
Full Version: One of my favorite sites has gone public!
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[Image: welcoming_committee.jpg]
I'll bounce in and out thank you.
I was recently invited to join that fine institution over the weekend. I declined. But my inviter insisted. I thought he was trying to lure me to a motel for sweet lovins. I declined again.

I don't want to spread my greatness too thin.
We have free samples of weiner puffs!
Try posting this on

That'll help!
Quote:Originally posted by IrishAlkey
They're all over there wearing little name tags and forsting cupcakes.

Don't disappoint them.
Been there, done that. It was fun before the bullshit. But I do like cupcakes with forsting......
Chocolate forsting?
Chocolate forsting is the bestest.
Quote:Originally posted by Keyser Soze
We have free samples of weiner puffs!

Don't buy the hype. I've visited.

I never got any fucking weiner puffs.
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