
Full Version: OIMG OMG Ur not gonna believ this!!!!!
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Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod

HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!1!1!!!!

LOL LOL LOL ROTFLMAO!!!!!11!!111!!

I can't even compete with that stupidity.
Therefore I'm keeping my mouth shut.

if you wired it shut, you'd lose some of those folds
Quote:Originally posted by The Man
if you wired it shut, you'd lose some of those folds


Such a loser....
wait. What's with all the hating on the story. What's the point of the link. I posted the damn story.

It shouldn't be too friggin hard to find. Someone got killed on set. It's still only 8:00 west coast. It might take a while for it to hit their papers.
Quote:Originally posted by The Man
wait. What's with all the hating on the story. What's the point of the link. I posted the damn story.

It shouldn't be too friggin hard to find. Someone got killed on set. It's still only 8:00 west coast. It might take a while for it to hit their papers.

Well, why dont you show us where you got it?
This was actually on the news last year. This is something that happened about a year ago. It was on cnn, and nbc.. Production was halted for a few weeks last year. I dont know they are reporting it again. It is the same exact article from last year.
I'll track it down if it exists.
Quote:Originally posted by banana_juice
This was actually on the news last year. This is something that happened about a year ago. It was on cnn, and nbc.. Production was halted for a few weeks last year. I dont know they are reporting it again. It is the same exact article from last year.

you am dumb
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