
Full Version: HITTING WOMEN!!!
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Im not one to beat a women but sometimes I love'd love too, is it ever ok and have you ever felt this way before? I've only hit girls that liked to be hit,slapped, bitten,ect, anyone else or am I alone in my sick little world?
I think RF is about to fall in love.

You should hang out with Sean Connery, the two of you would get along beautifully I bet.
awwww.....ain't I a Romantic or what!!!
Speak to these boys, they'll help you out.

[Image: 8850.jpg]

[Image: leykis.jpg]
ewww. Tom Lickass.
A sharp metal object will do wonders. Make sure to give your bitch one too.
Nothing wrong with smacking your bitch around occasionally.
You should only hit a woman if shes watching Trading Spaces instead of bleaching your shorts when you get home.

Have you ever heard the term "rule of thumb"?
Do you know where that came from?
In the early 1900's it was legal for a man to beat his wife for any reason as long as the stick he used was no wider than his thumb.

Did our forefathers have their shit together, or what?
I have to agree with that.
No one knew more about how to throw a beating than them.

They had to deal with indians, slaves, wandering cattle.
That'll teach about proper punch placement.
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