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Quote:I'm STILL the Dark God of War!!!
actually, punkass came to mind
Quote:Originally posted by Upuauat
I'm STILL the Dark God of War!!!

Kiss my ass

Wimawep is here now to? And I thought it was a bad sign when I showed up.
Quote:Originally posted by Hosp
Wimawep is here now to? And I thought it was a bad sign when I showed up.

Now, that's when we hit rock bottom. It's taken an upturn since. (if you don't count mcnabb, snoogans, mulligan, The Man, 460, roonie,.....the list is too long to count...fuck it.)

and now thanks to you and suzie - I have that jungle song stuck in my head....

a wimawep, a wimawep, a wimawep, a wimawep....
oh in the jungle.....
The mighty jungle...
The lion sleeps ....toooonight!
oh In the Jungle....
the MIGHTY jungle...the lion sleeeeps tonight...

ohhhhhh weeeeeeeeeeeee
Quote: Upuauat
<img src=>

You guys forgot <b>Imhotep</b>.
I was more partial to IHOP...

in the jungle, the mighty jungle... the lion sleeeeeps tonight
Quote:Originally posted by Tenbatsuzen
I was more partial to IHOP...

in the jungle, the mighty jungle... the lion sleeeeeps tonight

fuckin bastard! I just got through getting that damn motherfucking song out of my head and now it's back....

See if ever I take you to Sea World again....
Quote:Originally posted by Grumpy
Quote:Originally posted by Hosp
Wimawep is here now to? And I thought it was a bad sign when I showed up.

Now, that's when we hit rock bottom. It's taken an upturn since. (if you don't count mcnabb, snoogans, mulligan, The Man, 460, roonie,.....the list is too long to count...fuck it.)

Im hurt, not as hurt as Id be if I wasnt mentioned at all, but hurt just the same.
Pages: 1 2