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whatever do you mean by that? :duh:
Quote:Originally posted by MYLF
So I guess you like not having sex? Angel

You were talking to GIP, right?
Wasn't my post right after his? :nod:
Quote:Originally posted by MYLF
Wasn't my post right after his? :nod:

maybe you just don't know what you are missing?

would you beleive i have excellent references?
Do you think people got scared of your next post GIP?
do you think???

Or are they writing it all down for future reference?
Is it just me, or is everyone in a wierd mood today?Confusedpin:
Would you believe us if we told you it was just you, Barry? :nod:
Why do I find it hard to believe that Barry is the only weird one around here?
what is "weird"? How do you define "weird"?