
Full Version: FU to motorcycle drivers...
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Well. The ones that think that the compact nature of their vehicle entitles them to drive like assholes and put everyone at risk.

I'm a pretty mellow driver. I used to be aggressive and all that bullshit but now I just cruise along between 60 and 80mph and mind my own business.

Last night I was taking my son for a ride. It was getting kind of dark but I could see a motorcycle approaching in the right lane to pass me. That's cool except there was a tractor trailer in front of him and I was closing the gap between me and the truck.

So I figure he'll just jump behind me and ride my ass until I got over in front of the truck. This ass shoots by at about 100 mph in between me and the truck which had to be a 5 foot gap or less. Apparently I wasn't expecting it because I jerked the wheel to the left and it took me a good 3 or 4 counter steers to regain control and not drive under the truck's tires.

And my Son is like "weeeee.... Yayyyyyy." Good thing he was there though because that split second brought back all that aggression I thought I got rid of. But I looked over and said okay we are going home and I got off the interstate.

Something about dudes driving rice burners like assholes just makes me want to turn into them and send them flying sometimes.

AAaaaaahhhhhh. Okay I feel calm down.
my next door neighbor rides a harley. He's a really nice guy.
Quote:Well. The ones that think that the compact nature of their vehicle entitles them to drive like assholes and put everyone at risk.

Quote:Something about dudes driving rice burners like assholes just makes me want to turn into them and send them flying sometimes.
do you really expect people to read that whole post, 60?
No, but if you decide not to then don't reply. I specifically added those parts because most bikers I know ride Harleys and are nice guys.
what? we're supposed to stay on topic too???!?!??!

ROOONER!!! can you put an end to this?
orioles and hummingbirds both drink nectar. orioles out of orange feeders and hummingbirds out of red. Happy?
*bows to the master
I'll be sure to hit the biker next time. Fer sure. That would've made for a better story.
On an on topic related note. Im friends with crotch rocket and harley riders. And my crotch rockets are friends are usually much more brash (read=assholish) in their riding. They are the ones doing 120 down 422 and 76, doing wheelies and endos. My harley buddies just cruise. Its the bikes themselves that induce this behavior. Having rode both, I can tell you that the rice burners almost MAKE you ride like that. They are so sling shot fast and easy to ride, they just BEG for you to screw around on them. Where as harley are just fun to lay back and rumble down the highway on. But yeah, most crotch rocket riders=selfish risk taking assholes that put others at risk. Thats why I ride an enduro.
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