece of shit with your names in itallics.
looks like kenny is trying to win the very game he started.

thats kinda silly, no?

its like playing a pick up game of 21....

by yourself.
Screw you.

My name looks hot in bolded italics.
Keep telling yourself that....

now that you are a mod, there is no difference left between you and Ninny....
i didn't realize we had a cell.
Can't we just leave Toronto Hostess alone untill she gets more accustomed to the controls.
Quote:Toronto Hostess

GIP has never wanted her more.
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