
Full Version: What I Believe:
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear.

I believe in you and me.

I believe I can fly.
I believe it's time for lunch...

whoops. Wrong thread....
I believe I laughed hard when the Lakers lost.
I believe that Rape can go longer between orgasms than Tiny can between mentioning my name.


I don't believe I've mentioned your erroneous name in quite some time. Unless you count cumstain or assfuck as your name.
I believe I might have my named changed to cumstain,
not on the board,
in real life.
I believe I wasted 5 minutes reading this thread.
I believe you check out Hooked on Phonics,
it's a 2 minute max.
Pages: 1 2 3 4