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So, I have been down in Jacksonville since August on a project (doing the LGA commute). Well, finally I gather up the courage to go to a Poker Room down here with a co-worker. Normally I play a half dollar/dollar game on line and I have been losing. So I am nervous as shit. I turn in $50 and sit down at the table, my legs working like TrayC vibrator for at least 30 minutes. By the time I leave 3 hours later, I have cashed in by original buy in and take up a bigger pile to the cashier.

3 hours, $62 profit.

I could not believe how bad the tables were compared to the on-line game. This was fucking sweet. Loose, Dumb-ass callers. And I am transparent as glass. My friend knew exactly what I had, yet peole would still call. Let's see the board: anyone with an 8 has a straight and Sloats wakes up and starts betting, four calls.

Why didn't I start in September.

Well, please join me in my happiness. This is the one thing that has taken the sting away from being down here in 70* weather.
I would respond, and pretend I give a shit, but I'm not funny.
That F is turning into a T...