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I have a friend who loves everything music from the 70's and that's it, no music from before or after, just music from the 70s. I also know people who like pure 60s music, but they also dabble in newer music as well. I like music from many different generations, styles, artists, etc. Are you a fan of a specific era of music?
70's were the best for me.

That is all.
Not particularly no but i guess if i viewed all the albums i own as a whole it'd have to be 89-to present.
believe it or not, I'd have to agree with Hawt Baux. 89 or so is when the good shit started coming out, however I was still too young to even know what good music was up until 96 or so......
Early 80s to present.
From the 30's till present.
From Bach to Opeth. Gregorian chant to Glassjaw. Mozart to Metallica.
70's and 80's.
Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater
From Bach to Opeth. Gregorian chant to Glassjaw. Mozart to Metallica.

Stop lying.... are you serious???

Classical snoozer???
Early 80's up until Rap and Hip-Hop took over. Rolleyes
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