
Full Version: FU FAFSA
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Here I am, planning on attending what looks to hopefully be my 2nd to last semester of college before getting my BA. Last year, I paid for my classes w/a loan (I go part time). This year, I wanted to do a loan again, but the school said I needed to refile for financial aid before I apply for the loan. Fine. No problem.
So, I re-file for financial aid at the end of June, figuring that FAFSA would have an answer for me before today (my tuition was due today). Waiting around since the beginning of July for an answer, all I got from TAP was a form that needed my signature. And this was last month. And, still to this day, have not heard an answer. Call FA over the weekend, and they tell me that I need to call my school to find out if I'm elligible for aid. Odd, considering last year I got a letter saying that I wasn't eligible from FAFSA themselves. Now they tell me that I have to call the school? What kind of bullshit is this?
Ok, so I called the school on Monday- they kindly tell me that I'm not elligible, and at this point I'm fuming b/c now I'm fucked- too late to apply for a loan, and they say that I should come down & pay in cash or speak to a loan officer. Fuck that. So, I was informed about AMS payment- I spoke w/them, put 2 months payment down on Monday night, to cover my ass, and still didn't hear anything if the school accepted the payment. I called AMS today- they tell me that the school knows I paid and that my classes won't be dropped. THANK GOD.
Point being- FAFSA's too fucking slow and they sit with their thumbs up their asses when it comes to sending out letters letting people know whether or not they will recieve aid. By this time, I should've gotten a letter, but apparently they all think that we're mind readers and that I should know to call the school to find out my elligibility.
Luckily, I was saved by AMS. I'm never going thru that shit again with financial aid...they're incompetant and slow as shit, and when it comes down to the wire, they're of absolutley NO fucking help.
What the hell kinda school do you go to that makes their tuition due so early?
tuition is usually due in august since classes usually start should file fafsa right after you do your taxes to give them plenty of time. i always did that and never had a problem and it does have to be done annually.
Yeah I always remember doing my fafsa shit in the early spring. But I paid tuitition as late as the day before classes start. Are classes starting this early?

Either way it sucks, bite, are there any other avenues you can go to get this taken care of?
Quote:Originally posted by Rooner

[Image: MM530.jpg]
Rob a bank.
My classes start on the 30th- lucky me. I applied for AMS assistance- they help out w/tuition payments on a monthly basis as opposed to paying in full. So, I paid them for last month's and this month's payment, and I have to pay until December. It's a lot easier this way.
So, I'm in the clear.