
Full Version: Scott Muni Dead at 74
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I know a lot of people here don't even like O&A but goddamn, they've missed so many deaths to make great shows out of.

Scott Muni Dead
Get out of my head....I think the first chance they get, they'll dedicate a show to nothing but those that have passed...

But it is sad the old guy finally passed on, I guess it does come in threes. First Buddy, Ebsen, then Reagan and now Scott..

"Comin" to heaven...
I really am sad. I used to love that he would kicked off his show with the Beatles block. He had such a distinctive voice. 12 o'clock won't be the same without him
Wow, that fucking sucks donkey dick. Rest in peace mah nizzle fo shizzle dizzle
so Earl did outlive Scott Muni.
Great now ill have to hear a fuckin tribute to him when they do the "tickett to ride" on sundfay morning. Not that im not saddened by his passing or anything, but he played the same songs and the same interviews every sunday morning. Its the only good music on sunday mornings though, cuz KROCK has that stupid health journal. oh well, at leat O&A will do somthing for him when they get back in a few days.

RIP Scottso.
The Beatles were awful!!!
Hopefuly 104.3's obsession with them died with Scotso!!
some how i dont think so cuz well the BEatles are classic rock. Q1043 wont stop playing their songs just cuz Scott Muni died. Hopefully theyll just stop doing "ticket to ride" on sunday mornings like i said earlier.
Quote:Originally posted by mrcrowley1206
The Beatles were awful!!!
Hopefuly 104.3's obsession with them died with Scotso!!

li'l Jimmy? that you?
Out of all those DJ's that were at the old WNEW, Scott Muni was the only one they actually got along with and was cool with them.

He didn't even mind when they made fun of him unlike some other dj twatbags like Carol Miller(doublednew n-e-doublednew)

He actually played different songs on his one hour show that weren't on the playlist for Q104 during the rest of the day