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So I am sitting there at a funeral this morning for my uncle, and this priest, Holy shit. He starts giving his sermon about how we start dying the second we are born and how the dead person is not coming back, not calling again, not this, that etc. It appeared to me that this was not a sermon to uplift the hearts or emotions of the relatives who lost someone but to serve as a not so subtle reminder, that, hey buddy, you're gonna die too. Can you get anymore depressing?? So the point you're driving home here, Father, is that we are nothing more than persons sitting and waiting to die?? Real comforting sentiments, ya jackass. It was like, no fun, no anything, just sit there and await the inevitable. Thank you for playing. It amazed me how this priest kept mentioning death and stuff, I thought the purpose of the funeral was to mourn and celebrate the life of the person who has died, not to remind you about 15 different ways, that the clock is ticking and you never know when the reaper is gonna come a calling.

One funny note to this, later on, my brother and I were discussing it and we both realized that, we, John and Jimmy, we two, are the SURVIVORS!!!!!!!!
I am so requesting this eulogy at my funeral.
Just so someone can come up to your relatives and tell them in a French Sounding Voice how they are the SURVIVORS????
I'm gonna be like Eleanor Rigby. No one is gonna show up.
Let's test this theory today Moosey.
Life sucks. The dead are the lucky ones.
Quote:Originally posted by header
Let's test this theory today Moosey.

Make sure you send out flyers for it. That will be sure to keep them away.
The priest at my grandmother's funeral got on my nerves. He most of been snorting coke because he looked like he had a stuffy nose. Anyway I'm not big on the whole calling the body 'the shell' as in the soul has gone on to heavy. Something about seeing my grandmom's shell sitting there just creeped me out.